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Question for the athiests . . .?

Ok, so now that I have all your attention, I am hoping that my real question might stir up some understanding and not debate. I am deeply troubled by some of my recent interaction with Christians, and I mean in real life, not on Y!A. I believe deeply in God, but I have no interests in forcing my beliefs on others. I was raised a Christian, but I am seriously considering stepping away from the identity of Christian, while retaining my personal beliefs as I see fit.

So my real question is this; have you ever had a response to an honest plea for help that sounded anything like the following? I was asking someone whom I thought capable of compassion to offer me some understanding and emotional support over the painful life I have lived after being submitted to sexual abuse at the age of 4. This is his response by email, copied and pasted here.(His name has been changed to 'Christian respondant.') I would appreciate honest feedback about his response, and how I should take it.


Thanks for being open. I will always be brutally honest with you and that may include some insensitive remarks because like it or not I am human. As to your journey, I know that it can and often is a long, arduous and lonely path from hurt to healing and yet I do disagree with you that it can't come "instantly". It happened many times in the bible and yes often after years of prayer, pity, hurt, anguish both from within and from those around...yet when it happened, the years became seconds. Death was overcome, arms and legs healed, blind eyes opened and demons routed. What I'm saying is that we must allow God to sometimes be bigger than us. Our mental faculties often get in the way of the heart and although I have not gone through what you have I do know my God and he is much, much, much bigger than both yours and my abilities. Yes, keep seeking healing through the ways of this world but I still believe with all my heart that it will only be through God and His Healing that we can truly be set free. Of course, that's me and I have room in my heart and my brain for your way as well.....even if we don't agree. I do have empathy with you and with your journey but the abuse is not yours and never has just decided to latch onto you for a time. I will be there for you to talk with always....and I do not say that lightly.

In Gods Grace

Christain respondant.

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He's trying to be helpful. I've never had a response like that, it was mostly people just telling me how I'm going to burn in hell for eternity.

  • 1 decade ago

    You need to seek mental health therapy. Christian counseling by a well meaning christian is not the answer. You need professional help. You do not go to an auto mechanic for a broken leg.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    i agree with zod, sounds liek soemone who is being honest, and trying to help you in the only way they know to

    i think it may be the last part your have a difficulty understanding

    'abuse is not yours '

    i think it can be taken 'wrong', as its is nterpritable, but i think they mean its not who you are, its just something that happend to you

    and you can only try to not let it be who you are, by fighting and being strong and not allowing that to define you


  • 1 decade ago

    Your 'question' is just tooo l o n g .

    If you're really serious, then watch this:

    Why I Am No Longer a Christian


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  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    What are you asking again??

    Source(s): *walks away* Too long!
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