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health care plan?

the republicans have come up with a great health care plan

its called get a job and buy it like most decent hard working people do


jk8846 spoken like a true give me everything because i'm to lazy to earn it liberal

Update 2:

but you are right about closing those federal goverment eneties and let the states run them it's called states rights and smaller federal goverment

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    yes that has worked for me if i didnt have health care at my job i would go find one that offered it i believe there are plenty of jobs out there with health care you just gotta get off your lazy azz and fine them i would rather pay the $178 a week my insurance cost for my family then deal with socialised medicine and all those problems with decent health care

    this is the american way of weeding out the weak

  • 1 decade ago

    Health Care Plan

    The best plan is to do away with health care altogether, most people are healthy and if by chance you get sick or maimed where as you are no longer a productive member of society , the government should issue you a pill that will put you to sleep forever. That way we could make room for the ones we bring to life.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That would be lovely and oh so true if medical costs beyond what insurance pays these days wasn't so exorbitant. Life saving businesses really shouldn't be about profit and that's really when they started going downhill. I don't think it should be a 100% free ride but I also don't think any U S Citizen should be turned away because of their lack of ability to pay.

    But I do understand how you would feel the way you do and I'm a veteran and would defend your right to say it with my life.


  • netjr
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Almost right, but there was more too it. Including tort reform to try and make health insurance more affordable so that more employers could get it for their employees. Anything is better then taxing the working class in order to give a free benefit to the non working class.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have a great health care plan. I joined the military and now ALL of my medical needs are paid for in full.

  • Bill
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Yup. They came up with that "great health care plan" right after they came up with the great plan that sent all the jobs that would allow decent hard-working people to afford their "great health care plan" to Mumbai and Dubai.

    I really can't complain, I suppose. I only pay about $1000/month to cover my wife, and I personally have that OTHER great Republican health care plan . . . the one called "get sent overseas and get your a$$ shot up and get half-a$$ed health care in obsolete and decrepit facilities for life".

  • 1 decade ago

    What about the jobs that don't give health care insurance? I love the Republican union members here.

  • 1 decade ago

    Down with socialism!

    No more government run institutions! No more government run postal service! Close down schools because the government runs them and they must be socialist evil! Get a job and deliver mail yourselves!

    Good work, braintrust. Sounds like you've got a miracle of a head on those shoulders. Do me a favor? Don't reproduce.

  • 1 decade ago

    Economy change life, the woman more live more vogue

  • 1 decade ago

    Actually, we Republicans NEED to start enforcing the law--we need to enforce CONTRACT law so that legit claims do NOT get denied. We need to enforce ANTITRUST law so we taxpayers don't keep getting taken to the cleaners with bogus costs. We also should reform all these unconstitutional federal programs--like Medicare--that don't do anything for anyone other than big pharma.

    When 75% of the people who declare bankruptcy over medical bills ARE INSURED, then insurance is CLEARLY not the answer.

    "Aldrich’s situation is "asinine" but increasingly common, said Dr. Deborah Thorne of Ohio University. Thorne, co-author of a widely quoted 2005 study that found medical bills contributed to nearly half of the 1.5 million personal bankruptcies filed in the U.S. each year, said that ratio has likely worsened since the data was gathered.


    Like Aldrich, Thorne said, three-quarters of the individuals in the study who declared bankruptcy because of health problems were insured. "

    Linda Peeno, MD testified that SHE had often denied treatment JUST to save the insurance company money


    "the vast majority of health insurance policies are through for-profit stock companies. They are in the process of “shedding lives” as some term it when “undesirable” customers are lost through various means, including raising premiums and co-pays and decreasing benefits (Britt, “Health insurers getting bigger cut of medical dollars,” 15 October 2004, That same Investors Business Daily article from 2004 noted the example of Anthem, another insurance company. They said the top five executives (not just the CEO) received an average of an 817 percent increase in compensation between 2000 and 2003. The CEO, for example, had his compensation go from $2.5 million to $25 million during that time period. About $21 million of that was in stock payouts, the article noted.

