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obama backers?

in light of the information that came out in the news about his preacher if he was to lose the democratic nomination would you still support hillary clinton although it was her and her campaign's bag of dirty tricks that most likely caused this scandal or do you find yourself to betrayed with her to vote for her i believe this is the kind of mudslinging and dirty tricks the democratic national party leaders were worried about


rob s you are completely wrong about me i am not a democrat i dont support hillary or obama i do believe this has hillary written all over it

i know the church recorded that video i know they sold copies of it but it has been puplic knowledge of this for awhile and the media didnt report it till hillary was in dire trouble and she has all the contacts to make this a story i cant wait to see what she comes up with next

Update 2:

i just want to know if obama backers feel betrayed by hillary because nominee's from the same party do not generally bring to light these kinds of things about each other due to the fact it hurts their parties chance in the general election and with hillary desperate and trying to win at all cost will it turn the obama supporters against her

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    under no circumstances will i ever support hillary.

    this was indeed her hit job.

    she knows she's not getting the nomination, but her selfishness, her demons, her ego, and her pride wanted to make sure that she do as much damage to the democrat party so that obama won't win in november.

    i have no doubt that she was been asked to step down and concede to obama.

    so rather than to that, she'd rather hurt the party and help mccain in the process.

    it's really disgusting.

  • 1 decade ago

    Here is the deal. Your pastor is your minister . You do not have to agree with everything he says or believes in today's modern world. However, you may agree on what he is saying that is biblically based. A minister brings forth the word of God within their interpretations and study. However, within that they may tend to add their own perspectives. You don't have to agree with their perspective or opinion. Their perspective is based on their upbring, experiences, and even biases. I don't agree with everything my pastor states. I do agree with the teachings he presents in the bible that are biblical based and you can read it for your self and analyze it to biblical text. Thus all of his ministers views are not all of his own.

    I am still an Obama backer and that will not change at this point. I have reluctance with Hillary Clinton (nothing to do with gender - this woman is equally intelligent and capable as any male to lead just not happy with all the tactics). I have not determined if I would support her if she was to win the democratic nomination. I would have to look and analyze the candidates to determine my best choice. I do hope that it was not her camp that brought forth the mudslinging and dirty tricks. However, it may have been. I am saying that things should come forth but as a competitor let it come forth from voters not from your camp. A true competition should be done in fairness and equity without mudslinging. The topics, issues, or problem areas should be brought up by the voters and the candidates should then address it for what it is.

  • 1 decade ago

    It was the Republicans who bought the video. It was the church itself which put the sermons on video. Where does Hillary fit into this scenario?

    No wonder the Party is in trouble you are voting for a personality over the country.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obviously Hillary planted the cameras inside the church. Obviously Hillary made the church disperse these hate videos amongst the black communities prior ro the caucuses. You are stupid

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe Mr. Obama said Pastor Wright is his pastor, NOT his spiritual advisor. Frankly I seriously don’t know what Pastor Wright has said that is so horrible nor why Obama should have to distance himself. If I were a black man I would not want to be in a church where the pastor could not understand my challenges. Pastor Wright has held up a mirror of truth and the guilty parties don’t like the reflection they see. As for the N***** word He didn’t invent that either. This is clearly a ploy to manipulate the voters of Philadelphia. Well, I hope by now they are able to recognize the dirty tactics of the media and see that this mess has Hillary’s stamp all over it and vote for the better candidate. The one who will bring politics back to the people and unite this country and that is Senator Barak Obama.

  • 1 decade ago

    at first i was leaning towards Obama. but i think i now see that there is no way people are going to vote for him President. it's sad because it wasnt because of something he said but because of someone elses words. i defintitely will not vote for Hillary

    so i might vote for McCain or move to Canada

    jk. Canada sucks

  • 1 decade ago

    It would only be mudslinging if it was a lie, but bringing to light honest revelations about an opponent is NORMAL politics and a strategy EVERY politician uses. What should be troubling is Obama's association with this man and his views.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm british and too young to vote but i'd back obama over clinton any day

  • lilly
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I would have a hard time voting for Hillary based on how she ran her campaign. That would all be determined based on who her running mate was.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i don't know what to do. im still voting for obama. but i have to think about Hillary if she steals it.

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