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liv3xxx asked in PetsReptiles · 1 decade ago

pond life issues!!!???

Ok, so every year i get some frog spawn in both my garden ponds. This always happens! last year i also got a pair of ducks which settled in to my garden, made a nest and hatched 10 little ducklings. Of course, after 4 days of the ducklings lives, they sneaked through a hole in my fence and made there way down to the canal near by. This year, the same ducks have come back and are searching for nesting areas again, except so are my frogs. This morning i found the ducks eating the first lot of frog spawn. It's quite a shame because i'm keen on having all the tadpoles and everytjing, but i also want the ducks to stay, as shoo-ing them away isn't an option because they will ALWAYS come back!! Can anyone suggest a way i can keep the ducks and expected ducklings but also keep the frogs and spawn? I could cover up the pond but leave a small gap for the frogs can get in but the ducks can't....? what other options do i have!????

thanks for help! x

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Get a couple of buckets of pond water and put some eggs in them till they hatch. You should be able to save some tadpoles . After a day or two dump them back in pond. They will be able to hide from ducks then.

  • 5 years ago

    this is accessible that it have been given fished out, in small eco structures like that if there are not adequate spawning pairs they might at last die off. remember bass will basically take care of there frye til they're approximately an inch long then they get abandoned, at which element they enter the meals chain many situations growing to be to be meals for there own mom and dad so if the pond is small enpugh the offspring may well be too few to make a distinction in repopulating. How deep is this pond? possibly try n rig a stay bait with a protracted chief and see if something on the way backside of the pond bites.

  • 1 decade ago

    Frogs spawn to many eggs for the ducks to eat them all so just let nature take it's place. you will still have both.

    Source(s): Pond owner lol
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