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Not sure which section to put this in, but I want help with this dream I have had twice in a week...?

I know this is probably in the wrong section, but I can't find the 'right' one, so I will put it in one of my favorite sections. Anyway, I have been having a strange dream. The first time, I talked with my fiance and didn't think twice about it. This time, tho, it really upset me since it's the second in a week like it.

In the first one, I was really upset because my fiance had to go away for the night. I told him that I don't sleep well when he isn't there, which is true (we live together and he is home nightly). This time I had one where he got ready to leave and said that he would see me tomorrow. I was busy cooking and was shocked. He didn't tell me about it (in life, this is not like him). In this dream he ws dressed in some type of uniform, such as for the military. I got mad and was slamming doors. He said he thought he told me, but he never did. After awhile, he came back to me and said he was sorry, told me where he was going and why, and we made up.


What can these dreams of hm having to leave for the night mean, especially the second one where he is in a military uniform (he hasn't been in the service since the mid 1970s). Anytime I have these, I tend to be upset. He is at work so I can't talk with him about it.

Update 2:

My fiance is 54 and in great health. I don't know. Maybe I am subconsciously afraid that he will leave as I have had abandonment issues in the past (birth mother left me twice as a child and parents that raised me were emotinally absent). Consciously I don't have a fear of him leaving. No, I am n ot needy or dependent on him for anything but the money as I don't work outside of the home. I know what it's like to be dependent (been there, done that) and won't do it again.

I was just wondering if anyone on here interprets dreams and might be able to interpret this one for me. Oh, and I do dream in color, always have.

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    MAN: To see a man in your dream is a sign about the masculine part of yourself - the side that is assertive, rational, aggressive, and/or competitive. If the man is known to you, then the dream may reflect your feelings and concerns you have about him.

    NIGHT: To have a dream that takes place at night represents some major setbacks and obstacles in achieving your goals. There are some issues in your life that you are facing that are not too clear. You should put the issues aside so you can clear your head before coming back to it. On the other hand, to dream of night-time may be the same as to dream of death (a sign of rebirth and new beginnings).

    ABANDONMENT: To dream that you are abandoned suggests that it is time to leave behind past feelings and characteristics that are hindering your own growth. Let go of your old attitudes. A direct interpretation of this dream (the straight truth, the meaning) is that you have a fear of being deserted, abandoned, or even betrayed. Do you feel that people are neglecting your feelings? Dreaming that you are abandoned may stem from a recent loss or a fear of losing a loved one. The fear of abandonment may reveal itself to you in your dream and is part of the healing process of dealing with losing a loved one. It may also stem from unresolved feelings or problems from childhood.

    TALKING: To dream that you are talking does not have any significance, unless it is unusual or bizarre. Consider also if what you say evokes strong feelings or behavioral reactions. The dream may simply be highlighting your need improve your communication skills or learn to express yourself more clearly.

    COOKING: To dream that you are cooking, is a sign of your desire to influence others in such a way that they will like you or become dependent on you. On the other hand, it represents your nurturing side or desire to be nurtured. You want to be loved.

    UNIFORM: To see a person in uniform is a sign that you may be meeting the needs of others too much and living in too much of a strictly-controlled manner. Also, you may need to fit in and stop going against the crowd.

    DOOR: To dream that you are entering through a door is a sign of new opportunities that will be presented to you. You are entering into a new stage in your life and moving from one level of consciousness to another. In particular, a door that opens to the outside is a sign of your need to be more available to others, whereas a door that opens into the inside denotes your desire for inner examination and self-discovery. To see opened doors in your dream represents your openness and willingness to accept new ideas/concepts. In particular, to see a light behind it suggests that you are moving toward greater enlightenment/spirituality.

    ANGER: To dream that you are feeling much anger forewarns that you will be involved in a terrible and tense situation. Your loved ones will let you down and disappoint you. It also forewarns that ties, which were once solid, will be broken. Being angry in your dream may have been carried over from your waking life. In your dream, you may feel safe to express such emotions. You may have some hidden anger and aggression (bitterness) that you have not consciously recognized (admitted).

    RECONCILEMET (making up): To dream about a reconcilement represents a person in your waking life that you need to reconnect with (bond, unite, be close). You need to rid yourself of some burden that has been weighing you down.

    You need to discuss the dream interpretation with him… and make it totally clear to him, so he will understand what your problems/needs are.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    A C section is not the easy way out,although it is generally a safe procedure it does carry more risks than a vaginal delivery,it is major abdominal surgery and can take a long time to recover from,you are often in a lot of pain and barely mobile straight after a c section. I was 16 when i had my first baby and i am tiny but it is pelvis size that counts,very few girls or women will have a pelvis that is too small and being tight doesn't matter either because it will stretch and yes it does go back to normal after,takes about 6 weeks and you will be back to how you were before,doing pelvic floor exercises will help with that too. My first labor was long,painful and tiring so i had an epidural,it was brilliant and gave me total relief,my last two i had naturally and they were painful but not as bad as i expected,they were quick though and that helped a lot. Most doctors wont give you a c section through personal choice anyway unless you have a serious amount of money to spend,i would say don't worry,go in with an open mind and if it gets too much take the epidural.

  • 1 decade ago

    I take it you are upset because in the dream he didn't tell you that he was going.Then a dream can be reversed, do you get upset because he tells you every where and thing he does?At his age he may, I know I tell my hubby everything. Maybe you want him to be more independant and just don't come right out and say it.Did I help? Hope so.The uniform(military) maybe he likes to serve, like the military does......

  • 1 decade ago

    It sounds to me like your "afraid" he might be leaving and telling you he's coming back, but might not. Have you discussed anything like this? how old is he? how is his health? Were they in black and white or in color? Look into these things.

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  • 1 decade ago

    maybe it means that you are becoming a little dependent on him...

    The military thing sounds like a fear of losing him or not having him close enough...

    would that mean you are needy?

  • Toto
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I'm not psycho/sicko - we don't have any control on the dreams.

    Mostly they are just strange imagination and mean nothing.

  • 1 decade ago

    maybe it`s just a weird dream.

  • 1 decade ago

    Dreams are just that------Dreams!Quit analyzing so much!Let it go.

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