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Lv 4
Dawg54 asked in Politics & GovernmentGovernment · 1 decade ago

Did we stop teaching American Civics to our children?

Based on some of the questions/answers I've read in the "elections" catgeory many appear to have little knowledge or undersatnding about the functions and responsibilities of the three branches of our (US) government, and that is both alarming and sad.


Thank you all for your answers..They were very enlightening. But what amazes me even more now..Civics being offered as an advance placement course!!

How in Heavens name can our government expect the common ciziten to make sound decissions about here future when they don't understand/know how our government works! That is a sad commentary about our educational system.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, I am in Arkansas and my sister is in the 9th grade she had a history text book and it says Civics on it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The government doesn't want us to make sound decisions. What government fears most is an educated populace. Can you imagine what would happen to the government if We the People ever discovered that We hold all the political power and the government is actually our servant?

    Why, there would be no more taxes or an IRS. Instead of worthless debt instruments called Federal Reserve Notes (We the People mistakenly call them dollars), we would have our gold and silver back. That was stolen from us from 1913 on when Congress illegally passed the Federal Reserve Act.

    Want more? Courts would be legitimate Article III courts of Common Law, not the Admiralty tribunals we have now in which contract law has replaced constitutional law.

    When you go to a bank to borrow money, the bank would lend you real money and they would be on the hook for real money. Today they create "money" out of thin air. Actually you create the money with your promise to pay, so you fund your own loan and then pay it back to the bank with interest. Amazing what they can do with two sets of books.

    Civics is only the tip of the iceberg. You gotta dig a little deeper to get to the truth.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No. At least not in NC. Our Social Studies curriculum from 4-8 grades consists of U.S. history/civics, and in 9th/10th grade, a civics & economics class is required. Also, an AP Government & Politics class is offered

  • 1 decade ago

    I made it through the mandatory schooling, and I only have a general sense of the manner in which the US government conducts itself. If you asked me how it works, I couldn't tell you. In fact, my response would probably be comparable to a student struggling for an answer, the kind that says "please, teacher, don't make me feel like crap." I'm woefully ignorant, but I wonder how things would be different if I were allowed to explore and discover the workings of our reality independently of the threat of emotional manipulation and abuse, er, i mean, education.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The public education system has become a social engineering operation more than an educational institution.

    It is really quite scary! If the kids don't learn accurate information, our freedoms will soon be gone.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i've noticed the same thing but it also seems that some have forgotten what they did learn about the three branches of government or they would not believe it when some politicians make promises they have no authority to carry through with...this has always fascinated me

  • 1 decade ago

    NC, at least in 2004, we had to take ELP (Economic Leagal and Political systems) class in order to graduate high school

  • 1 decade ago

    its not that they've stopped teaching it, its just that at the time that it is taught, kids don't realize that the material being taught is real useful, and unfortunately time passes by and they still know nothing about civics.

    i remember being taught US civics at 7th and 8th grade, (mostly 8th, in 7th we didn't talk much about it) - and this of course is about 3-4 years ago - also they teach it in 12th grade around here (VA)

    but yea, they still teach it

    Source(s): own experience
  • 1 decade ago

    no they didnt stop teaching it have to take it. we had to wach the freakin state of the union address as a class assignment. i guess in this election not to many ppl really care. all of the candidates suck. if we choose mccain hez really old and may die in office. if we choose barrak or clinton some1 will probably assainate them or sumthin so we really have no chance. but yea they do still teach civics

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Could be. Seeing the people today that think Bush could get a third term wasn't very encouraging.

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