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Lv 4
Jooles asked in HealthMental Health · 1 decade ago

Not going to work tomorrow - anxiety?

I am currently under treatment from my doctor and seeing a counsellor for depression and anxiety. A lot of my problems stem from work, but I have carried on coming in day after day like normal.

However, I am currently experiencing more and more panic attacks at work and when I think about coming to work.

I just can't face coming in tomorrow. I know this sounds very dramatic (and I wouldn't actually do anything) but the irrational part of my mind would rather I got hurt than have to come to work tomorrow.

I have tried contacting my GP this afternoon to see if he could help, maybe sign me off for a few days or something, but my surgery closes at lunch time on a Wednesday and I missed it.

What can I do prevent me having to come to work tomorrow?

(P.S. It feels really weird to write such a desperate and needy sounding thing on a website. Very unlike me.)


Hey, just wanted to say thanks for all the answers so far. I was really worried that I'd get a lot of people just being mean or something, but seeing the support in these answers is really helpful.

Thank you.

19 Answers

  • Jules
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi Jooles

    Nothing you say sounds dramatic or over the top to me, I have been in exactly the same situation as you.

    I hope by now that you have managed to arrange to see your GP today and that you rang work and told them that you aren't well enough to go today.

    I'm not sure that I would agree with people that have told you to discuss this with HR and your manager. Again, been there and done that, and it doesn't always prove helpful, mainly because they don't understand mental illness.

    My suggestion would be to find your local mental health charity

    they are easy to access and you don't need to be referred by anyone else.

    The are very friendly, much more informal than the health services and they have lots of knowledge and understanding.

    At times when I couldn't face going to work I used my local drop-in centre as a safe place to go where it didn't matter that I was in distress and where I knew I would get support and understanding.

    It also means that you have somewhere to go while you are off work rather than being at home isolated and more depressed. I used to find that eventually I would begin to join in with conversations, or even if I just sat quietly in a corner it helped to have other people around.

    These links to the Mind website may also prove useful

    Understanding depression:

    Understanding anxiety:

    How to cope with panic attacks:

    Making sense of counselling:

    I hope some of this proves useful to you.

    Take care and please get the help that you need and deserve.

    Source(s): Mental health support worker Sufferer of clinical depression
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I know exactly how you feel. Someone told me I looked ill today and I was desperately hoping it was some horrible virus so I could have the rest of the week off.

    Call the doctor first thing in the morning and straight after that ring work, if it's early enough you'll get away with leaving a message (I hate ringing in...) Tell them you have a bad headache and can't see straight, or you ate something bad last night, and that you have a doc's appointment.

    Is your job the one that you really want to be doing? If it's not, then leave and either re-train, find another job, or take some time to yourself (if your circumstance allow it).

    Good for you for already getting help with it, but you are doing yourself no favours if work is making it worse. Good luck :)

  • 1 decade ago

    You have every right to call in sick without being signed off. You get 7 days now before you need to see your G.P. You could tell them you have a bug if youre not comfortable with the truth but its certainly nothing to be ashamed of. Have you got an understanding boss? Perhaps you could talk to him/her about it, if your problems stem from work then surely they are obliged to take action to help you.

    I suffered anxiety for years and it can be so debilitating, but you are getting all the right treatment so there is no reason why you shouldnt make a full recovery. I am so much better now, i had counselling too.

    Why not just call in sick, see your G.P tomorrow and you can talk about the next step. Take one thing at a time, i imagine you are feeling very anxious about going to work so deal with that first. I hope you start feeling better soon xx

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What would you do if you had a bad case of the flu? Anxiety has physical causes and effects, and if you seriously can't go to work tomorrow, don't go. Don't let guilt or worry slip in about it, either. Only you know whether or not you can make it, and it's okay if you can't. You're doing all you can and working on it with the doctors. Treat this like the sickness it is and ask yourself how you would handle things if you were physically ill. I'd just call in sick and do the best I could to get through this.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You are suffering a condition that is apparently being caused by work. This is something you need to identify and your doctor and counsellor would be able to help you with this. Your employer has a responsibility towards you and as such is responsible for helping you with identifying and relieving any unnecessary stress that you are suffering as a result of your job. You should inform your employer of the situation but you must be ready to discuss with them to give them an opportunity to sort things out. At the end of the day you should ask yourself whether the job is right for you!

  • 1 decade ago

    Ok try a fresh start this way,

    Take a rock or something in your hands similar. Now in a noisy room try to close your eyes and concentrate on the rock, all of it's shapes and patterns, and all details. Blocking all noise , and disturbances from you. When you achieve this goal, you will be able to set the rock down and start with a clean mind, unconfused for the moment. Then decide if you need to see a doctor about these symptoms.

    Source(s): Simple things like this help alot.
  • 5 years ago

    There are multiple kinds of disorders that deal with anxiety. Although most can manifest in similar ways, these disorders generally occur due to different events in your life. Natural home remedies for anxiety

    Generalized anxiety disorder includes persistent and unnecessary worries about everyday, common events or activities, which can disrupt concentration and lead to other issues, such as depression.

  • 1 decade ago

    personally i just think you need someone to discuss things with and after a chat things will seeem less chaotic and after you havent been to work you will begin to worry about that , and i think i kinda throught the same feelings as you and just cant face work or people and i think a lot of people go through stuff, and if you dont wana go just tell them you recieved a letter today telling you that you had to see a doctor tomorrow and you couldnt cancel it as its taken a while to come through and you will have to wait months again and also there a laws for people at work and you shouldnt be treated badly

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why don't you want to go to work? Do you think it is really the cause of your anxiety, or is the problem with it a symptom? If it is the cause, just be firm, phone them, say you don't feel up to coming in, and ask to go in and talk to your HR manager to discuss your concerns. Having a problem at work isn't good for anyone, I'm sure you won't be working at your fullest potential, so it's in everyone's interest to sort it out. Take a deep breath, and do something to fix the problem, not tinker with the effects of it. It'll make you feel a lot better to take some control of the situation.

  • 1 decade ago

    Talk to appropriate personel at your job about it to document that you may need to leave the job because its making you sick to be there or to deal with situations there. You are giving them plenty of notice each time to meet with them to discuss any progress or to update them. Word it as well as you can as these things will be put in your work record and you don't know who will end up handling that info later on. Perhaps consider another type of work or work environment. Something out doors, with kids running and playing. Independently working with little or no contact with other people.

    Good Luck!!!

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