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I live in Vancouver, WA with my boyfriend, Rodger. We bought our first home here about a month after I graduated with my Bachelor's in Psychology. :) I now volunteer at a domestic violence shelter, am going through cane training as I am legally visually impaired, plan to get a guide dog once the cane training is finished, and plan to go to graduate school in 2011 to get my Master's in Counseling to work with children. I have had diabetes all of my life, am on an insulin pump, and welcome anyone to contact me about the pump or diabetes. I have seen many changes for diabetics over the years (for the better) and welcome any comments anyone has to offer.

  • Leash Training a previously abused puppy. How can this be done.?

    My boyfriend and I were given an 8 month old chihuahua/yorkie/poodle mix puppy about a week ago as an early Christmas present from our daughter. This is a wonderful puppy (already had his shots and basically potty trained but still needs a little work on that) with a wonderful personality. However, at some point someone or some animal(s) have abused him. He seems to be getting better, realizing that he is in a loving, caring home now. He was never leash trained and we are having a hard time getting him to walk with a leash and he won't go potty when on a leash. We have leash laws in our mobile home park and in our city so he has to be on a leash when outside. We got him a harness today, hoping that will make it easier on him and we got one of those retractable leashes, but we also have his other leash that we were given. The problem with leaving a leash on him indoors while we are home is we have a 9 month old kitten who pounces on the leash while he is walking around the house. :( Any ideas on how to get him leash trained? I know how to do the obedience training, and that is going well with him (he is very smart). It is just the leash training that I have never had to do with a puppy.

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How do I get a 9 month old kitten to stop biting humans?

    We picked up a stray calico kitten about a month ago. About a week or so ago, she started biting us. She has bit my boyfriend on his lip and has bit me on my fingers, hand, and knuckles. We do not want her biting for any reason but we are not sure how to get her to stop doing this. She does not do this only when she is playing so it's not always a play reaction. Any ideas?

    10 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • How to care for roses that came with our new home.?

    We bought a place in June and it had several different colored roses in the front yard. It looks as if one of the previous tenants had taken good care of them at one time; however, the tenant right before us did not do too much with the roses. I love roses; however, I do not know much about how to care for them. We have been watering them during the summer (at least every other night) and they are doing much better, actually getting buds and flowering. I am wondering when it is best to cut off the dead parts of the flowers, when is the right time to prune the flowers, and when can they be replanted (we are thinking of putting in some new ones where the ones that aren't doing well at all are at). Do roses need any special rose food or would they do well with Miracle Grow? I would appreciate any help I can get as I am new to working with roses. Thanks for all your help.

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • Does anyone remember the days before home computers, internet, cell phones, microwaves, and cable TV?

    I was just curious if anyone here is 'old' enough to remember the days before we had all these technological advances that have come along within the past 20 years or so.

    I remember not having a dishwasher or microwave until I was about 14 years old--and they were ancient then compared to what they are now! I remember not having any of these things listed above while growing up and actually going outside to play instead of being inside to play with Nintendo, Game Boys, X-Box, or Wii (because they weren't invented yet), or even being on the computer to be on the internet or chat with friends online. I remember the original cell phones, how huge and bulky they were. I remember that cable TV didn't have that many channels to start off with, like they do now.

    What do you remember about the 'good ole days' from at least 20 years ago, if not farther back? I am just curious to see what others remember.

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Dream about my boyfriend going out with someone else while dating me.?

    My boyfriend and I have been together for 24 years, off and on. We have this deal where neither of us will go out with the opposite sex without the other being there. In this dream, we had helped out a woman to move or something. Then I was at home and he was gone somewhere. I decided to call and find out what he was doing. He was out with this woman we had helped. This happened twice in this dream. The second time, I screamed a**ho** into the phone and was shaking so bad that I had a hard time hanging it up (a cell phone). I could hear her saying "Why did she just call you an a**ho**?" and he said "I have no idea." I finally got the phone hung up and was so angry. When I woke up, I was kind of shocked and then laughed about it.

