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My step-children dislike me.?

I used to bend over backwards trying to get my stepchildren to like me. But they never did. I treat them as if they are my own, but I know they don't care for me. What can I do to get them to feel better about me. I am about to give up.

19 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Lots of love. Rules and regulations without love will lead to rebellion and you may have to overcome the pre-conceived thoughts of you in their mind placed their by jealous foes.

  • 1 decade ago

    Whoa, you haven't said whether you like them or not! Do you? REALLY? Or are you just trying to do the right thing by your partner -( which is really nice BTW). But hey, I dont know how old these kids are, but kids are smart, they will know if you REALLY DO LIKE THEM OR NOT. Or perhaps, they have been hurt by someone close before, and they have put up barriers for themselves as a form of protection - give em time, give em 'your time' , Maybe they are frightened that your gonna take their Dad/Mum away from them - you know what I mean. GOOD LUCK, HANG IN THERE and NEVER EVER GIVE UP. I hope it all works out well for you, cause you are concerned enough to make this post. Why don't you show it to your partner and let them know how this is effecting you and how you are feeling.

    Stay strong !

  • 1 decade ago

    Never give up! It's pretty normal. They have their reasons... and are not obligated to like you since you're not the biological parent. They're probably hurt in some ways. Give them spaces. Maybe they're hurt because they've lost the real parent or can't see their parent or their real parent don't love them. Perhaps they're afraid of losing another parent figure... again. Give them some spaces and if they need help, do so. The best thing is to continue to be a friend and guide them if they needed. Never give up. Just be friends and give them 110% of your dedication and love and eventually they will learn to respect you and consider one step up as being a real parent of theirs. Give spaces... but continue to talk to them. Take them to their favorite place. Perhaps a one-on-one time with a child to learn each other. Prove to them that you can be someone that can be trusted. You'll earn their respect. If you're the step-mother... watch the movie stepmom.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think you should give up because that might be a reason why your husband loves you. It shows that you try and really want to make things work, not just with him but also with his family.

    How old are your step-children? They might just be really young and going through some weird phase that they think they have to hate their step-mother because that's what the "typical step-mother" is supposed to be. There's many reasons why they might not like you, it might not necessarily be you! I think they probably have their own personal reasons to not just dislike you, but they would dislike any stepmother. It seems natural for any child or teenager to fear anyone trying to take their mothers place, so its not unusual that they would dislike you.

    Don't worry! Unless you're coming off unatural in anyway that you don't seem genuine, I'm sure the reason they might not like you has nothing to do with you yourself. I think its more of their personal problems.. Just don't stop trying! They have to cave eventually!

    Good luck! :)

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  • Suzieq
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    You don't say how old they are. Teenagers? They don't like anyone that tries to tell them what they should do. Maybe see a therapist. Even if for just short term and see if that can help you cope. Sometimes just surrendering and letting it go is all it takes. Just be you. Don't expect anything but respect and give nothing except respect in return. Eventually, it will happen. It always seems we want what we cannot have. You want them to like you, so they won't... They probably know this deep down.

  • Eric S
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    They don't hate you. It's merely the thought of their Dad being with someone other than their Mom. It will take a lot of them getting used to it. If you need a visual reference, watch the movie "Stepmom" with Julia Roberts and Susan Sarandon. Julia's character goes throught the exact same thing you're going through, but soon it gets all resolved. Try getting yourself involved in their activities. Maybe you share common interests with them they don't know about? Open up to them and they may begin to accept you.

    Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Talk to their father and mother about it. Don't tattle on them, but try to win them over. Respect is never given, it has to be earned. If they are young that is easy, older not so much. Spend some time with them alone individually, build a report. Let them know something about you no one else (even your husband) knows. Open up to them and maybe they will reciprocate.

  • 1 decade ago

    a) do you have their father "whipped"? well then they are going to hate you no matter what you do

    b) find out what they like and buy them stuff (esp. teen girls) from time to time but not all the time or else they will hate you too lol

    c) dont nag like a mother, just mentions things

    d) dont re-do the house, ask them what they think before you do anything

    e) dont throw away their **** or else they will want to send you to hell

    f) dont yell at them

    g) dont smoke in the house/ dont smoke pot in front of them it is disturbing

    h) try to control your temper/ hide your emotions around them

    i) dont let them hear you getting it on with their father

    j) dont criticize them

    k) dont sell the house/ opt to move

    l) dont insult their mother or their friends

    m) comfort them when they are angry or sad, let them vent with you

    n) dont give up, apathy is for sure gonna make them hate you

    Source(s): seven years with one bitch of a step mother, but i got over it i still dont know if i like her or hate her sorry but some kids will never accept anyone but really my step mom truly is a devil i had to move 6,000 miles away from my old life becuase of her
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Talk to them/ Sometimes when children get a new step parent its kinda hard to adjust because they are used to their parent being single and being the only one..So just talk to them.

  • 1 decade ago

    give up.

    i used to hate my step mom and now i love her to death.

    she would try to hard and i always thought that she was trying to get me to hate my real mom and then i used to be so mean and rude that she finally gave up and then like a month or 2 later i loved her to death

    good luck

    Source(s): life
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