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Do any of you watch the Biggest Loser? Are you for the Black Team or Blue Teem?

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm rooting for the black team. I love Jillian. I like Bob but the blue team is too cocky.

    Source(s): I like Kelly too. I'll root for her to win it all. I'm sure a guy will win. guys lose weight eaiser than girls.
  • Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I do! I was rooting for the blue team, but the previews showed that there are no more teams anymore! They are breaking up into individuals!

    My three favorties are:

    1) Dan

    2) Roger

    3) Kelly

    Have a star!

  • 4 years ago

    Paul that grew to change into into on the yellow team alongside including his (Kelley) ex better half were given voted off very last nighttime!! all of them were given to circumvent living homestead for a week and Paul particularly screwed up and ate a lot of food! He did loose 5 pounds contained in the load in! So he went shrink back living homestead to Melbourne Fl and were given the following down sick and grew to change into into contained in the hosptial and income 6 pounds

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I love the black team. Jillian rocks.

    I live brit and bernie

    the only one i like on the blue team is dan

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am cheering for the Black team. But I seen where they will no longer be Black and Blue so I will be cheering Kelly on!!! She is from the town I live in!!

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