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Lv 7
Yaybob asked in Society & CultureEtiquette · 1 decade ago

Who will join me?

Who will join me?

I would like all fellow Answerers, especially Top Contributors, to join others and me in blocking Askers who give Best Answer to correct answers that aren’t first from receiving future help. This is an annoying and rude habit of some Askers, which I consider akin to stiffing a waitress for a tip. It isn’t the end of the world, I know, but neither is being blocked. It is, however, ungrateful and unjust, and, in my opinion, unkind. And there is no good reason for it.

There are a few of us doing this already. Will you join us? Whenever this happens, we leave a message like the following in the Comments field: “Did you know that a number of Top Contributors (TCs) agree that if an Asker chooses other than the first correct answer as Best, that s/he is being unjust, unkind and ungrateful, and doesn’t value or deserve further help from TCs. Consider yourself blocked by me and other TCs who agree.” (297 characters)



Maybe this seems petty to some, and maybe it is, but I don’t think so. It’s not only fair, but if word gets around, it will discourage this behavior. It’s ALMOST ALWAYS a female with a low point count that is the benefactor, either from some guy who likely wants her appreciation, or some other female who I suspect prefers to keep it in the gender.

Note: I never do this over subjective calls. There has to be a definite correct answer. I never leave an answer if somebody else has already answered a question correctly. If I submit one and then see a correct answer has been posted ahead of mine while I was answering, I delete mine. So, if I’m correct, I was the first correct answerer. Occasionally, somebody leaves a better and fuller correct answer after mine. I do not block those cases. Occasionally somebody leaves a clearer correct answer after mine. I don’t block.

Update 2:

But when the question is, “The science dealing with the beetles?” and I answer “coleopterology” (first response) with a link and find that “caleopterology” (Google it) gets Best Answer, I resent being treated that way, and I’m not going to let this person treat me that way again. It’s offensive.

Feel free to email me if you agree with my judgment and wish to join me, or if you feel that I am or may be unfair and should reconsider, or if I am in violation of any of Yahoo! Answer’s policies in letter or spirit. I mean to be fair here.

Update 3:

I guess the consensus is that I'm out of line. I'll accept that and drop the practice. I do this for three things: to learn, to teach, and to play a game maximizing points. Maybe it wasn't clear, but I feel discriminated against when that happens, and I don't want to help somebody who doesn't appreciate the help. I guess I'm alone in that. The responses were pretty hostile and insulting. A simple, "no, that's a bad idea" would have been enough. I even asked you to tell me that if that's what you thought. But I got a lot of "get a life" and the equivalent of "what a jerk" Sorry that I shared. It wasn't worth the abuse. Nor was that deserved. Feelings matter to me, yours and mine. I require a feeling of cooperation and mutual respect. This isn't a one way street. What's the incentive to help if the people aren't appreciative or constructive?

Update 4:

We are legion, dusty: thanks. Your answers were helpful

Haug: you misread me and were unnecessarily hostile.

The rest of you I have answered directly, mostly with thanks

I mean nobody here any harm, and am merely interested in being treated with the same consideration that I show the asker. I am not a saint, and obviously, I am offended by some kind of behaviors that others don’t mind as much. I will reconsider that attitude.

But I was clear about wanting to do the right thing, even if that was not the direction in which I was oriented. The hostile comments were simply mean-spirited and uncalled for. I'm simply not interested in spending time or energy on mean, ungrateful or disrespectful people. I mean them no ill, but I also have nothing for them. I am satisfied that that is a reasonable attitude and not worthy of scorn and contempt. And how much free time and how I choose to use it is of nobody’s concern. You don’t know my situation, but you may know my work. I have bee

Update 5:

n very successful and consequently have as much leisure time as I want for this and other things. I wish to approach this endeavor with the same energy and excellence that I try to bring to anything that I do, even if I tend to become consumed in my projects and need to reorient occasionally. My obsessive qualities are my assets. They have made me industrious and productive. They just need to be channeled properly. To those of you who helped me do that, thanks. To the rest of you, as you might have guessed, I have nothing for you. Get a life indeed.

I agree that I had lost perspective. I stand corrected.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    With a little over a year in Answers you have racked up over 19,000 points and a level 6 with a 60% best answer ratio.

    That IS impressive........but i have to follow with a negative comment.

    Maybe your lifestyle is not by choice, that you spend sooo much of your time here answering questions. I hope that is not the case but it appears that you are taking it to a new plateau.

    You just can't organize people to force an asker to choose who you wish....Hopefully he/she will choose who has helped the best.

    I will agree that some people don't appreciate the value of good advice and actually give insult in their best answer choice. (But it Is their choice).

    I get more annoyed with what I call the 0% crowd who ask foolish clown like questions and then get answers from people who try to answer it seriously.

    Either way.....My best to you and Congrads on your best answer score (I AM impressed)

    Until that time.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm sorry but I don't agree with you, not at all. The Asker has a right to choose what he sees as Best Answer to HIM, usually he can relate more to an answer than to the other. Sometimes me too, I ask myself how come one got a best answer than another answer which to me seemed better, but then am not in the Asker's shoes and mind.

    I wouldn't even dare to write something as you did there, it would only show that I am arrogant, that I think that I and other TC's are superior or have a say in how the Asker chooses his best answer and THAT would surely not ensure me the best answer, am positive.

    What are you trying to show? That us TC are some kind of Y!Answers police squad?? Consider yourself blocked!! Who would give a dang if I blocked him or not as there are so many other ppl answering the questions already?

    I don't know if other TC's have joined you already but you're giving all of us a bad name.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are taking this way too seriously and seem to have way too much free time. It's not like the points can be turned in for money or something. It might be rude and if you feel that strongly about it then just don't answer their questions again, but starting a whole movement over it is way over the top. And I suspect that forming some kind of point gang probably could be interpreted as violating community guidelines.

  • anon
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    What about if it's more of a subjective question without a "correct" answer?

    I like discovering that my answer has been chosen as best, but if I was simply into something for the points, I'd be playing a video game right now. I thought this is a forum to assist each other.

    I'm pretty new to this, so it honestly has never occurred to me that there was a specific method for choosing Best Answer. Thank you for the insight.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Geez-get a life! Do you honestly think anyone cares if you're a top contributer or what your score is here? Your life will not improve with the more "best answers" you get. Honestly, what is this, fifth grade and we're keeping score on the playground? I think people should block you and others like you because you seriously have an unhealthy obsession here. The point of this website is to help people who ask for it-not gather stupid worthless meaningless points. Get over it!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What are you doing here? Merely playing for points then? That is what it sounds like!!

    Answer may be similar but are rarely the same and give slightly different spins on it. So you are seeking to dictate what people have the free will to choose!!

    What is your next call? Banning free speech?

    Sounds like you have made a clear sign that you are only here for the points and that appears to be in breach of the YA guidelines!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    i think best answer should be left up to the person that asks the answers is after all just a site to ask questions and hopefully get some answers.this is just my opinion no need to make a federal case of it.haug,your answer was right on point.(pardon the pun)

  • 1 decade ago

    Just as beauty is in the eye of the beholder, what someone chooses for best answer is their decision.

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