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If I don't believe in evolution, what happens when I die? Does Darwin send me to?

evolutionary hell? Is there an afterlife benifit to believing in evolution? Does believing in evolution even have any relevant use in my every day life? The processes of evolution take so much time, that understanding it is just as useful to me as understanding all of the engineering necessary to build the car I drive. It certainly does not offer any meaning to my life. So I would just like to know, what are the practical, everyday, average Joe benifits for believing in evolution? And what will this belief do to improve my life and afterlife?


Vishal, TAWD:

Thanks for a straightforward answer.

Now really, people, by telling me that it saves me from being an 'ignorant moron', you have just labelled everyone on the planet who does not even know about the theory of evolution, let alone prefer it over hope in the supernatual.

I would like to really know why it is discussed on an R&S site, if it is not a religion, and it has nothing to offer the believer in the way of benevolence and a secure afterlife.

19 Answers

  • Vishal
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Understanding natural selection helps you to understand competitive theory in general, which is pretty useful. Other than that, it's not that useful unless you work in some field related to Biology, like medicine or public health.

    Other people's belief in evolution has led to thousands medical breakthroughs, which affects your life. It has also helped to breed the food you eat and the grass in your yard, if you have one.

  • 1 decade ago

    who says there has to be anything after life? Life is just a human concept. try something Eastern.

    evolution is not a spiritual path, its a biological occurence. it just happens. however i do realize that human evolution from primate to human has a little haziness in there. the benefits? evolution explains why girls like guys like me and not guys like....well....others. it explains why we get so fat when we eat too much, it explains a TON of human and animal behaviors. when you understand evolution you understand how WE (animals and plants included) got HERE, NOW. think about this. why do young guys drive around with loud music? its a sex display. it says "hey I have the money and guts to drive around listening to loud music, and i'm not afraid to **** you off" this does two things illustrates both 1. resources (although not that great of an example) and 2. confidence. Both these things are attractive to the opposite sex. Our ancestors who had enough food for their mates, could protect them and could SHOW it, made babies. The losers without food and without skills to get food and offer protection didn't make babies cuz no one wants to be with a loser, even a caveman/woman. So their ancestors aren't here. they don't have any. get it? that's how evolution works. selects out weaker, less able to breed members. there are some cool books about this. this is only a small example. humor is another example. humor DOES provide some evolutionary benefit, i mean funny guys have sex and make babies more often then really boring dumb guys. but why? humor doesn't really show how tough you are? i'll leave you to figure this out. the answer is interesting and has to do with human's dependence on social systems. recently people have been examing evolutionary behavior and how it relates to dating. if that isn't important to you then i don't know what would be. computers? whatever. okay good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    You're being sarcastic and posting a useless question for the sake of it, right?

    There is no such thing as an afterlife. Don't believe in evolution if you don't want to, it's not my job to educate you.

    It's discussed by religious people who think of it as a threat to their religion. I've never seen a non-reliigous person on here bring it up out of the blue.

  • 1 decade ago

    I guess it all depends if you want provably scientific truth... I suppose in someways evolution is useful in everything you do everyday.

    You use a desk top computer/ or laptop which evolved from huge computers which evolved from abacuses etc. You wear clothing which is relatively fashionable (I imagine) which evolved from clothing from the past. You live in a nation which evolved from treaties, pacts, wars, ideas and nations in the past. You may own a dog or know a dog which evolved from wolves. In the strictest sense everything you do and are is because evolution.

    However, the great thing about evolution or gravity for that matter it still works no matter what humanity believes. So continue to disbelieve it, if you desire, it makes no matter.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I myself don't believe in evolution. I'm a Christian and believe God created everything as is.

    A question my mom brings up everytime she's brought into a conversation about evolution is: if we evolved from monkeys why don't we ever see some half monkey half human in a zoo or walking around somewhere? Where is the proof of inbetween?

    I dunno. I think evolution is man's way of explaining the mysteries of the world in order to convince themselves of a logical or scientific theory instead of giving God the credit for the amazing things we are able to experience every day.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We don't CHOOSE beliefs based on what the 'do' for us. Evolution is the way things happened whether or not you believe it, and whether or not it can 'do' something for you. In the case of evolution, it ALREADY 'did' something for you. It made you what you are.

    Do you believe that space is mostly vacuum and that stars are a long way off? Really? How does that effect your life? It doesn't? Then why do you bother to believe it?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "So I would just like to know, what are the practical, everyday, average Joe benifits for believing in evolution?:

    Not being an ignorant moron. Isn't that good enough?

  • 1 decade ago

    it's not a religious belief, it's a scientific theory.

    Why does it need to offer you anything?

    The common mistake of most anti-evolutionists is believing that life is there to create conciousness, where the opposite is true, conciousness is just a result of life.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes you will go to that hell for 99 years and in your next life you will return as a cockroach and have to start evolving all over again!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well maybe if you stopped concentrating on the nonexistant afterlife you'd realise that this life, the only one your going to get is more important. and try to do better as a person for your own sake instead of out of fear of heavenly fire.

    just a thought

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