    When I told my boyfriend about the dream, he shrugged it off and didn't think much of it. All he said was he could promise that something like that would never happen (thing is, I have heard that from him before and it has happened, so trust is an issue between us at all times where women are concerned).

    Can someone possibly tell me what this dream means? Or is it just my mind telling me I don't trust him yet where women are concerned? Or am I reading too much into this dream (I rarely remember dreams or read much into dreams for that matter)?

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • I have a Sony 4 GB jumpdrive that I lost the instructions for when I recently moved.?

    I have never used this jumpdrive and now want to use it to move pictures from my desktop (an HP) to my laptop (a Dell) (if this is possible), but am not sure how to do this. Can someone please instruct me on how to do this (please be as specific as you can)? Thank you.

    9 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • I had a strange dream a couple of months or so ago about my dying. What can this mean?

    About 2-3 months ago, i had a dream that woke me up and scared the daylights out of me. It seemed so real at the time. Someone was telling me that I was going to die at the age of 48 (I just turned 44 a few days ago). The thing is, I have diabetes with complications and my health is slowly getting worse. This dream has come to mind every time my doctor finds something else wrong (a heart murmur, another eye problem that could cause me to go totally blind for life, among many other things). It was so clear and I did not recognize the voice, but it was a scary one to say the least. I don't remember anything visual, just the voice right before I woke up, and my saying that would be in just 5 years. Does anyone have any idea what this dream could mean?

    3 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Topamax. Is anyone else taking this? How well does it work for prevention of migraines?

    My neurologist just started me on Topamax last night because I get constant headaches and migraines. I am taking 1/2 of a 25 mg pill for a week at night, then up the dose from there. He wants me to go up on it slowly so it builds up in my system and hopefully starts to work in a month or so.

    I am curious if anyone who has taken this med experienced very many of the many side effects that are possible with this med? Some of them do scare me, especially two of them (glaucoma and slow thinking/memory/speech). Is this medicine worth taking considering all the side effects that are possible? Did anyone lose weight while using it (my doctor said it is a good possibility and I know I could definitely stand to lose some weight)? Does this med make you really drowsy, especially when you first start it in the morning (I took it at night to start and already take Trazodone for sleeping so I can't tell if this one makes me sleep)? In other words, what has been your experience using this drug?

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Breast reduction surgery. Can someone who has had it tell me about it, what to expect after, etc?

    I have wanted this for many years and have maor back, neck, and shoulder pain. This has gone on for so long that it is even hard for me to sit up straight, which is not good. I finally have insurance that is paying for all of it so i decided to get it done right away. I am just wanting to know more about what to expect afterwards from those who have had this surgery. Please, serious answers only.

    I have one of the best surgeons in town doing this procedure in late May. I was wondering what to expect afterwards. How much pain is there? How long do the drain tubes stay in? How long is there swelling? Was the surgery worth all the pain and swelling? How long were you on pain meds for the pain afterwards?

    Thanks for all of your answers.

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What would this dream about my ex-boyfriend mean?

    I lived with a guy for 1 1/2 years and early last year he broke up with me and kicked me out, but I was unable to leave our apartment until mid-April because I had no job, money, or place to go until then. Of course I still love the guy and he is on my mind a lot, but this is the first time in that year that I have had such vivid dreams about him.

    In these dreams I had, we ended up in the same places a lot (not on purpose; it was just that we knew the same people and were ending up in the same places). He eventually came up to me asking to talk to me. Then he later told me that he misses me (as he hugs me). Then the next thing I see is us in a bed--him under the covers, me on top of them with some cats (which is strange since he is highly allergic to them) and someone else is in the room. Once the person leaves, he asks me to go up to him. I do and he holds me, kisses me, tells me that he is sorry for how he treated me. What does this mean? Is he just on my mind a lot or what?

    4 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • How do I deal with this ghost in my house and is only on the top floor?

