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Bo asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

Why no world condemnation at the Israeli threat to unleash a holocaust on the Palestinians!!???!?!? disgusting

The Holocaust was the cold blooded murder of mostly Jews, to which the world at the time let go on. However, it is now NOT at all acceptable for an Israeli minister to threaten Palestinians with mass murder of innocent Palestinian civillians!

The sad fact of the matter is that the Israeli's murder Palestinians and the Palestinians murder Israelis; however Israel murders at such a scale and kills anyone and everyone who is Palestinian, whether they be children, human right workers or grandmothers!!!

Israel must stop this offensive (which includes land grab) and only then can there be a ceasefire and both sides can both sides attempt to form peaceful Isreal and a peaceful Palestine.


Islam and Judaism are both religions of peace. There are many jewish lobby groups who oppose the land grab system.

I believe both Israel and Palestine have a right to exist.

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have done this once but here we go.

    If you leave religion out of this, and look at it logically it has no basis in reality.

    The word 'holocaust' refers to the mass murder of 'ethnic' peoples, that includes the political dissidents, gypsies, other groups of non indigenous populations, foreign nationals and up to and including the mentally ill, deformed and physically handicapped.

    What we are really talking about here is 'genocide' the removal of people by way of death! for reasons of avarice or hatred.

    May I, if you are prepared to listen, educate you on one or two points?.

    Firstly, there are two kinds of Israeli's, those who want a good life, a full life and a pleasant life, and the second are the religious Israeli's.

    Now the religious Israeli's believe that the 'Talmud' contains prophesies that will come to pass, the main one being 'the coming of the 'Messiah'

    The Messiah will only come when Israel has 'overcome' its enemies and Israel is returned to the Jews.

    Finally there are those Zealots in Israel (Zionist fanatics) who will do anything to bring about that prophesy.

    As far as International Condemnation is concerned, there is a big Jewish lobby out there!

    I will let you be the judge.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I don't know. The rockets that the Palestinians hurl into Sderot is wrong, however, again and again the Israeli military retaliates with over-the-top brute force and aggression in a show of superiorty to suppress the Palestinians' behavior. This just makes the Palestinians angrier. One Israeli is killed and the response is a military strike which kills 35 Palestinians (militants and civilians, including children)

    Israel also controls Gaza in terms of being the power supplier, commodities, etc. - cutting back on these necessities only created a desperate collective response by the Palestinians to blow up the wall between Gaza & Egypt.

    The peace talks that are scheduled by the officials are a joke - what does it matter if peace accords are signed when the people have nothing by hatred in their hearts.

    I completely agree with your summation of this whole situation. I would like to add that a more realistic peace accord would be to create an eye for an eye agreement. If one Israeli is killed, only one Palestinian can be killed - not a whole community.

    We really all must get involved in working out this terrible conflict - this is not something in isolation. It will affect us all if we cannot figure out a workable solution.

    Source(s): Edit: Thank you Michael (above) for the education. It helps to understand what the Israelis are thinking much better.
  • 1 decade ago

    It seems that Palestinian radicals would rather fire rockets at Isreal and cause problems that result in innocent people's deaths, than work towards creating industry and jobs and increasing peoples quality of life. You people live one step above the stone-age. Look at how the rest of the world is living, and ask yourselves some questions. Why is it that everyone else in the world has clean running water, sewage treatment plants, hospitals with real doctors and medicines, schools, paved roads, automobiles, healthy fresh food, jobs, stores filled with every type of goods and the list goes on and on. If you weren't busy hating the Jews, it would be someone else. All you have is Hate, and look where it's gotten you. The United States of America dropped 2 nuclear bombs on Japan during WW I I. Did Japan spend the rest of their lives hating the U.S.A.? NO THEY DID NOT! They licked their wounds and got on to the business of living life. And look where Japan is today, one of the economic powers of the world. Not bad for a tiny Island nation. So get smart and quit the hate. Stop living in the stone-age. Good luck to you and may God bless everyone

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Hotep, using fact the West is firmly Judea-christianity, and their own holy books states that israel is the holy land and that they are gods "chosen" human beings. additionally, the state of israel isn't something greater suitable than the extension of western ideals and skill into the area at a considered necessary place. Israels region provides the west a protection stress presences in north africa and the midsection east. although, greater to the fact, israel administration the politics of the west through funds. The worldwide banks of the west are headed, all of them by skill of jews. subsequently, israel is merely not displayed in a destructive mild, regardless of what israel does. Salaam, shalom, peace

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    For those whose support Israel because of the events of 9/11:

    Are you that ignorant or has this war been waged for half a century between the Palestinians and Israelis. Israel has occupied Arab lands (Libnan, Palestine) and it should expect to get resistance. And they have taken hundreds of thousands if not millions of prisoners captive in these wars.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You need to see things as they are, not what the news media tells you, or the poor little hamas miltants cry falsely about.

    It boils down to your civilians being killed, or theirs. The rockets keep being launched into Israel. The effectiveness & range of those rockets keeps improving. Therefore, there is increased likelihood of more Israil civilians being killed.

    The rockets being fired into Israel are intentionally being launched from heavily populated civilian areas. The Rocket launchers are using civilians as shields, drawing Israeli fire that kills civilians. That's a shame, but it is a bigger shame to allow this to continue, allowing militants to kill Israeli children, with no consequences.

    WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Would you allow your citizens to be killed while you sit on your politically correct butt, or would you grow some stones & hit back?

    Hamas is no longer just a rag-tag group of armed thugs. They are a legally elected gocernment of the palestinians. In my opinion, Israel should move in, capture the government leaders and charge them with war crimes against Israel, and crimes against their own people for using them as shields.

    But, there are to many misinformed people, and too many Jew haters.


  • 1 decade ago

    Whenever I see an Israeli bashing question or answer, I am reminded of one simple truth.

    The people who oppose the Iraelis, and in fact oppose the very existence of Israel, are directly and indirectly linked by religion, ethnicity and political motive to the same people who killed 3,000 innocents in the world trade centre and bombed the London underground. This is not to mention the numerous suicide attacks on western embassies and the Bali night club bombing.

    There is an old saying "My enemy's enemy is my friend"

    As the extreme element of Islam has declared war on me and my country and my country's allies, I consider the Israelis to be my friends until such time as this situation radically changes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    About time that Israel finished this.

    I don't know about killing all of them, but if you think it's a good idea.

    Maybe we should just kill the armed ones and those that they hide behind.

    Wait, that's what we're doing now.

    Terrorists are getting what they deserve.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Its strange how many pro Israeli answers there are and yet in none of them to you read a single word about illegal settlements. I wonder why this is. ? Could it be that they know they are wrong but just won't admit it.

  • 1 decade ago

    i don't think hamas are selective about who they kill with their rockets......or the palestinian suicide bombers who target civilians going about their normal business

    hamas is a terror organisation dead set against israel .....palestinians elected these people to represent them......

    hardly a call for peace and harmony

    if hamas continues to hide behind women and children these innocents are likely to continue to be hurt

    you might direct some of your anger at hamas......


    michael w - you rarely (if ever) see condemnation of the behaviour of hamas in pro-palestinian posts.....did you read the question or is it the usual diversion tactics?

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