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In your opinion what is the first step in order to have a two state solution?

19 Answers

  • iceman
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Eliminate criminal Elites and big fat corps.

    That is the solution to about 90% of the problems in this world.


    Edit : So you think the brutal gov of Israel, armed to the teeth with US made weapons, and getting billions in cash aids, is just a miracle ? No they got a job to do , they are servant to the criminal Elites and big fay boys? This ain't about Arabs and Jews? It's all about power to control the world. Wake up people.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I am in full agreement with and fully endorse what Mr."Aryan" has stated in his answer which is not only very detailed but very precise ,to the point and very crisp too.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no 2 state solution! one country, called Israelestine.

  • Blue 1
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    No two state solution. only Palestine. no compromise for peace! They shouldn't sacrifice anything for the sake of peace! I know this makes me sound like a warmonger. but a solution one would say that Palestinians give up everything and go to refugee camps in Lebanon or elsewhere. that would restore peace wouldn't it? but what about justice?

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well, Im not sure that a 2 state plan could work but if Israel wanted to do that their first step should be to give back all the land that was not originally given to them by the UN in 1948. Then they can continue by getting the discusting pieces of garbage called the IFD out of Palestine and stop killing babies but believe me the Zionists do not want peace at least not before all the Palestinians are killed.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The re-establishment of Greater Syria as it existed prior to WWI,in essence the unification of present-day Syria,Lebanon and Jordan with Palestine as an associated state,meaning participating in a consolidated military as well as an economic union. We need to restore the indigenous Al-Sham culture,of which the territorial integrity of the entire region is so much a part. The two states would consist of Greater Syria and Palestine. As to the zionist movement,it belongs to another era and is almost universally scorned as a disaster. As to the zionist government - if one might call it that - it is guilty of enough crimes against humanity to more than justify it's liquidation as a governmental body. It should go the way of the Third Reich. As the the jews resident in Palestine,it up to them whether they wish to remain as registered aliens,subject to government approval, or migrate.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If Palestinians weren't as hostile, there might be a possibility of a two-state solution, but I don't see it as even a remote possibility.

  • 1 decade ago

    An independent Palestine and the unfication of Syria and Jordan. Maya,I would leave Lebanon alone. Without the izzies,there is no threat to them and they really value their independence.

  • 1 decade ago

    Firstly, let us not forget that it was the Israeli who invaded and exterminated the other indigent peoples, whom were already occupying and owned the land which the Israeli come to take, under their laying non existing "god". When IT lied to them, about his "promised land". For if this "god" was so loving, why the hell he send "HIS peoples" to murder others? Couldn't him send Moses to Australia or Americas, where was much more land? And not create with his "wise" decision, an never ending Territorial war?

    I say that there should be given the rights back to the first owners and the state should be theirs!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is one thing that MUST be done before any type of solution can be made; the recognizing and honoring of the Palestinian people's HUMANITY.

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