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  • Voters did you take notice?

    During Kerry's 04 bid for the White House many thought McCain would be his VP. When questioned McCain said that Kerry was his good FRIEND and he wasn't about to give up friendship for politics. I find it odd that in the past 2 or 3 weeks, Kerry has bad mouthed McCain and apparently will continue to do so (so much for friendship) Then with Richardson jumping Hillary's ship (throwing her under the bus), and Mr. O throwing everyone under the bus, is this an indication of what the "New" Democratic Party has become?.... A Party who will stump on anyone to get what they feel is rightfully do them....

    14 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Elections 2008..?

    Just taking a survey..In your opinion which branches of the Federal govenment actions and, or decisions impact your life and future more? Please list them with #1 having most impact and #3 having the least impact. Side bar comments only if they are serious ones..Thank you

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Subliminal Conditioning in The USA..?

    Let me preface my question by saying, I am a 62 years young with only a high school education and my knowledge of the subject matter is liimited to only reading, listening to and absorbing information. I am not seeking acolades and only wish to get a larger understanding from a variety of people. Also since my question really pertains to the American society, those who are not American but who have viewpoints are also welcome to reply but from an "outsider's viewpoint". I say this so you will be able to understand my selection of terms, their difinitions, verbage and grammar. With that be said, here is the question and rationale.

    1. Do you think or feel that Americans over time, have become a society of people who have been placed in to (by design or otherwise) various "buckets" that are labeled as male, female, old, young, by race, sexual orientation and whatever other category and therefore fail to accept the true meaning of being united as a one society?

    3 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Democrats & Republicans, would you agree..?

    Would you agree with the following viewpoint,

    1. at one point both parties had left, center and right thinking sectors.

    2. That over time (circa TR's era), the left sector of the Republican party vanished and now has only center and right thinking members

    3. That the Democratic Party who also once had the same three sectors let the right sector, which until 1996 was represented by Sens. Nunn and Miller of GA, vanish leaving only the center and left sectors as their core?

    If you do, would you then also agree that with this,

    1. The Republican Party has made half-hearted attempts to re-capture their former left members, and now wish to remain center and right

    2. The Democratic Party has no interest in re-capturing their former right members, and now wants to reduce their core to only the left?

    I would appreciate that only people who with serious viewpoints/answers relpy. Thanks to All!

    1 AnswerElections1 decade ago
  • Have you noticed how compassionate our government is to its citizens v. other countries?

    FEMA loans, Student Aid Loans, SBA Loans and now Mortgage Assistance Loans, all loans with fine print, that state if you fail to repay any loan promptly, we, your Uncle Sam, will make you, our citizen, a slave and own you until you die!

    Yet, country X, don't worry about the millions we gave you in blood, education, medicine, food and natural disasster assistance. Its OK for you to continue to supply arms that kill us, buy our companies, buy our farm land and real estate, force our businesses to reduce wages (or go out of business) in order to compete with your products and use America as your giant super market for your goods, we understand. After all, while you think we are nothing but a bunch of greedy "cowboys and cowgirls", we're not. We're just a bunch of forgiving people who have lost sight of our own heritage.

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Performance Rating of the Congress (both Houses)?

    So far in this Election season everyone seems to be spending all their time and energy debating the merits of the presidential candidates or attacking both the current and former (Clinton) presidents. On a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being the lowest) what rating would you give for the House of Representatives and the Senate?

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Did we stop teaching American Civics to our children?

    Based on some of the questions/answers I've read in the "elections" catgeory many appear to have little knowledge or undersatnding about the functions and responsibilities of the three branches of our (US) government, and that is both alarming and sad.

    13 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago