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Seriously whats with all the "Do I look good" questions?

You're fishing for compliments why? Due to low self esteem? I think most of us have been there at one point or another but no matter how much you hear from us that is not going to change how you feel.

BE know could be 250 pounds or 100, perfect skin or not perfect, but if you have zero confidence and a crappy attitude well.........thats unattractive.

If you arent happy with your weight, then work on it. Baby steps. And this goes both ways, no one wants an 80 pound railing of a girlfriend. And if youre on the heavier side well, ditch cokes, that makes a world of difference alone.

But seriously, be confident. If someone is smashing on your looks, especially if you are in school, keep in mind that they are young and immature. I got teased at one point too, but now I laugh at that because I'm confident in who I am and I know I'm a good person and that I look good, because feeling good on the inside makes you look better on the out.


I should try it eh? lol..but what if I'm already confident in myself?

Update 2:

Rofl whats it matter if my avatar is my pic? Look how tiny it is? Figured I dont need to use a little cartoon character or a blank one.

Just be confident jesus.

Update 3:

Melanie, i get what you are saying.

But bandaiding the wound wont fix it.

KIDS ARE MEAN YES....Yes....ignore them. You know what, that ugly duckling stuff is true, oh god I had some horrible years! But that can always change. And people that tease someone to the point that they cry daily...those people are uglier than anyone could ever be. Everyone grows up eventually(well most people)...just let it roll off your back. Easier said than done I know...but be strong and focus on what you know you are good at.

Update 4:

Ok I can't keep up with all the replies.

And to imhawt93, not exactly. See their confidence needs to be boosted and a 2 minute yea you look fine, isnt going to fix that.

If someone wants to yell at me or hate on me shoot me an email. I'm not hiding.


Update 5:

Thats_xox_you..I wouldn't sweat it. You know what happened to all the people that were that vile and malicious to people in my school? Nothing, they never went anywhere, never did anything with their lives and have nothing to show for the last 10 years. Negativity doesn't really lead anywhere in the end. And I still have friends from 12 years ago that I know are there for me, and at the time we weren't really friends. We were simply kind to each other in a world full of A holes.

Update 6:

Sure woke everyone up huh? ;)

Thanks for all the views everyone. As an FYI I'm not trying to bash anyone. Confidence is something you really have to gain in yourself. And if you're're going to change...peoples physical appearance keeps changing throughout their whole life. With drastic changes in the upper teens and into the 20s...

Just be strong.

37 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    insecurity and/or attention whore complex is my best guess

  • 1 decade ago

    Preach is son!

    I know in my case I ask if something looks good on me or if I look good because half the time I can't tell if something looks hideous on me or not. I always used to get picked on when I was younger as well because i grew up in an area where everybody was blonde haired and blue eyed, and I'm italian with extremely dark features so I stuck out! The popular girls tore me apart and I coudln't STAND to look at myself in the mirror. Yuck, dark, dark times. But then again, those girls were just trying to make themselves more secure, and they're the kinds of people fishing for compliments. heh.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm dying to argue with you. Simply for the fun of it. This is a really subjective topic, and there are a lot of different perspectives.

    I could point out that I myself have asked the question once... but then my boyfriend had just cheated on me and gotten another girl pregnant... is it ok that I felt a little less confident at that time?

    Idk. Sometimes I agree with you, especially when these obviously pretty girls ask it... but then, no one's forcing you to answer it...

    I'm cool with people asking what they want on here as long as it doesn't insult me... Relax k?... No matter how much you argue your point none of the girls that love to hear people tell them they're pretty are going to change...

  • 1 decade ago

    Its hilarious because i was JUST looking at a guy who wanted to know if we thought he looked good..

    And i was thinking to myself, man! If only people would stop fishing around for compliments, and you know some of these people know they are hot, and yet still need the compliments...

    I will never understand people.. Im not the most confident person, but i definitely am confident enough to know that putting pictures of myself on Yahoo Answers is just dumb.. lol

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  • 1 decade ago

    I agree...I am rather tired of seeing questions like "do I look fat?" "Am I pretty?" "What do you think of this girl?'s not me ..just curious"

    If you are being picked on it is most likely that the person doing it is insecure and trying to direct the negative attention toward someone other than them self. It is a shame that so many people in our society are so convinced (brain washed by media and advertising!) that everything about a person is determined by looks. Too bad so many people can't think for themselves.

  • 1 decade ago

    I totally agree with you! I mean what's wrong with them? I wouldn't care what a strange in the other side of the world thinks about me, besides it's a very dangerous trend cause they include like actual pics of themselves, who knows what kind of freak whatches them and for what purpose??? They think that getting their pics in internet is a way of becoming like famous (similar to getting on TV) but there's a lot in stake when they do this!

  • 1 decade ago

    You make a legitimate point, but what about those girls with a fast metabolism that weigh 80 pounds naturally? I have a friend, she's 16 around 5'8 and she weighs 100 pounds. She eats, but she also swims.

    Though I see your point, those questions are annoying.

    Besides the ugly "all American girls" Always get a 10 and the exotic girls get like a 5 I've noticed. Those questions are idiotic.

  • 1 decade ago

    So many young people are way to insecure. Their parents don't take time and encourage the kids. Other kids are cruel. It is a cruel cold hurtful world and they are just trying to get some POSITIVE FEEDBACK for a change.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i honestly dont know why there aare so many.

    to be honest, thats NOT why i came to this section of answers.

    i want tips,

    not some people clogging up the possible questions

  • 1 decade ago

    Agree with the confidence. Confidence is one of the most important aspects of life. Without it you can't do anything. Instead of asking for compliments over the internet they should just ask close friends or family. Personality is what makes you look good not your appearance.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    your right mannn

    they get annoying after awhile

    but i dont mind looking at how people look

    Portia is Hotttt

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