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Lv 5

Do you find this odd?

I just read this article about the recent court decision in California:

Here's a quote from the article:

"Heimov said her organization's chief concern was not the quality of the children's education, but their "being in a place daily where they would be observed by people who had a duty to ensure their ongoing safety.""

If they are saying they want children to be with people who have a duty to ensure their safety, they should leave them with their parents.

There are MANY instances of children being abused by teachers, and even some female teachers are beginning to prey on students.

I find it odd that people are more trusting of teachers (who are strangers to the child) than they are of parents. In addition to being odd, it is also a bit scary.


Obviously, the background checks aren't helping. Check out this link:

Update 2:

1leg1arm - Do you as a teacher feel that having a child in your classroom for 1 year at most makes you care more for their safety than those who have cared for the children since birth?

DHC - Do you deny that some teachers are abusers and decide to teach for the very purpose of having access to children? Don't parents have the right to avoid sending their children into potentially abusive situations?

Check out this tape of a teacher verbally abusing her students. This would NEVER take place in my home.

Update 4:

DHC - I used the word "some" which means that I was not lumping all teachers into one category.

Update 5:

You said that if the children had been in school the abuse wouldn't have been as bad. There is no way to know whether or not that is true. If the children had been in school, they could have been abused by teachers or even other students.

24 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree! yes they should be at home with their parents (if that is what the parents chooses) because nobody is going to protect my children, in the manner that I will.

    I find it odd too that people are so trusting of teachers! I have witnessed teacher with both my kids that were verbally, emotionally, and mentally abusive. One teacher called my teenager "stupid" and then told him " you will never amount to anything in life because you are just stupid". When I went to the school and reported it to the principle, she said "Well, I have heard that from her before, so this doesn't surprise me"!

    Oh My Goodness! And nothing was done to this teacher and she has many parents filing complaints with the school board. I don't trust any teacher simply because the system doesn't do a darn thing about it unless the student is able to record their "abusiveness". There is a lot more going on behind the closed doors of these classrooms than most people are willing realize! I think there should be camera's in every single classroom in every state in this country! Background checks DO NOT work! So, yes it is "odd" and "scary" as you have put it. I am also a bus driver and I have listened to other drivers verbally mistreat students as well. The line doesn't stop inside the school either! Higher standards need to be set.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    True enough. When did it stop being taken for granted that parents have their children's best interests at heart? When did the home stop being taken for granted as a safe haven? What Brave New World is this?

    Anyone who would consider it natural for a child to trust a paid government employee over their own parent "natural" has some serious issues from their own childhood to over come. I am sorry for whatever happened to you, but it must occur to you that this is not the experience of every child? In my area a local teacher raped a twelve year old student. He was fired, but given a letter of recommendation by the principal. (I think we can assume was also him to be a pedophile.) He'd moved away for a new teaching job and would still be trusted to watch over children if someone had not found out and called a reporter. Who knows how long they had been raping girls in their care. They may be teaching again today.

    So much for back ground checks.

    How can you trust a bureaucracy over a person?

    EDIT: "There are families who do homeschool for the wrong reasons"

    Really? Exactly who are you to decide what the "right" reasons are and are not? Your personal opinion does not trump my right to parent as I see fit.

    That is, unless you want me up in your house dictating how you run your household..........

  • 1 decade ago

    What's odd in this case is that if they're really concerned about abuse they could either take the kids away from their parents, if they think it's that bad, or require that a social worker of some kind (or doctor if the abuse is physical) has regular access to the children. I don't really see that sending them to school is going to help at all.

  • Barb
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Right. The parents ARE the first line of defense for a child. It is our job to guard and protect their safety.

    That safety has often been hindered by the current format of public education. Their mental, physical and spiritual well-being is often at risk.

    So, if the "people" that work at the school are parents why does Heimov trust them more than any other parents?

    It is very scary to know that our families are being put into Heimov's hands. He is JUST a person.

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  • 1 decade ago

    My children go to public school I not only admire home school parents but envy them as well.And yes I do find that odd.You have no idea how many times I have had a run in with a teacher over what I concider abuse to my children especially my AD/HD son who not long ago was sent out of his classroom and told to talk to a picture of his teacher because he was talking to much to his teacher or had his lunch taken away and made to go hungry because the lady said his lunch wasnt nutritous enough Oh and did I mention he is only 7 yrs old?I have always wanted to do home schooling but am not sure if I could keep up. And thats because I love and want to protect my children.It doesnt matter how educated teachers may be they are always safer with there parent because not only because its our duty but because its our heart. SO I SAY WAY TO GO HOMESCHOOL MOMS AND DADS!

  • Well if that's their primary concern then why not just make raising a child the criminal offense.

    You prepared dinner for your son? *gasp!* Five years in prison!

    You gave your toddler a bath? 20 years!

    You tucked your little one into bed and...READ HER A BEDTIME STORY?? Good god, you must be deranged! You'll do LIFE for that one!

    If there was any sort of child abuse taking place in that home, punnish the parents and take the kids somewhere where they'll be safe and cared for. Don't go and take away the rights of the majority of parents who aren't hurting anyone and who actually give a damn about their kids' futures, and don't go ruining it for those of us kids and young adults who actually benefit MORE from homeschooling than we EVER would from public school.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is a move in this country to undermine the rights of parents and for the government to take over the parents role. The latest attack on homeschooling (by Reich) says that parents won't raise "tolerant" children and that kids need to be taught things different from what the parents think. This is scary stuff. It is also becoming mainstream. Don't be surprized when most of the brain dead American public cheers when the right to homeschool is taken away.

  • glurpy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It's because the ruling was for a case of child abuse by a homeschooling family. The "logic" behind the statement is that if the child were in school, s/he wouldn't have been abused the way s/he had been.

    Of course, totally doesn't address the issue that there are plenty of kids in school who are being abused at home by their parents and nobody's the wiser or nobody has enough proof to warrant a report.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, it is weird and dangerous. My child was abused by a teacher and almost murdered by a classmate. And our local public school? A teacher pleaded no contest to sexual assault. A principal quit after being publicly threatened by a teacher. A math teacher quit because he could no longer abide the fact that he was expected to teach advanced math to kids who had been rushed through the early grades and did not really know the basics.

  • 1 decade ago

    The socialist courts of CA are all for anything weird, but anything decent they forbid. I am sure this will be thrown out in an appeal... the homeschoolers do have back up.

    I would want to know what 'abuse' this kid was dealing with, since there are 7 other kids with no complaints. Did Dad take away her computer and she got mad and called social services making up some sort of nonsense to 'punish' her parents? Many teenagers would turn their folks in just for sending them to their room.

    If that was my kid I would call social services and tell them they can have her. Put her in foster care and she can meditate on what she did to her folks,her siblings and the 166,000 fellow students who are benefiting greatly!

    Source(s): 2 homeschooled (one with a Bachelor's in Science degree, the other taking courses at Cornell)
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