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Who's the better Christian and why?

Mary is a member of a big church. She attends every Sunday till noon, including Bible study and coffee & donut socials after mass. She's a member of the choir and goes to practice twice a week & prays every night. She pays 10% of her income to the church; most of which pays the pastor and covers the overhead. Every morning she leash walks her 2 dogs on the sidewalk.

Anthony doesn't go to church. He volunteers at an animal shelter every Sunday morning for 4 hours; feeding, cleaning cages, walking the dogs and helping with minor medical issues. On holidays he serves food to the needy at a local shelter or as a meals on wheels driver. He pays 10% of his income directly to local charities where the money will reach those who need it. He jogs every morning before work, where he claims he thinks about God, the meaning of life and how to be a better person. He has to step into the street to get around Mary whose 2 leashes always block the sidewalk, oblivious to those around her.

30 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Love for God is not a game played with points who does what!Please read Matthew 20.Im certain Jesus allready answered your question. Your a deep thinker and I loved your question.Mama Rea

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Threre is a difference between worshipping an icon, which is all Jesus is to many Christians, and following in the footsteps of a man that preached the Kingdom of God on earth existing in the hearts of those who DO the will of God. I'm quite sure Yeshua had no interest in being worshipped, or choir meetings, or any of that lifestyle Christianity nonsense. But he was quite specific about feeding orphans and widows, visiting prisoners, etc. The theme of Yeshua was that compassion is the only righteousness that matters. Reflected in the OT passage Hosea 6:6 that he quotes in Matthew 9:13 (King James Version) 13But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

  • 1 decade ago

    The better Christian is the Christian that follower's the Holy Bible and lives there life as Jesus would have them do.

    There is SOooo many Religions that make there own things up and you can't find what there teaching anywhere in the Bible. Jesus said "in vain they do worship me, teaching for commandments the doctrines of men". How sad it is to hear all these different Religions doing this. I did find The Seventh-Day Adventist's to be ones that sticks right to the Bible and teaches strictly from it and not taking anything from it or adding anything to it.

    Is a wonderful place to get answers strictly from the Bible. I was so blessed to have found this site and I know you will be too. Also

    is a great place to go and study Bible prophecy, you get to watch it and answer as you go and at the end of the course they send you a "Bible Prophecy Diploma" ITS GREAT !

    Good luck everyone & God Bless all....

  • 1 decade ago

    Anthony is the better of the 2. Church is a bad institution. It is a waste of time but I guess if you think it is good than more power to you. Anthony is doing something productive rather than thinking about doing something productive.

    No matter the religion of a person, being a good samaritan makes them better than those who aren't.

    Im not a Christian, but I help people at the gym, give 5 dollars out of every paycheck to charity, donate anytime there is a fundraiser at the hospital and genuinely care about the patient's well being while at work. On top of that, I do everything I can for my fiancee and try to find time to help my parents when they need it. That makes me a better person than someone who goes to church and then thinks about themselves the rest of the week.

    In short, Mary is living by Pascal's Wager and Anthony is living to help.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Being a Christian is not about competing to see who is better. Its about treating others with respect, if a person is seeking to be recognized by the society they miss the point. Its about doing the right thing without seeking human reward, its about being humble. God will judge us accordingly, for only He knows the hearts of mankind.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ...first of all the word "Christian" is an invented word by the Roman Church; which has over the centuries, twisted and skewed the Word of God to fit it's agenda..."Mary" is following the "traditions", "doctrines", "dogmas" and catechisms of the "old men of Rome" and not the words of Christ...(so Mary has lots to learn yet)... Anthony, as wonderful has his action may outwardly seem has not found the Truth... all his "works" are worldly wonderful, however, he has missed the message of Christ (and like Mary, has lot to learn yet)... The answer is clear, simple and easy to find "If" they truly want to...

    Source(s): Matthew, chapter 5 vs. 3 thru 12. John, chapter 3 vs. 5 & 6. John, chapter 3 vs. 16, 17 & 18. and Ephesians, chapter 2 vs. 8 & 9.
  • 1 decade ago

    People serve God in different ways.

    The problem I have with this scenerio is that because Anthony "thinks about God", does not assure his salvation, and if Mary is walking TWO dogs, her mind is occupied with keeping herself and the animals safe!

    We can not know the heart and mind of another...........THAT is God's call.

  • 1 decade ago

    Gods ways are not our ways and we are not to lean to our own is not a building but the believers of Christ...all believers are to love and help each other..i dont think one is any better than the other they both sound like good people to me

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know too much history about either of these people, to justify their Christian beliefs. Even though Mary and Anthony, do good things, we don't know their hearts. Why is Mary and Anthony doing what they do?

  • 1 decade ago

    neither is better than the other. if they both are christians and not just saying they are then they both have the right to worship how they choose. no one should ever be compared to anyone else for any reason. after does the bible not state judge not lest ye be judged.

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