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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicMovies · 1 decade ago

Book reading Harry Potter fans: May I ask you a few questions specifically about the movies?

In 'The Goblet of Fire' did you find the Death Eater's costumes irritating because, they were nothing how they're actually like er-I mean described in the books? :P

Were you sourly disappointed that there wasn't a sphinx, in the maze?

Do you hate 'The Order of the Phoenix' movie, why or why not?

Which actor most resembles the character he or she plays?

Which actor looks least like the character he or she played? (or how you imagined them anyway)

33 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    All the movies except the first two were sorely disappointing to me personally. But I could live with that as I know it's hard to make movie adaptations.

    I never really paid much attention to the Death Eaters' costumes but I remember the masks were kinda irritating. They looked like they were attending a masquerade ball or something. (Edit: I'm not so sure of the masks. I can't remember if it's in Goblet or the Order movie. Sorry.)

    I was actually imagining the sphinx in the maze before I watched the movie and yes, it was disappointing it wasn't included! I really hated the way they made the maze hedges like some monstrous creatures out to get the Champions when it was really a battle of wit and skill and not how fast you run from some sort of maniac-on-the-loose.

    I don't actually "hate it" but it was the most irritating adaption so far. After POA, I actually dreaded watching the next ones but I still watch them anyway if only to aide me picturing the characters and scenes in the book.

    I have to say the great late RICHARD HARRIS perfectly portrayed Albus Dumbledore (and I keep saying this part) DOWN TO THE TWINKLE OF HIS EYES UNDER HIS HALF-MOON SPECTACLES. He really gave credit to Rowling's Albus by actually reading the books and getting to know the character he's portraying and not just relying on the script or the director's instructions. I know Sir Michael Gambon is a very good actor (I like his other portrayals) but his Dumbledore is just so irritating she could match Dolores Umbridge in causing me the same amount of irritation! (Sorry, I just feel strongly about this whenever this sort of question's asked.)

    Heavenly Alan Rickman as always gives a very good portrayal of Severus Snape. He's the quintessential British villain (he should be having pioneered that sort of character, remember Die Hard?) And the Phelps twins also give Fred and George life. Imelda Stanton also as Umbridge was near-perfect. "Near-perfect" because her Umbridge was actually nice-looking compared to the books' "toad" description. Robbie Coltrane also plays Hagrid greatly.

    I have to say Emma Watson's Hermione is just too pretty compared to Rowling's bushy-haired, big teeth Hermione. But it's the movies, and I'm fine with Emma. Before I read Philosopher's Stone the movie were already shown and though I haven't watched it, the book I borrowed actually had a clipping of Dan, Rupert and Emma's picture in Hogwarts costume so when I read them I was actually picturing the actors already.

    Oh, this is me talking. Not Bella. =P

    By the way, I just finished reading your answer on that letter to Voldemort question and it's still cracking me up! I have to categorize that as your Best Answer ever! LOL

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In 'The Goblet of Fire' did you find the Death Eater's costumes irritating because, they were nothing how they're actually like er-I mean described in the books? :P

    --Yes, very mch so, as well as in OotP, the masks annoyed me.

    Were you sourly disappointed that there wasn't a sphinx, in the maze?

    --Yes, i wass, that scene could have been a lot better

    Do you hate 'The Order of the Phoenix' movie, why or why not?

    --I like it and i dont...could have been loads better as well, a lot was missing. i was frustrated.

    Which actor most resembles the character he or she plays?

    --Harry, Ron, and Dumbledore. the mannerisms of DD were poorly displayed though.

    Which actor looks least like the character he or she played? (or how you imagined them anyway)

    --Ginny. I thought she would be much prettier, not that she isnt pretty...!

  • 1 decade ago

    In the 'Goblet of Fire', I thought the Death Eater's costumes would be a little different, but I'm okay with them.

    I was disapointed that there was no sphinx in the maze!

    I HATE 'The Order of the Phoenix', just because they didn't show Slytherin's locket and that's the KEY OBJECT in the movie. I had to explain to all my friends why it's so important, so they know about it in the sixth movie.

    Daniel Radcliffe definitely resembles Harry Potter, so closely it's scary!

    I imagined Lupin very differently. I'm surprised they made the movie character that cleaned up.

  • In 'The Goblet of Fire' did you find the Death Eater's costumes irritating because, they were nothing how they're actually like er-I mean described in the books? :P

    It was very disapointing....

