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Jill? I follow my own rules.........?

To pose the question to all: if you saw Jill's answer about God's Law or man's law - she said that she follows her own law (rules) so then if she wants to rob a bank, kill someone, steal a baby or push someone in front of a train - that would be OK for her IF that's what her rules are?

She's got her own rules.

What's wrong with this picture?

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    it's not okay to intentionally harm or manipulate other people. a basic sense of ethics tells you this, though, not god. i don't need the bible to tell me that killing and stealing are wrong. my own sense of ethics and empathy tell me this. i know what pain and sadness and anger feel like, i know that they're not good feelings, i understand that other people have feelings, and i know that my actions can affect their feelings. the logical conclusion from this is to try not to affect them in a negative way.

    perhaps, if she's got some severe issues, in her own warped mind she sees murder as okay, and has a clean conscience after killing someone. that's certainly possible. it still doesn't make it right, because she hurt an innocent person. it's not an okay thing to do. but in HER mind, it's okay for her, even though she is wrong.

    most people understand the basics of doing good at an early age, because of their empathy and common sense.

  • 5 years ago

    I remember two things 1. Saul of Tarsus "thought" he was doing the right thing by persecuting the Christians, till Jesus Christ set him straight in a BLINDING sort of way. No one is going to get away with it. At least not forever. We know Satan won't either. Anyone that has been humiliated by Jehovah EVERYONE knows it. So if we don't humble ourselves before Jehovah, then HE will and it won't be pretty and it WILL be on display. Jehovah doesn't hide anything. The flaws of his people he doesn't hide, the "rules" and the discipline. One way or another it will be worked out. 2. One thing I learned working at a bank uber anos ago is this. Follow the LAWS of the letter, every mark, every t crossed, every i dotted.. FOLLOW the rules of the job and you should be ok. NEVER EVER communicate WILLINGLY with an apostate like I see some answering here. I don't get that. That falls under the "whoever is faithful in least is faithful in much"..... Follow ALL the Bible and it's ALL cool! Jehovah THEN has something to work with. I have no opposers. If I am bringing the word of the most high God and his appointed King, his son, they aren't MY opposers, no matter how they treat the messenger or the word. If the word I am bringing is Jehovah's words. THAT is who they need to take it up with. It is HIS words they are opposing. I am JUST the blessed messenger.. Happy to do the work.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you don't know what Jill's rules are, why are you criticizing them? Jill might have some pretty good rules. Jill's rules might even be better than society's rules.

    What kind of pessimist are you to immediately assume that those rules include robbing trains and pushing babies into banks?

  • I'm fairly certain that those aren't her rules in the first place. In all likelihood, her rules are derived from common sense and that she doesn't need a book to tell her not to kill people. If those WERE her rules, then there would be something wrong, as anybody with that set of rules would be incurably idiotic beyond anything.

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  • 1 decade ago

    you don't know what her rules are? there is probably a rule against robing banks, killing people, stealing, pushing people, etc

  • 1 decade ago

    What's wrong with the picture is that you shouldn't be looking at it.

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