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Quibish asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

After 5 years of war, and a fact finding trip to the Middle East....?

How does McCain expect to be taken seriously as a Presidential candidate if he doesn't even know the difference between Sunni and Shiite extremists? Most foriegn policy experience my a$$.

“We continue to be concerned about Iranian taking Al Qaeda into Iran, training them and sending them back,’’ Mr. McCain said at the news conference. Asked about that statement, Mr. McCain said: “Well, it’s common knowledge and has been reported in the media that Al Qaeda is going back into Iran and receiving training and are coming back into Iraq from Iran. That’s well known. And it’s unfortunate.”

It was not until he got a whispered correction from Senator Joseph I. Lieberman of Connecticut, who was traveling with Mr. McCain on the trip, which is a Congressional delegation, that Mr. McCain corrected himself.

“I’m sorry, the Iranians are training extremists, not Al Qaeda,” he said.


Basically, I'm wondering if you think McCain is willfully distorting the facts in order to make a case for invading Iran, or is he just honestly mixed up about the facts? Which is better?

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Either way, McCain is out.

    He's a push-over, and he's having trouble remembering his lines. It seems he can't hold his own weight and so other republicans have to hold it for him.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    McCain gas been going to Iraq every year since the war started.. he and a few other Senators, including Democrats visist the middle east on a regular basis. Part of the responsibility of being a member of the Armed Services committee.

    And if all you can criticize McCain for is identifying the wong group that the Iranians are supporting.. welll then that's not much criticism.

  • 1 decade ago

    McCain is an empty vessel , he has sold his personal pride to become Bush III. All he brings is the failed Bush policies.

    He does not need to know anything, but how to take the money. Example the tanker deal.He lies constantly about the Escalation, goes for a wlk in a iraqi neighborhood with a Brigade and deems it safe. You can expect more big government, irresponsible economic policies, and conservative Supreme court justices. He is a non-thinking, reactive tool of the Bush administration.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Iran's Link to Al-Qaeda: The 9-11 Commission's Evidence

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  • Lurch
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Dude, he mis-spoke. It's not that big of a deal. Are you telling me that in your entire life you've never said one thing while meaning to say another? It's called being a human being. If this is the most scandalous thing you've got on McCain consider him your next President.

  • 1 decade ago

    Mccain will def invade iran,, btw thats a terrible thing, iran is the cradle of civilization- their not doing anything to us. if we bomb iran it will only be because of israel.....

    mccain knows if obama runs, he will win over pastor wright tapes, if hillary wins--men will not vote for her..

    its too easy for mccain

    he may also suffer from Alzheimers, reagan did

  • 1 decade ago

    Perhaps if he is elected he can appoint Obama to intercede between the Sunni's and Shites, Obama seems to be quite the expert on race and factionalism.

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