    I moved in with a family 8 months ago. Soon after I realized that there is a ghost on the top floor where my room is. I can sense that it is a man and that he has some negative feelings, which are very strong. He does not seem to bother the 4 year old that lives here and has a room up here, but he does bother me after she is asleep. I had tried telling him that his time here is through and it is time for him to go home, but he just got angry (I can sense the anger), made the lights in my bedroom and bathroom go out for awhile (twice) and has moved things around. He has kept me up a few nights where I keep my light on because he scares me. Since he got upset about me telling him to go home, I told him that he could stay and I would appreciate it if he didn't mess with my lights and my things. He has only messed with the lights once since then, but any time he is here, I can sense how angry he is.

    What can be done about this ghost? Will I just have to put up with him?

    6 AnswersOther - Social Science1 decade ago
  • How would you get back at someone who has hurt you?

    I am at the stage of wanting to get back at my ex-boyfriend. He lied to me for several months (nearly a year), broke every promise he ever made to me, cheated on me, denied cheating even when caught red-handed by me and his teen daughters, broke up with me after promising to marry me, and kicked me out knowing I had NO job, money, or place to go. Now that we are apart, he won't even speak to me and slanders my name to those we both know.

    In this case, what would you do? I had thought of sending him a dozen black roses anonymously to his work (keep in mind that he works on a 10,000 acre farm so all of his co-workers would know he got them and he would be called in to the office to get them). Is there anything else you can think of, that is legal and can be done anonymously? I do not want to hurt him physically or anything like that; I just want to feel like I 'got back' at him for all he had done to me.

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • I got this in an e-mail. This sounds so true for this year! Can you believe this?

    The Month Before Christmas

    Twas the month before Christmas

    When all through our land,

    Not a Christian was praying

    Nor taking a stand.

    See the PC Police had taken away,

    The reason for Christmas - no one could say.

    The children were told by their schools not to sing,

    About Shepherds and Wise Men and Angels and things.

    It might hurt people's feelings, the teachers would say

    December 25th is just a 'Holiday'.

    Yet the shoppers were ready with cash, checks and credit

    Pushing folks down to the floor just to get it!

    CDs from Madonna, an X BOX, an I-pod

    Something was changing, something quite odd!

    Retailers promoted Ramadan and Kwanzaa

    In hopes to sell books by Franken & Fonda.

    As Targets were hanging their trees upside down

    At Lowe's the word Christmas - was no where to be found.

    At K-Mart and Staples and Penny's and Sears

    You won't hear the word Christmas; it won't touch your ears.

    Inclusive, sensitive, Di-ver-si-ty

    Are words that were used to intimidate me.

    Now Daschle, Now Darden, Now Sharpton, Wolf Blitzen

    On Boxer, on Rather, on Kerry, on Clinton!

    At the top of the Senate, there arose such a clatter

    To eliminate Jesus, in all public matter.

    And we spoke not a word, as they took away our faith

    Forbidden to speak of salvation and grace

    The true Gift of Christmas was exchanged and discarded

    The reason for the season, stopped before it started.

    So as you celebrate 'Winter Break' under your 'Dream Tree'

    Sipping your Starbucks, listen to me.

    Choose your words carefully, choose what you say


    not Happy Holiday!

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you think that I should confront him?

    My boyfriend broke up with me and kicked me out this past April and I have been heartsick ever since. We were together nearly two years, living together nearly 1 1/2 years. Ever since then, he has been spreading lies about me, bad mouthing me, and just over all trashing me and my name. This guy is 56 years old and acts like he is 10! The thing is he is telling these lies to some people we both know. One person asks me about it and believes me over him; the other won't even ask me and just believes him--though she has known me for over 30 years and him for about 8! NO, I am not a teenager. I am nearly 43 but am confused because I still love him so much but am also extremely mad at him for what he is saying and doing. I am finally so mad that I will get over him faster now. I was thinking of confronting him about all of this. I feel as if he is slandering me/my good name and feel like I want to tell him to stop or I will sue him for slander. What do you think? Should I confront him?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Does anyone remember the words to this song/nursery rhyme?

