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Not sure what category to put this in, but has anyone noticed..?

how sooooooooooooo many people misspell words on here? Who is to blame for this? Is it the teachers, schools, students, parents, or all of the above? I saw one today that had 3 misspellings in a row (sutch for such; suppost for supposed; stude for stood). And I don't just see young kids doing this. I see adults doing it as well. They should know how to spell by then or at least have a dictionary nearby to look up the words. I can understand using abbreviations for things (number 2 for to, etc), but to have the room to spell things out then misspell them totally. It is sooooooooooo irritating to me. I am just curious what everyone else thinks about this.

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    hahahahaaaaaa! HIGH FIVE! I think it's a combination of all the above; typing skills being a possibility but also relating to the above mentioned institution. I am a spelling and grammar nut, so a lot of these people just drive me NUTS, but I try to ignore it....but it's sooooo hard sometimes when it's just sooo OUT there! I don't even like the "2" for "to"..............lazy. LAZY! Ack! I think spelling is extremely closely related to reading skills. You read a lot, you subconsciously learn to spell! Kids aren't reading, parents aren't reading....siiiiigh.....alas. Just glad someone else noticed........hahahhaa! (Like you CAN'T).........

  • Gerry
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    A lot of people type so fast, they don't go back and check their mis-spelled words and then there are the younger ones who just don't know how to spell or don't care. Some try to spell like the word sounds! And then some are just learning the English language

  • 1 decade ago

    Although you're absolutely right - people need to learn to spell, understand grammar, and quit with the run-on sentences. But other things can accompany bad grammar, such as: it being the internet, why must you always spell grammatically correct all the time ("hay wuzz^") You're typing, not talking like this (unless you're talkin "yo dawg whats the jizzy for shizzy").. Or, in most cases, they just suck at spelling. I've met a few of those in my day.

    Source(s): I may misspell - but I type fast and don't bother with caring much.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    in order that I comprehend your question, it sort of feels like the owner has a waiting checklist for first floor apartments, and whilst somebody's hire is approximately to run out, they notify the subsequent individual on the waiting checklist (you). till there's a settlement between you and the owner, the owner is under no criminal duty to guarantee you something. the owner's bare promise to furnish you a generic floor house isn't a settlement. In uncommon cases, which includes the place a promise reasons you to spend a great sort of funds or otherwise replace positions, the promise creates a legally enforceable criminal duty. yet here, you at the instant are no worse off than you have been before the notification. the project that's an exceedingly the hire between the owner and the 1st floor tenants. in the event that they notify the owner that they are shifting out, then they notify the owner that they could prefer to stay, the owner is unfastened to settle for the retraction of their notification. Now it appears that evidently like the owner in basic terms notifies you as a courtesy, so it could get you right into a clean hire. regrettably, i think of you will in basic terms ought to attend.

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  • Lydia
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Totally agree with you - and the most bizarre part is how poor the spellchecker is - so the majority of the time, if someone uses it, it would be okay, but I have seen some really strange ideas for "corrections" from it. Who is to blame? Actually, it starts with the parents, who do not keep up with the kids once they begin school. And, it's the fault of the kids, who become lazy and careless once they feel they are "free". For IMs, for example, I understand them using phonetics, if they think that's so cool, but this forum is not the same as IMing.

    Don't worry, there are plenty of others on here who feel like this - usually on the Etiquette page. (but your posting here was fine...)

    Source(s): I'm a teacher and mom.
  • JP
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I am so totally with you on this. I answer many questions on here, and I comment frequently about spelling. I get frustrated constantly about it. I understand if someone doesn't know our language yet, or uses abbreviations... but for Pete's sake (and all of ours!) please take the extra milliseconds to spell words correctly! It's about the deterioration of our written language! Thank you for mentioning this!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You have way too much time on your hands if you're on here critiquing how teenagers make type o's, that's what they are pal, type o's. Besides, what right do you have to ***** about it when you post a question with "sooooooooooo" in it? Get off your high horse and do something constructive. Don't you have a trailer to move into?

  • 1 decade ago

    These people should use the spell checking option.

  • Well, I don't know how to answer your question, but I can tell you this:

    Shove a lump of coal up your (synonym for donkey), and wait 10 million years.

    You'll pull out a diamond. You'll be RICH!!!

    Source(s): Please think about getting help for your superiority complex, and book some time for a massage at your local spa.
  • 1 decade ago

    hahaha ya and there is even a spell check. Could be typing errors also though..

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