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Cell phones in school?

ok, to start off, i am NOT at all saying tat i think cell phone use shuld be allowed im school, i am simply asking if you think that students should be able to use cell phones in shool.

STAR if you do, or just star anyways! lol

but the important question here is:




p.s: the reason that is capitolized is that i wanted to draw attention to it since it is my question. Thanks yall!

30 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes it should be in school.For example if a student misses the bus and doesn't know their rides number. Oh wait its in my phone

    But no if there are using it to like play games,text, or even make phone calls during class. School is to learn,make friends, and help you later on in life

    Cell phones are a privelage by the parents and shouldnt be abused.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    No, School children should not be allowed to carry cell phones as this may distract the attention of the student and teacher in the class. Further the advanced featured cell phone can be misused for wrong doings of colleagues.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is no reason a high school student needs a cell phone during class hours. Usually there are phones in class, and of course the teacher has a cell case of na emergency, the teacher should report it.

    Cell phones distract students and students can use cells now to surf the web and cheat.

    Students should be allowed to have cell phones in schpol but prohibited from using them in the hallways or classes (unless they are in the cafeteria or something) I understand that some kids need cell phones to contact parents during after school activities etc..but not duirng school hours.

    Source(s): college student
  • gussie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    There is no valid reason for a student to need a cell phone during school time.the office has a phone that could be used in a real emergency.The school office would also have on record parent's contact numbers as well.School is for learning not planning next week's social event.I think most schools have a policy for no cell phones or electronics at school.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ok first of all, cell phones should be allowed in school, but used for EMERGENCY if it is actually in school.. before and after, you can just talk to friends and text and whatever. But I think everything else but calling in school is ok. Even if a teacher sees a phone they take it away which I dont think is fair because its not like the kids are disrupting the class by HAVING a phone that is visible.. what did it do?. I also think phones should be on silence if they are in school, so it doesnt interrupt a lesson. Im 11 though.. agree with what you want :)

  • Students should be allowed to bring their phones to school with them. They should not have them out in class. Phones should be kept out of site during the school day. The purpose of school is to gain knowledge. Not to text your friends all day long. After school or at breaks you should be allowed to use your cell phone.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes, kids should be allowed to carry them. No they should not be allowed to use them except in the event of an emergency. As abused as they are, they are still an invaluable tool when you have an emergency and need to contact your child or when something happens at school so that your child can contact you.

  • 1 decade ago

    YES(trying to keep w/ the caps)

    ,but I don't think they should be allowed in class. Students should be able to have them out before, after, and between classes in school. They should ALWAYS be off or on silent during class though. It is after all a learning environment.

    Source(s): student :)
  • 1 decade ago

    well being a 16 year old girl. Im saying yes to allowing cell phones in school. They allow them in my school and if you get caught like texting during class they will take them away and your parent will have to go get it. But if your really good at hideing your phone then texts away lol! Thats what i do.

    The reason the allow them in school is in case of emergencys reasons your parents need to get a hold of you.

    What are we suppose to do with them is put them on silent and leave them in are purse, backpack or pocket (ya right)

  • 1 decade ago

    ya well im a student and i use cellphones in school either way. so it would just be less trouble i guess for the teachers. like i dont mean students should be able to just sit in class and text/talk on the phone. but like during class when you arent doing anything or during locker breaks i think you should. plus you could just call your parents if you needed to ask them something instead of going to the front office.

    However, i can see the flip side. i mean ya not every student has one so you could be discluding the unfortunate. and it would be a distraction.

    but i think for students sake we should be able to have them

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