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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsMarriage & Divorce · 1 decade ago

Can married women have male friends?

I have been married 8 years and we choose not to have kids. We have both lost friends that now have kids. I would like to have more friends but it seems like most women are busy with the kids. I would like to have male friends but his friends would rather just hang out with him doing guy things (working on cars). I am trying to find a way to have more friends (married couples or single men and women) together with my husband. It has been impossible to find another couple that we both like to hang out with (movies, dinner, pizza at home, casual good friends) or just stop by for a visit. And no we are not swingers. Or I would like to have a few guy friends to do some things my husband does not like to do (scary movies). My husband doesn't much care for the few girlfriends I have and will past on hanging out with us even though it is rare. Is everyone so busy with life that friends are a thing of the past. Hubby is not a big talker and I miss good converastion with a man.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Bad idea!! I don't think because you do not have children that there is nothing in common with your old friends. They are just on schedules now. That does not prevent you from scheduling the time with your friends who do have children. Getting close to members of the opposite sex when married has a way leading to temptation you would not normally see. Be careful if this is the path you choose.

  • 1 decade ago

    I thought carefully about this and I figured you would take the integrity trail and set boundaries with any male friends who would do things like the scary movies you mentioned. I would discuss this with your husband and see if he has any issues with this when it comes up. I imagine he would know the guy too. That is all the "I can see no real problem here" On the other hand it's a opening for closeness with other people who may not have a relationship in their life, and think over time you start becoming it. Maybe it's innocent and the conversations and closeness drive the friendship to more than just hanging out. (modern young people slang) One of your friends follows the boundaries really well and his integrity is astounding. The other is a potential for easily strayed and over time is interested in you beyond friendship. Maybe he is a good smooth talker. Usually in our busy world people who are unattached (guys don't like being alone w/o a wife or serious gf) somehow see this friendship differently. It gets them to thinking about something more than what you really had in mind. So after all this I wonder how you two met with so many things not in common. Hubby was quiet, and you liked his inner quiet strength. They say common interests in things and liking to do things together as needed as the years go by in time. No kids to keep you busier, and the partner is going down one path and you are yearning for another. That bonding is not as close as it was that drew you as one. His friends working on cars know their boundaries, and being his friends do things in common interest. Probably not going to ask hubby " I'll take the wife to see the latest scary movie, and then come back to finish your car repair." I can see that last line not happening either. I guess between the two it's going to be tough to find the male friends that recognize that the wife is planning on staying true-blue, but I need you to chat with and be friends and see that flick. I only hope the guys see that too. Just be careful it doesn't go in to directions you find unsettling and problematic. I would wish it happens just the way you draw up and keep in check on every potential guy move.

  • 1 decade ago

    My husband when we first got together was really insecure about all the male friends that I have.

    My interests, and that I am a mature student lend the majority of my colleagues to be male, so naturally I am meeting mostly men.

    Most women my age are doing the kid thing, so it is difficult for me to have female relationships.

    Like what has been said above, if you are involved in other activities in your life such as volunteering etc, it won't matter whether they are male or female friends b/c you are sharing common interests and values, and that is what friendship should be based on.

    (Oh, I might add that hubby is now friends with most of the guys, and it really works well for me)

  • Dolyn
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Holy crap, do I have an alter ego that wrote this? Sounds just like me!

    Well, to answer your question, yes, I think it would be ok to have male friends, and my husband does too. We just moved to a new city last year, and finding friends is a bit of a mission. He pretty much feels that if I find ANYONE to connect with, I should go for it, regardless of what they have between their legs. He knows I love him more than anything, and a friend is nothing more than friend. He didn't even have a problem when I drove out of town and spent the night at an old friends place that happens to be a guy (no, we never dated).

    Wow... you even nailed me down to the "husband won't watch scary movies with me" and the "we chose not to have kids."

    You live in Orlando? I'll go to a movie with you!

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  • 1 decade ago

    There is nothing wrong with being friends with someone of the opposite sex but the only problem is keeping it as friends. Most of the time it starts that way then eventually gets sexually and it will definately break up a good marriage. Does your husband have women for friends and if he does then find yourself a good man for a friend. Just be careful when you do and listen to my advice. Keep it friends and never sexual in any way unless you want a divorce. Good Luck

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Good from you to express how you really feel . what you are seeing that friends are being busy is because the people are more closed to themselves now than like 10 years ago . the proof is me writing this while i didn't have the same amount of time 10 years ago .

    the reasons are to analysts to tell us why , but i guess you will not find a problem having another man who will be good to you , but only if you are sure that it will not destroy your marriage . just be who you are and how you feel .

  • 1 decade ago

    you can but be extremely careful with that because some guys no matter what want other things and maybe your hubby would have a problem with you having male friends. mine however is deployed and has no problems (gets a lil jealous) but nothing serious. he is also my best friend though and depending on the level of communication he may see it as you looking to replace him

  • 1 decade ago

    Having male friends is okay, although I would be careful. Have a good chat with your husband about this and see how he feels. If he is okay with it, then that would be great.

    Careful though that you don't end up falling for your male friend, or sending a wrong message to your new male friend.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no because by the sounds of it you could get led astray and cheat , cos' no offense you sound unhappy in your marriage . i advise talking to your husband and making up a rule that each of you have to do something for the other each week . like he watches a scary film with you on friday night and on saturday you can do something he wants . keep things inside the marriage i say , no need to involve others only leads to jealousy, misunderstanding ,hurt feelings ,and sometimes worse .

  • 1 decade ago

    i find it odd to MAKE SPECIFICALLY MALE FRIENDS. how would u like it if your hubby became another womans new bud?

    i came into my relationship with male friends and have kept the same friends. but my man says he is uncomfortable with me getting close to new men which is understandable. i can tell you he would not be buddies with any new females anytime soon!

    y dont u just get a new set of lady friends since the others are a bad match?

    not to sound old fashioned, its just hard to attach yourself to a male without them getting your intentions skewed.

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