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Would you write a story from 6 of these Patrick Swayze film titles?

News reports that Pat has been diagnosed with a particularly deadly form of cancer.

Father hood

One last dance

The Outsiders

Keeping Mum


Waking up in Reno

Red Dawn

Next of Kin

Three wishes

Uncommon valor




just include the titles in a story of any subject.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Brian was quite looking forward to FATHERHOOD.

    He had met his wife in a ROADHOUSE after being introduced to her by a NEXT OF KIN when he was a YOUNGBLOOD.

    He displayed UNCOMMON VALOR after having ONE LAST DANCE and one of his THREE WISHES came true that night for the next morning he found himself, WAKING UP IN RENO to a RED DAWN, with his future wife beside him.

    Of this experience he was KEEPING MUM, for he and his wife were 'THE OUTSIDERS' in their hometown, and preferred to keep to themselves.

    But others in town knew the story well, and inasmuch as Brian was an outsider, he was also an ICON to them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Father Hood was Keeping Mum about Waking up in Reno at the Flophouse Roadhouse.

    The sun lit up the sky in the Red Dawn.The irreverent clergyman had quite a night in bed with his same sex partner

    Father Hood prayed fervently to his crucifix Icon that he could have Three Wishes granted.

    1) He wished he didn't feel like one of the Outsiders in decent society.He despised having to lie about his lifestyle.

    2) He regretted that he wasn't one known for Uncommon Valor. His parish once had burned to the ground. He was a coward and ran away never even calling 911. It was his marijuana cigarette that caused the blaze.

    3) He yearned to see Roger Youngblood again. That young lad was built well. Father Hood felt a great desire to counsel the young man whose silence was bought through much funding by the diocese. Roger's education at Notre Dame was even included.

    Father Hood thought about his last physical. He was dying of AIDS. Sadly, he wrote out his will. "Oh how I wish I had One Last Dance with Roger", he bellowed out loud with a tear in his eye.

    The dying man of the cloth wrote out his last will and testament. He would send it to his Next of Kin. "There may be crying at my funeral, but I doubt it", thought the old priest.He knew that many members of his family only thought of him as another wallet with a little cash.

    This was Father Hood's tale of woe.It was his story of life. Maybe God will be merciful, yet maybe there is no God at all.Farewell, Father Hood, safe journey to you.

    Source(s): I learned to write these kinds of stories in second grade. It brings back memories.
  • Don't understand the question? Is this a yes or no question? Do you want to know like a summary of the films? Or do you want someone to write an entire story about six of them?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    'Father hood' was labelled an 'icon' after 'One last dance' at 'the red dawn' bar near the 'roadhouse'. 'keeping mum' quiet proved quite a challenge when 'the outsiders' arived at the door and granted 'three wishes' to 'father hood's 'next of kin' they wished for the dvds of 'young blood', 'uncommon valour' and 'waking up in reno'.

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