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Have you noticed how compassionate our government is to its citizens v. other countries?

FEMA loans, Student Aid Loans, SBA Loans and now Mortgage Assistance Loans, all loans with fine print, that state if you fail to repay any loan promptly, we, your Uncle Sam, will make you, our citizen, a slave and own you until you die!

Yet, country X, don't worry about the millions we gave you in blood, education, medicine, food and natural disasster assistance. Its OK for you to continue to supply arms that kill us, buy our companies, buy our farm land and real estate, force our businesses to reduce wages (or go out of business) in order to compete with your products and use America as your giant super market for your goods, we understand. After all, while you think we are nothing but a bunch of greedy "cowboys and cowgirls", we're not. We're just a bunch of forgiving people who have lost sight of our own heritage.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I absolutely agree. It isn't too late for the American people to stand up & take back their country, charity begins at home & don't let your politicians lose sight of that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Man, you hit the nail on the head. I don't really think the government (the elite) are compassionate to anyone.

    Watch this movie about the very situation you're talking about...

    Very telling. Our wealthy are EVIL. Not all of them... just the power-hungry ones in Washington and NY.

    Our nation's "wealth" (they share a little with us, the common man here in the states... through lower prices) is being built on the backs of people in impovershed nations... not just on their backs... but with their blood as well.

    Tiger Woods makes more money per year endorsing Nike on TV than all of the workers who make Nike shoes put together. Nike shoes are made in Indonesia by enslaved people working 20 hour shifts for $1/day.

    Sickening greed... that's all it is.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Big business owns our politicians. While we are watching the superbowl these fools are making deals to line their pockets and sell out the american people. Democrats and republicans.

  • 1 decade ago

    well, i agree. for those of us who are "middle class" we get no help. the help is for those who won't help themselves (welfare) and not included in that is the lovely illegal immigrants who get the same benefits as if they paid into the system. oh yeah, that's right those of us who have paid into the system don't reap the benefits just those who are too lazy to do for themselves and those who aren't supposed to be here anyway. it also aggravates me that someone who comes here legally also gets more benefits than that of a natural born citizen here. thanks bureaucracy.

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  • Phil
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I'm just glad to think that our schools are producing people capable of such intelligent, logical thought as this....

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