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Question for the athiests . . .?
Ok, so now that I have all your attention, I am hoping that my real question might stir up some understanding and not debate. I am deeply troubled by some of my recent interaction with Christians, and I mean in real life, not on Y!A. I believe deeply in God, but I have no interests in forcing my beliefs on others. I was raised a Christian, but I am seriously considering stepping away from the identity of Christian, while retaining my personal beliefs as I see fit.
So my real question is this; have you ever had a response to an honest plea for help that sounded anything like the following? I was asking someone whom I thought capable of compassion to offer me some understanding and emotional support over the painful life I have lived after being submitted to sexual abuse at the age of 4. This is his response by email, copied and pasted here.(His name has been changed to 'Christian respondant.') I would appreciate honest feedback about his response, and how I should take it.
Thanks for being open. I will always be brutally honest with you and that may include some insensitive remarks because like it or not I am human. As to your journey, I know that it can and often is a long, arduous and lonely path from hurt to healing and yet I do disagree with you that it can't come "instantly". It happened many times in the bible and yes often after years of prayer, pity, hurt, anguish both from within and from those around...yet when it happened, the years became seconds. Death was overcome, arms and legs healed, blind eyes opened and demons routed. What I'm saying is that we must allow God to sometimes be bigger than us. Our mental faculties often get in the way of the heart and although I have not gone through what you have I do know my God and he is much, much, much bigger than both yours and my abilities. Yes, keep seeking healing through the ways of this world but I still believe with all my heart that it will only be through God and His Healing that we can truly be set free. Of course, that's me and I have room in my heart and my brain for your way as well.....even if we don't agree. I do have empathy with you and with your journey but the abuse is not yours and never has just decided to latch onto you for a time. I will be there for you to talk with always....and I do not say that lightly.
In Gods Grace
Christain respondant.
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoSearching for a long lost friend
I would like to search for a girl I knew in high school, we were casual friends and didn't keep in touch after. The 10 yr reunion is coming up and she is not on the RSVP list, and I cannot find her on face-book or any other social sites. I have located her ex boyfriend on face-book, she is not on his friends list. I am thinking of asking him about her, but not sure what I should say. Any suggestions? Any suggestions what I should say if I locate her? I know these questions get old, but I have sort of harboured a crush on her for the last 10 years, and I just want to make contact and see where it goes. I would be just content to find out she is married so I could put my feelings to rest. What does one say in this situation? I am looking for mature responses to this question.
5 AnswersFriends1 decade agoSearching for a long lost friend
I would like to search for a girl I knew in high school, we were casual friends and didn't keep in touch after. The 10 yr reunion is coming up and she is not on the RSVP list, and I cannot find her on face-book or any other social sites. I have located her ex boyfriend on face-book, she is not on his friends list. I am thinking of asking him about her, but not sure what I should say. Any suggestions? Any suggestions what I should say if I locate her? I know these questions get old, but I have sort of harboured a crush on her for the last 10 years, and I just want to make contact and see where it goes. I would be just content to find out she is married so I could put my feelings to rest. What does one say in this situation? I am looking for mature responses to this question.
7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoAre you tired of answering questions for people?
I am refering to a social context, not YA. I am starting to notice that a lot of conversation is just needless questions about things that people aready know. For example, every time I meet with some people, they just have to know how my job is going. Well, I told you the first time we met, and the last 15 times. I don't really want to talk about work right now.
I sometimes get the feeling that people are so full of questions but never get to know the real me. Anyone know what that is like?
5 AnswersEtiquette1 decade agoMy knees make an awful noise when I walk up stairs,?
It kinda sounds like grinding but more like snapping. It doesn't hurt, but I bet it will someday if I don't do anything about it. I don't go to the doctor for things that are not an emergency, I prefer the naturopath. But until I have the cash, does anyone have any ideas what to do, take, ect. for such a condition, and perhaps what to call it? Thanks.
1 AnswerPain & Pain Management1 decade agoHow can I play Halo 2 for PC when it requires Vista? I have XP?
I bought Halo 2 for PC without reading the box, and apparently it requires Vista. I have XP and I refuse to buy Vista until I hear better news about it. Is there any sort of emulator or driver I can download to make my XP system run a Vista program? Thanks.
4 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoAngles and sides of a triangle?
I need help with a formula. This is why.
I have a roof pitch of X:12 and a variable truss heel height that I can define by my program. Problem is the program defines the heel height to the bottom of a 3 1/2" truss member and not the top. I want the top to be 14", so what would the bottom have to be at? To know this, I need to know the vertical height of a 2x4 at the angle defined by the roof pitch. I have laid this out on a diagram where X is the rise of the roof, and I must solve for Z. I haven't done any Trig in 10 years and I got a headache just trying to think of a formula. Can anyone come up with a formula that can be placed in Excel where I just have to enter a new value for X and get the value for Z? My diagram can be viewed here:
1 AnswerMathematics1 decade agoDo you contribute to public restroom spam?
Just curious if anyone on here would ever admit to writing obscene messages on public washroom walls.
