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Does anyone have a 3 or 4 year old that changes their clothes several times a day?

I am a nanny to a 4 year old (just turned 4 last month) who changes her clothes anywhere from 5-20 times a day! She prefers pajamas, but we are trying to teach her to get dressed every morning instead of wearing p.j.'s. It doesn't matter if it is p.j.'s or regular clothes--she will change quite often. If her shirt gets a little wet from washing her hands, she changes her shirt. If her pants get splashed with water, she changes them. If she decides that she doesn't want to wear what she had already decided to wear that day, she will change. And most of the time it is not appropriate for the weather (but that is normal at that age). She also changes her shoes according to what she wears--even wearing dress up shoes every day when we tell her that she needs to wear those only for dress up/with dresses. Yes, she is very head strong/strong willed, but is also extremely smart. I was wondering if anyone else has a preschooler that changes their clothes so often and what they do about it.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I had 2 kids, have 4 grandchildren, and have babysat many other children. ALL children do that at that age. I wish I could tell you WHY but it is a fact that they do. Maybe she is just trying to find her own fashion style. :)

    If the clothes are just wet and not dirty, throw them in the dryer or hang them up to dry, and put them back in the drawers. If she only wore them for a short while, fold them up and put them away. She'll stop eventually, but never soon enough to suit the adults, I'm afraid.

    Pick your battles. This is not a major deal. Let her wear what she wants at home, but clearly explain to her that when company comes or you are going out in public, she must dress the way you want her to if she wants to wear what she likes at other times.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is totally normal, I also babysit a little girl, and she does the same thing, you just have to be strict, if she spills, just pretend to do some magic trick and say something along the lines of... " Magical Magial Unicorns Princess, Make this Spot Dissappear in an Instant" and say that and she will most likley decide to keep whatever she is wearing on, but that will mostlikely work if it gets wet or what-not, so if she just wants to change, like I said be strict, hope I helped!

    Source(s): Prior Knowledge
  • 5 years ago

    I actually know this one from experience. Okay, are you ready? Are you sure? It'll work, I swear to you, if you do it right and don't mess up. It's pretty easy. Just read this blog a few times to get the idea firmly planted in your head, you cannot afford to mess this up. And can I just say, that just because you weren't raised with praise when you made a dookie or a wizzle for the first time doesn't mean that your child can't have a great first time experience. After all, your mom isn't trying to get your child to go potty, it's you, your enthusiasm that counts. And it will be rewarded with a successfull potty in the toilet. If you never learn a single thing about parenting, know this; that people AND animals are more likely to respond in a much more positive way if you praise them instead of raising your voice or hand. It's called Positive Reinforcement; and it works ltike a charm, you should maybe research the term on the internet and read up on it. As you may know, there are many reasons why children have a hard time getting potty trained but an important one is that they are nurvous about this new adventure in life, its completely out of there normal everyday experience. It can be scary. Sometimes they just don't want to grow up, they want to always stay small, needy, or they're just plain as day, sizing you up trying to test all your buttons. So, you have to make this a FUN, a FESTIVE, a HAPPY PARTY; or it won't work. And I do emphasize making it a blast. The best bathroom experience they'll have. Ready? You first start out by getting some balloons, birthday whistles, the tea set or the GI Joes and dump trucks, gather up all of their favorite stuffed animals and dolls that you can find. Then, take everybody, including your spouces/partner, siblings into the bathroom and arrange everyone up around the toilet. Cause you're going to have a party WHEN s/he goes potty. (Note: this is also a GREAT first impression on the younger siblings; they're not going to be able to wait to do it themselves). Second, you get everybody out of the bathroom, no one is having a party until they do the deed. You give your child a cup out of the cupboard and give him/her WHAT EVER their little heart desires; whether it's juice, milk (chocolate or strawberry is fine), water, or soda, doesn't matter just keep giving it to them. Encourage them to drink; DO NOT NAG THEM THOUGH! Go back to doing something else. You don't want to stand over them and make them nurvous now do you? You can't expect them to perform well under pressure. Take the focus off of potty time. When they're done with the glass, CALMLY ask them if they need to use the bathroom, ONCE, NOT TWICE. Refill it if they say no and let em drink it. Keep offering them more and make sure they are drinking. Don't be too discouraged though if it doesn't happen in 5' 10, 20, 40, or a 140 minutes, give the bladder some time to tell the brain that it desperately needs to releave itself or there's going to be another mess. GENTLY AND NICELY ask them ONCE every 15 min or so, if they need to use the restroom. Sooner or later they're going to say yes and when they do you can get as exited as you want. The more the better! You don't ever want to say anything harsh, mean, snappy to them during this process. Remember, the human body can only take so much liquid so just be patient and wait for your child to tell you s/he has to go potty. And, more times than not, the first time will prove to be unsuccessfull, but worry not, IT WILL HAPPEN! And when it does, you want to show him/her that this an exciting moment, so you jump up and down, sing the potty in the toilet song, blow on your birthday wistles, sing for joy, wave your hands in the air and all of the childs helpers (toys/dolls) will be joining in on the fun as well.

  • 1 decade ago

    My daughter is 16 now and was exactly like the one you are talking about. I think it is just a way for them to show their independence and I let mine pick and change her clothes- It is not a big deal. She would put on things that didnt match, dresses with pants underneath, you name it she wore it- she stripes. and prints, whatever. There are so many more important things to worry about in the long run. You should see some of the pictures when she was young, we crack up! By the way, she is a normal well adjusted 16 year old witha great attitude and matching clothes now.

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  • 1 decade ago

    My 3 yr old daughter does. If she doesnt like what I set out for her, or if she just gets tired of wearing something she changes her clothes. We call her "miss Thang" cuz she has an attitude.

    She will tell me her shoes dont match her shirt. ITs crazy. We dont know where she gets it from. I am NOT a girly girl.LOL

    Maybe she wont be so bad when she is a teen if she gets it out of her system now.

    Source(s): my 3 yr old diva
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've heard early OCD behavior is indicative of high-intelligence, but this behavior described isn't necessarily OCD type. At this age, she has new control over her appearance, what she wears, etc. She's probably just flexing her freedom. Let her change as many times as she wants. She'll get tired of it eventually.

  • 1 decade ago

    Leave her alone she is only trying to what we call express herself my 4yr son can spill a drop of water on his shirt and he changes after a certain show on disney or nickjr will set him of. If celebrities do it what the heck is the problem with a toddler doing so.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is the age. My neices, nephews and daughter have all done this at 3-5 yrs old. I wouldn't worry about it to much.

  • 1 decade ago

    hmm when i was younger i liked changing into different outfits because i got bored of the same dress or whatever. i think that it is just a phase of growning up and experimenting. just let her be. she will eventually get tired of changing all the time.

  • ToniSB
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    my neice, aaliayah, loves to change her clothes. she hates to be dirty, and also likes the idea of dressing up.

    although changing clothes often throughout the day is often annoying to parents/guardians, it does not harm the child in anyway.

    be patient. i am sure she will grow out of it.

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