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How would you get back at someone who has hurt you?

I am at the stage of wanting to get back at my ex-boyfriend. He lied to me for several months (nearly a year), broke every promise he ever made to me, cheated on me, denied cheating even when caught red-handed by me and his teen daughters, broke up with me after promising to marry me, and kicked me out knowing I had NO job, money, or place to go. Now that we are apart, he won't even speak to me and slanders my name to those we both know.

In this case, what would you do? I had thought of sending him a dozen black roses anonymously to his work (keep in mind that he works on a 10,000 acre farm so all of his co-workers would know he got them and he would be called in to the office to get them). Is there anything else you can think of, that is legal and can be done anonymously? I do not want to hurt him physically or anything like that; I just want to feel like I 'got back' at him for all he had done to me.

24 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If he's that much bad news i wouldnt bother wasting your time thinking of something to do to him. The best way to get revenge as Trisha Goddard says is to make a success of yourself and go out there and be the person you've always wanted =)

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    If you recently went through a break up and want to know how to get your girlfriend back, then this was written just for you. Here are three tips you can easily use today to get your ex to come back to you.

    1) Ignore her

    Yes you read that correctly. You need to ignore her if you expect her to come back. Your ex girlfriend is fully expecting you to be begging and calling her to get back with her. This puts all of the power in her court. She knows you are there when ever she wants to get back together so why should she hurry? She can take her time, have fun and keep you at bay, if and when she decides to make a decision. Ignoring her does the opposite and you will find that she will be trying to contact you instead of the other way around.

    2) Apologize and accept it

    Guys usually get mad and try to justify their part in the break up and why they did what they did. This is just stupid, honestly. This just upsets your ex even more and shows her that you are not taking any responsibility, and really do we want to deal with someone like that ourselves? Accepting it and apologizing gives her no room to argue about what you did and moves you both on to resolving the issue at hand.

    3) Don't give in to pettiness

    If your ex girlfriend tries to take shots at you verbally, don't give in. It might just be a test that she is putting you through. Fail it and she has all the answers that she needs to leave for good. Be the bigger person and take the high road, in the long run you will be glad that you did.

    This will work most of the time, but may not work all the time. The best way to get your ex back is to have a solid proven plan in place. To get the plan thousands of others have used to get their ex back, Click here now: Get Your Girlfriend Back

    Go to:

  • 6 years ago

    What women want, us men best be trying to find out if we expect to remain in a meaningful relationship with em. If you want to know how to get your girlfriend back the right way just keep on reading, you may be in for a bit of a surprise. The first thing were going to explain is what not to do, I think that's just as important as knowing the right thing to do.

    What not to do

    1. Never ever point the finger at her even if you are right, that only antagonizes her and makes her feel like she is not appreciated, a big no no.

    2. By all means don't make her feel uncomfortable, women do not like tenseful situations, you'll find her trying to get a way from you quicker'n June bug in January.

    3. And definitely don't be the cause of her stress level rising, you don't want to be associated with that never ending headache every time she sees you.

    You have to understand that women are a gift to us from the most high, like precious gems whose luster potential reaches way beyond the clouds of the sky.

    They should be treated as such each and everyone of em. Now you'll discover how to get your girlfriend back the right way.

    Go to :

  • 1 decade ago

    I know the feeling. I was married to an awful man who beat me pregnant and not. Threatened my, at the time, 13 mth old 3 mth old children (his kids) with a gun. Was arrested and only served 4 mths in jail. The threatening of my children was the last straw so I left. Six mths after I left him he was in a car accident and paralyzed from the neck down. I was 17 - 19 when we were together)He was only 24 at the time. Another example is the man b4 him (I was 14-17) liked to hit me too. He ended up getting married w/a minor who he cheated on me w and got her pregnant. She ended up putting him in prison for 5 yrs and because he was from another country he was exiled from the US. Mind u he has lived here since he was one and never renewed his visa at age 21. Although he still lives here he can not drive, get an apartment (hes 38 and lives w Mom and Dad), or anything in his name. He lives in the laundry room in his parents house alone. Now tell me did I need to get revenge? Everything that goes around comes around 10x fold whether its good or bad. I know I don't go to bed with a guilty conscience. Now I am happily married with 5 kids and 3 cats. I live in a nice townhouse in a nice neighborhood and we have 3 cars. Now tell me who won out?

    Source(s): Mother of 5
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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Are you wondering how to get my ex back but all you can feel is pain and heart break? Have your tried everything in your power to try and make your ex reconsider their decision to but her or she doesn't even want to talk to you? Thankfully almost all relationships can be saved once you change your approach.

    Love is rarely the reason for a break up and with that in mind you should understand that almost every other problem can be fix if you play your cards right.

    Stop asking and wondering how to get my ex back, take action and learn an extremely unconventional method that will make your ex powerless to resist you.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Being friendly to her and supportive of their relationship may feel like the wrong thing to do if you want to steal him back from her, but it's an important part of the plan. Becoming friends with your ex is something you need to be doing as soon as possible. In order to do that, you have to be accepting of his relationship to her. You need to show him that you're fine with his new relationship. Treat him as you would any friend and don't show too much interest in his new girlfriend. You don't want him to feel that you're only motivation for establishing a friendship post break up is to undermine his relationship.

    Go to see more:

  • 1 decade ago

    Living well is the best revenge. Just go on with your life and get married to a really great guy. He'll find out. Don't waste your energy on such a negative thing.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    My lover gave me breakup recently. I still love my ex so much. I realized heartbroken after breakup. When I realized that we were truly over with no hope of ever getting back together I cried and cried. But we got married and we are now big family with a beautiful baby girl.

  • 5 years ago

    Secrets To Getting Ex Back -

  • 1 decade ago

    Continue living. Show him that you don't need him to be happy and excel at whatever it is that makes you happy. Obviously he doesn't care about you being happy but if he sees you doing great for yourself that generally bothers a person SO much.

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