    Were you sourly disappointed that there wasn't a sphinx, in the maze?

    yeah i totally forgot about it...

    Do you hate 'The Order of the Phoenix' movie, why or why not?

    hated it at the movies i know the DVD by heart... it left so much out!!!!

    Which actor most resembles the character he or she plays?

    My main man Severus Snape!!!! He is like Mary Poppins...perfect in every way...well i will admit my man Alan Rickman is getting on the thick side....I am in no way comparing Severus Snape to the likes of Mary Poppins

    Which actor looks least like the character he or she played? (or how you imagined them anyway)

    Mr.Weasley...he was supposed to have glasses andshit and he didn't.....

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ~ I've actually never compared the costumes of the Death Eaters to the books. So it hasn't really bothered me.

    ~ I wasn't too annoyed with the maze scene at first. But the sphinx would have been nice if it was in it! Gah...

    ~ I don't hate the movie. I had some "huh?" parts, but I got over those pretty quickly.

    ...Except for the mistletoe part. I was so looking forward to Luna and Harry!

    ~ I think I'd have to say Evanna. Her personality met Luna's dead on, from the way I viewed it.

    ~ Humm...Hermione, I suppose. I sort of imagined her to be more like a chipmunk. >_<

  • Feivel
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes I thought the costumes were irritating.

    I thought a sphinx in the maze in the movie would have been good. I visualized it when reading it and it was cool.

    I did not like the order of the Phoenix book but the movie was passable.

    I think maybe Daniel Radcliffe was like I pictured Harry Potter.

    The Dobby of my imagination was much different than the Dobby in the movie.

  • 1 decade ago

    lol, um I wasn't irritated by them because when I watched the movie, it had been a while since I read the book, and then when I re-read the book, I noticed it, but it still didn't bug me. =D I liked the way they did it in the movie and book.

    YES! Again, this didn't occur to me until AFTER re-reading the book, but yes, I was!

    No, I liked it. It was well directed and produced. I liked the special effects and visualizing it a bit differently than what I had thought. Plus I think the cast got hotter....

    Hermione did, in movie one and two, but after that, she really didnt. I think the twins fit, and so does Ron & Ginny. The only difference is that the twins are suppose to be shorter and stockier than Ron. Pretty much all the Weasleys were great though! And Luna was amazing. I think the first Dumbledore did great, not this new one.. I LOVE Alan Rickman as Snape. Great job at casting that one. Umm, Harry wasn't what I imagined, but he's hotter than I it's all good. Draco wasn't what I thought either, but it's still good.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You know, I read the Harry Potter books about 6-7 years ago, so I don't really remember them in details LOL. But yes I did hate the order of Pheonix movie because I didn't think it was well done at all, it was very boring and did not flow together (in my opinion.) But I thought they did an excellent job on the Goblet of Fire movie, but they skipped the whole scene from the beginning of the book. I think ever character chosen to act in the movies fit the book characters pretty well but I didn't know what to expect from Voldemort.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes I was dissapointed really about everything in the movies. I hated the order of the phoenix movie for the same reason I hated all of them. It didn't hold true to the story. I wanted to see Ron's face get attacked by a weird brain thing.

    I'd say Dumbledore looks the most like what I imagined. (all wise wizards look pretty much the same)

    I'd say Ginny looks least like I expected, The book describes her as growing up to be extremely attractive but the actress doesn't sell that to me. Luna is a close second.

    PS. Love the voldermort icon!

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh yeah,they looked like the devils they show in kid movies or cartoons,looked so unlike the scary death eaters.....The hoods were so kiddish and instead of creating a scene of terror,the death eaters looked a matter to be laughed at...

    I wasn't very disappointed that there wasn't a sphinx....But i feel the movie was nothing in comparision to the suspense and thrill which Rowling creates in her books....

    I don't hate The Order of the Phoenix.......It could have been better,surely,they could have added a couple of more important things but i liked the visual effects,they were awesome...Overall,it was good.

    hmm..Daniel looks so like Harry....and Dumbledore and Hagrid too...I liked the old Dumbledore more though,lol..Snape's character is best represented...

    Fred and George Weasley are supposed to have red hair and Hermione,bushy hair whereas its not quite so in the movies....Even Neville looks a bit different than what i thought he would look like..Ginny is supposed to be very beautiful..well.....definitely more than what she is in the movie.Bella's supposed to be beautiful too!

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