    A 2006 article, “U.S. Health Insurance: More Market Domination, More CEO Compensation”

    ( notes that in 56 percent of 294 metropolitan areas one insurer “controls more than half the business in health maintenance organization and preferred provider networks underwriting." In addition to having the most enrollees, they also are the biggest purchasers of health care and set the price and coverage terms. “’The results is double-digit premium increases from 2001 and 2004—peaking with a 13.9 percent jump in 2003—soaring well above inflation and wages increases.’" Where is all that money going? The article quotes a Wall Street Journal article looking at the compensation of the CEO of UnitedHealth Group. His salary and bonus is $8 million annually. He has benefits such as the use of a private jet. He has stock-option fortunes worth $1.6 billion."

    --Save America, Save the World by Cassandra Nathan pp. 127-128

    "Insurance Companies Robbing Patients

    Robbing patients to pay CEOs leads to unprecedented medical insurance corporation greed.

    Thursday, January 3, 2008 8:52 AM

    By: Michael Arnold Glueck & Robert J. Cihak, The Medicine Men"

    Oh and let's stop a little something INSANE called "compassionate entry":

    "Dickson emphasizes that not all the free care is going to illegal aliens passing through on their way to other states. About half goes to Mexicans who use the Copper Queen as their personal emergency-care facility. In effect, the hospital, which performs general surgery, has become the trauma center for that stretch of northern Mexico. If an ambulance pulls up to the border-crossing point near Bisbee and announces "compassionate entry," the border patrol waves it through, and the Copper Queen is compelled to treat the patient. It is one more program that Congress mandates but does not pay for. "If you make me treat someone," says Dickson, "then you need to pay me. You can't have unfunded mandates in a small hospital." Although the Medicare drug act that passed last year provides for modest payments to hospitals that treat illegal aliens, Dickson says there is a catch that the U.S. government has yet to figure out. "How do I document an undocumented alien? How am I going to prove I rendered that care? They have no Social Security number, no driver's license.",9171,9...

    How about a sensible, FREE MARKET plan that would not only reform ALL government-run health care ON THE WAY TO PRIVATIZING IT, but address the above problems and more:

    the NEED for more homegrown, US-educated doctors and nurses (we turn away THOUSANDS of well-qualified students each year, while for doctors, our system REQUIRES because of so few docs being allowed into med school, that 25% of ALL our residencies be filled by graduates of foreign med schools. Not only is that stupid for OUR patients, but it's THEFT from countries that ALSO have doctor shortages. AKA evil.)

    Reduce costs to med students--student loans now average $130K upon graduation--that's stupid when we give slackers highly subsidized rides through college even if they keep flunking or take pointless classes like Women's Studies at OUR expense. We HAVE the money to get more med schools, dental schools, nursing programs--stop WASTING it on PC idiocy.

    Reduce prescription drug costs by BULK BUYING so it doesn't hurt pharma which does spend a lot in R&D but doesn't break the backs of some 80-year-old struggling to stay alive.

    That sensible plan?

    QUALITY, ACCESSIBLE, AFFORDABLE health care for all.

    That means preventative care (physical with follow up). Real medication (no Medicare "donut holes" the really ill are ripped off again.) No bogus ridiculously low "caps" on needed medical procedures. No abuse of the ER. No paying for the silly with the sniffles to go to the doc for free. No more bankruptcies over medical bills. I want THIS plan that ends abuse of the taxpayer, takes the burden off employers, provides price transparency, and ends the rip-off of the US taxpayer at the hands of greedy insurance CEOs (which has been repeatedly documented).

    Read the PDF, not the blurb, for the bulk of the plan. Book is searchable on

    Cassandra Nathan's Save America, Save the World

    It means after the physical and follow-up you PAY YOUR OWN WAY until med expenses become an actual BURDEN, then insurance kicks in--exactly as it was designed HUNDREDS of years ago when people had more common sense.

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