4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoWhat do you think of this dream?
I know what it means, but I am interested to know what other people think.
In my dream, Earth was controlled and occupied by an alien race of people. They looked like us and talked like us, but we knew they were different, and they were corrupted inside. They had been around for many generations, but then they learned of an attack coming against earth. They began to evacuate in their transports, but they would not let us go with them. They were in the middle of evacuating when the attack came sooner than expected. It was merely a flash of light, and it wiped all of them out without a trace, leaving just us humans. We decided to check out their transports that were left behind. We soon realized that these transports were not made for or by the aliens, but they were made for us by someone else. To navigate, all we had to do was to put a helmet on our heads, and think of where we wanted to go. The helmet would read our minds and project an image of our destination into our
3 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade agoWhat do you think of this dream?
I know what it means, but I am interested to know what other people think.
In my dream, Earth was controlled and occupied by an alien race of people. They looked like us and talked like us, but we knew they were different, and they were corrupted inside. They had been around for many generations, but then they learned of an attack coming against earth. They began to evacuate in their transports, but they would not let us go with them. They were in the middle of evacuating when the attack came sooner than expected. It was merely a flash of light, and it wiped all of them out without a trace, leaving just us humans. We decided to check out their transports that were left behind. We soon realized that these transports were not made for or by the aliens, but they were made for us by someone else. To navigate, all we had to do was to put a helmet on our heads, and think of where we wanted to go. The helmet would read our minds and project an image of our destination into our
1 AnswerDream Interpretation1 decade agoIf I don't believe in evolution, what happens when I die? Does Darwin send me to?
evolutionary hell? Is there an afterlife benifit to believing in evolution? Does believing in evolution even have any relevant use in my every day life? The processes of evolution take so much time, that understanding it is just as useful to me as understanding all of the engineering necessary to build the car I drive. It certainly does not offer any meaning to my life. So I would just like to know, what are the practical, everyday, average Joe benifits for believing in evolution? And what will this belief do to improve my life and afterlife?
19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoWhat do you think of this proposition?
Given that the value of n is any rational number, if we say that:
n ÷ ∞ = ∞
n ÷ 0 = ∞,
then we can conclude that
0 = ∞.
Therefore, nothingness and infinity have the same value, and are therefore, the same.
So if we consider that prior to the big bang there was nothing, there was also the infinite.
If we also consider that before creation there was only God, who we could consider the infinite, there was also nothing.
If there is nothing at all, that means that there is nothing to observe that nothing exists.
If there is the infinite, then the infinite is observer to itself.
This idea came to me this morning as I lay in bed. I don’t know if it proves anything, and I know that most are opposed to n ÷ 0 = ∞, holding to the accepted explanation that it is undefined. But there are people who accept n ÷ 0 = ∞, and I thought it would be interesting to explore this possibility.
9 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade agoWhat happened between the Acts church and now?
Ok, here is my position. In the old tesiment, we have the history of mankind from Adam to Christ, incluing the forming of the nation of Isriel and their roots, all of their evil kings, all of their sins and everything. Then we have the new testiment. We have the life of Jesus, we have the letters, and we have Revelation. Period.
What about the church from Acts to present day? What happened when the Roman government made christianity legal? What happened to all of the pagan religions in the roman government at the time? What happened throughout the last two millenia? I know we all are familiar with things like the crusades, the inquisition, and the protestant movements from history class. But why hasn't the bible been expanded to inclue the full history of the chruch from Acts to present? I think it would help us to understand where we are, how we got here, and why we do what we do. What do you think?
12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoIs anyone else tapping into their neighbour's unsecured wireless network?
I found a sweet spot in the middle of my living room where I get a very low signal, but it is still pretty good for general use. Just wondering if that is common?
4 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade agoBatteries possibly frozen, shouldn't I be eligible for a claim?
I had ordered 2 replacement laptop batteries from a supplier. The delivery was made to my home address while I was away for the day. When I came back, I found the package outside my front door in the freezing cold. When I opened it, the batteries were cold and slightly swolen. Although they indicated a charge, I am concerned that the life span of the battery could be considerably reduced. I called the shipping company, and they said that because my supplier shipped it and indicated no signature required, they can just leave it on my door step, and said I would likely not be covered in a claim. I told the lady that was ********, and asked why they defined a delivery as just leaving a package out in the open. They said that all shipping companies do that. Shouldn't I have a valid claim for delivery of damaged goods?
4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade agoWhat did you do on your 28th birthday?
Today is my 28th, and I am planning to just go for dinner with my best friend. i'm not much into big events or such, but just a little recognition. What did you all do for your 28th?
21 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoAnyone want to give me a good reason . . .?
to log off Y!A and start on my geography assignment?
4 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade agoBread or Toast?
11 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoIs anyone else wasting their time right now on Y!A?
I have three classes that I am supposed to be studying for, but I just spent the last two hours on Y!A. Pretty lame. Anyone else slacking today?
13 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoDid anyone like the movie Stardust?
If so, what was your favorite part and why?
7 AnswersMovies1 decade ago