    The one I am thinking of and would like to teach to the four year old I care for, I cannot seem to remember--at least not all of it. What I do remember is:

    It's raining, it's pouring

    The old man is snoring

    What comes after this? I wish I had a list of these nursery rhymes so I could look them up. Or does someone have a website to go to with nursery rhymes and the words to them? Thanks for all of your help.

    16 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have a 3 or 4 year old that changes their clothes several times a day?

    I am a nanny to a 4 year old (just turned 4 last month) who changes her clothes anywhere from 5-20 times a day! She prefers pajamas, but we are trying to teach her to get dressed every morning instead of wearing p.j.'s. It doesn't matter if it is p.j.'s or regular clothes--she will change quite often. If her shirt gets a little wet from washing her hands, she changes her shirt. If her pants get splashed with water, she changes them. If she decides that she doesn't want to wear what she had already decided to wear that day, she will change. And most of the time it is not appropriate for the weather (but that is normal at that age). She also changes her shoes according to what she wears--even wearing dress up shoes every day when we tell her that she needs to wear those only for dress up/with dresses. Yes, she is very head strong/strong willed, but is also extremely smart. I was wondering if anyone else has a preschooler that changes their clothes so often and what they do about it.

    18 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • What is it called when someone can only love one person at a time?

    My ex husbands first wife was like this, could only love one person at a time. When someone new came into her life (dog, son, daughter, husband), she would 'drop' the one she loved so much before and stop loving them completely and stop spending time with them. Now I think that my boyfriend is doing the same thing. When he was married before, he wouldn't spend time with the kids at all. When he met me 19 months ago, he rarely saw his kids. Now that we are living about 10 blocks away from them, he spends a lot of time with them, but he says he doesn''t love me as any more than a friend. What in the world is this called? Can this be cured? Woulld therapy possibly help?

    11 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Not sure which section to put this in, but I want help with this dream I have had twice in a week...?

    I know this is probably in the wrong section, but I can't find the 'right' one, so I will put it in one of my favorite sections. Anyway, I have been having a strange dream. The first time, I talked with my fiance and didn't think twice about it. This time, tho, it really upset me since it's the second in a week like it.

    In the first one, I was really upset because my fiance had to go away for the night. I told him that I don't sleep well when he isn't there, which is true (we live together and he is home nightly). This time I had one where he got ready to leave and said that he would see me tomorrow. I was busy cooking and was shocked. He didn't tell me about it (in life, this is not like him). In this dream he ws dressed in some type of uniform, such as for the military. I got mad and was slamming doors. He said he thought he told me, but he never did. After awhile, he came back to me and said he was sorry, told me where he was going and why, and we made up.

    8 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Not sure what category to put this in, but has anyone noticed..?

    how sooooooooooooo many people misspell words on here? Who is to blame for this? Is it the teachers, schools, students, parents, or all of the above? I saw one today that had 3 misspellings in a row (sutch for such; suppost for supposed; stude for stood). And I don't just see young kids doing this. I see adults doing it as well. They should know how to spell by then or at least have a dictionary nearby to look up the words. I can understand using abbreviations for things (number 2 for to, etc), but to have the room to spell things out then misspell them totally. It is sooooooooooo irritating to me. I am just curious what everyone else thinks about this.

    13 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Nearly 14 year old that still throws tantrums and won't take showers. What to do?

    I am engaged to a man with 3 teen girls, twins that are going to be 14 this month and a 15 year old. One of the twins refuses to take showers (will take one once a month if no one told her to take one). She also throws major tantrums, throwing things at the walls and at people, screaming, slamming doors, destroying her room, etc. She has ADD or ADHD (can't remember which one since all girls have one or the other). Her sisters do NOT do this stuff. If they get upset, they just go to their rooms or let you know. She is a lot like her dad in the shower department and I know that some pre-teens do this behavior (I helped my ex to raise his two from small children to adutls), but not to this extreme. Her mom is threatning to have her move in with us. She would be bored in a few minutes and want to go home. How can their mom, dad, and I help her to see that doing this is not ok, and that she MUST take a shower quite often?

    13 AnswersFamily1 decade ago