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I have a Sony 4 GB jumpdrive that I lost the instructions for when I recently moved.?

I have never used this jumpdrive and now want to use it to move pictures from my desktop (an HP) to my laptop (a Dell) (if this is possible), but am not sure how to do this. Can someone please instruct me on how to do this (please be as specific as you can)? Thank you.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    When you insert your flash drive (jumpdrive) into one of the USB port on your desktop computer you should hear a "da-dum" sound, which indicates that Windows has recognised [recognized for you, Honey] that you've plugged something in.

    If you wait for a few seconds a new icon should appear under My Computer (if you're using Windows XP) or Computer (if you're using Windows Vista). This icon will be labelled [labeled] Removable Disk, with a drive letter after it.

    There are now two ways in which you can approach the copying of files onto this drive. You can either double-click on the icon under My Computer to open a window, and then open the folder that contains your pictures. You then highlight the pictures you want to copy across to your flash drive by holding down the Ctrl key and single-clicking on the respective files. You then hover your cursor over one of these highlighted icons, right-click, and select Copy.

    View your previously opened Removable Disk window and right-click anywhere inside that window. Select Paste.

    Job done.


    You can open Windows Explorer, which you'll find under Start > All Programs > Accessories > Windows Explorer. (This is on Windows XP. Sorry, but I don't have a Windows Vista machine to check where it's located.)

    On the left hand side of the window that appears, negotiate to where your pictures are located and highlight them in the right hand window. Again, you can hold down the Ctrl key and click on individual pictures that you wish to copy across. (If you want all the pictures transferred, you can hold down the Ctrl key and then press the letter A. This will highlight them all.)

    Leaving the pictures highlighted in the right hand part of the window, move your cursor to the space between the left hand part of the window and the right hand part of the window. You'll see that there's a scroll bar there. Drag the bar until you can see your Removable Disk. Now move back to the right hand part of the window and right-click one of the highlighted pictures. Select Copy. Now move across to the left hand part of the window and find your Removable Disk. This will change the view of the right hand side of the window to a blank screen. Click anywhere on this screen with your right mouse button and select Paste.

    Safely remove the flash drive from your USB port. (There should appear in the bottom right of your Taskbar a black and green icon that allows you to do this.)

    Plug the flash drive into one of the USB ports on the laptop and then reverse the process.

    If I haven't explained this very clearly, do please click on my avatar/photograph and send me an email. I'll do my best to try and explain it better.

  • 5 years ago

    They are losing a lot of money. They cut the prices to increase sales, and are thus losing money with each purchased PS3. It costs more to make them than the are selling for, so Sony is trying to find ways to cut the production cost. They don't expect to start making money off the PS3 until next year sometime. They is actually how systems work, they loss money for a while, but once they become successful, they make the money back in profits (via console, games, accessory sales, etc.) This generation, the companies are having trouble getting to the point where they making money off the consoles. It probably has to do with how ambitious this generation was. The price in console jumped from $200 to $600 with Sony. Eventually, they will be making money. The PS3 has just had a slow start up time. There are a lot of exclusives in the works right now that will help sales. Metal Gear Solid 4 helped to move a lot of consoles.

  • 1 decade ago

    1) Open up the window containing the pictures on your desktop.

    2) Insert the jumpdrive

    3) Open the jumpdrive by going to My Computer and clicking on 'Removable Disk'

    4) Go back to the window containing the pictures and right-click, then choose select all

    5) Drag the pictures to the jumpdrive window.

    6) Safely remove the jumpdrive and go to your laptop

    7) Insert it into the laptop and open to view files, from there you should be able to transfer the files to wherever you need them to be.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Plug the jumpdrive into the first computer (I assume it's USB since 99.99999% of them are).

    2. Wait until it goes through all its dialogues ("new hardware found" etc)

    3. Go to My Computer

    4. You should see the drive on the screen.

    5. Drag your pictures into this drive from wherever they are.

    6. Disconnect the drive by right-clicking on it and ejecting it.

    Now take it to the second computer and do the same thing, except drag the pictures to the computer instead of the drive.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's USB. So all you have to do is plug it in, and your computer should recognize it.

    Then go to My Computer, and your jump drive should show up as an icon by your hard drive and all that stuff.

    All you have to do then is click the folder and then you're in your jump drive!

    If this doesn't work, or you need more info. You can always go to the Sony website and try to find the manual under their support link.

  • 1 decade ago

    Plug the jump drive into your computer. Wait a few minutes, and it should tell you that it recognized your device.

    To open up the drive, go to my computer and click on the drive (it should say removable drive). Then open up the folder you have your pictures in, and drag them to the removable drive folder.

    Turn off the jump drive by going to the right hand corner and right clicking on the green arrow icon- it will say safely remove hardware (or something to that degree).

    Then go to your laptop and open up the jump drive folder, and drag the pictures to the folder you have created on your laptop.

    Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Plug in, go to My Computer, look for it. Open Pictures folder(s), Ctrl+A, go to drive folder, Ctrl+V, done.

    Press "Safely Remove" in Taskbar, ...

    Insert in new computer. Done.

  • 1 decade ago

    You should be able to just plug and play, you put it into the usb, and the computer should recognize it as a storage device.

  • 1 decade ago

    My guess is that you can download a free copy of your owner's manual from

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