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Does anyone remember the days before home computers, internet, cell phones, microwaves, and cable TV?

I was just curious if anyone here is 'old' enough to remember the days before we had all these technological advances that have come along within the past 20 years or so.

I remember not having a dishwasher or microwave until I was about 14 years old--and they were ancient then compared to what they are now! I remember not having any of these things listed above while growing up and actually going outside to play instead of being inside to play with Nintendo, Game Boys, X-Box, or Wii (because they weren't invented yet), or even being on the computer to be on the internet or chat with friends online. I remember the original cell phones, how huge and bulky they were. I remember that cable TV didn't have that many channels to start off with, like they do now.

What do you remember about the 'good ole days' from at least 20 years ago, if not farther back? I am just curious to see what others remember.


I remember no remotes for the TV so having to get up to change the channel, 8 track tapes and cassette tapes, record players for all record sizes, black and white TVs (before color came out), and so many other things.

I think that technology has helped in some ways; however, I think it has made so many people stay inside more, especially children, and I think that is sad.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    Honey I was here before all the above.

    Before TV was in homes even. -- I think it was invented in 1938 (year before I was born) but not really in homes until the 50's)

    Our first TV set had a 7" screen!


  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. I am only 28 and I remember. I remember as a child us only having three channels. I also remember having to get up to turn the channel (because there were no remotes). I played outside all the time. I remember when Nintendo, Sega, etc came out. You have to think a lot of those things were available, but not to the general public (excepts of course Nintendo, the Personal computer (PC)). I would say the majority of people in the world and in the US remember those times. I would venture to say that those who are 25 and below can't. Information Technology has made the most leaps and bounds with in the last 15 years.

  • 1 decade ago

    i am 20, grew up poor so the only thing we had on ur list is a microwave. We ended up getting "bootleg" cable in 1998 and computers and internet when i was like 18. However I did have a sega Genesis, dreamcast PS1 and PS2. We never went without we just made due with what we had.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think most people on here are too young to remember any of that.

    Including myself.

    But for the record, i've never had a dishwasher or cable TV anyway.

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  • 1 decade ago

    the best i remember was the old carry along cassette player... tapes.. heheh.. ..telly only had 3 channels ..when i was a kid.. .. we wrote letters to friends.. telegrams where the quickest way to send a long distance message.. .. this is like 30/35 years ago...oh yes and music.. 7inch ..2 songs.. cost 12p in Woolworths.... memories..

  • 1 decade ago

    yes to all except Cable TV :D

    life was not so bad .. :D

    computers, internet, Cable tv .. have made lives more solitary i think .. earlier we wanted entertainment we talked to family members, friends ..

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