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Nikita V asked in SportsCricket · 1 decade ago

How many of you are Rahul Dravid fans? Tell me what what you think about him?

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm a crazy Dravid fan...He's a great player for india....a really good human being as well...Noone else deserves the title of "The Wall"I've lost count of how many times he has bailed India out of trouble.

    With a strong technique, he has been the backbone for the Indian cricket team. Beginning with the reputation of being a defensive batsman who should be confined to Test cricket, he was dropped from ODIs as he was slow in making runs. However, in a period of his career he began consistently scoring runs in ODIs as well, earning him the award of ICC player of the year.

    He Rocks yaar

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Rahul Dravi he is the hero of the Indian cricket team .......... who played the non stop 98 test matches without ant injury.......... he is the back bone of indian team he is always stand for Indian cricket....... he is the person who not met more to media......... really we have to apreciate to him......

    may be others can think he is slow batter ......... he will take more balls and all....... for them i need to ask one thing ....... i want to ask u people is who has done such a role's in team as batsmen, as a keeper, as captain,as a bowler,as a great fielder in slip have u ever having any player like this...... wat he has do for India he did it,

    its very easy to say he is bad player........ just be in his place play the cricket and see....... game is not so easy ok.

    there is lots of things to tll about Rahul dravid but there is no time for me in office now.............

    if u wont encrase also no problem...... please dont discraze to other players please its my request to all

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm a Dravid fan =]

    Not just for his technical prowess *(though I htink he's one of the most proficient defensive players in the world), but his whole attitude is awesome... There should be more int. cricketers like him.

  • 1 decade ago

    am 1 of his fan i like his atitude towards cricket his batting n feilding style n his pastions on the ground n his simplisity

    in simple words he is to be treated as ideal

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  • 1 decade ago

    i m a big fan of rahul dravid!!!!!!!!

    i like him very very much!!!!!!!

    he will play in a classic and gr8 way VS south africa!!!!!!!

    i trust him!!!!!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, I like him. He's a true gentleman.

    When on song, looks one of the best.

    Not an explosive batsman.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am the fan of sachin but i also like dravid.

    He is a great batsmen.

  • 1 decade ago

    He is a Slow Killer & Mr. Dependable & he is a player who plays in hard times.

  • 1 decade ago

    i consider him very skilled and erudite batsman. That's it

    Anil Bisht

  • 1 decade ago

    i am not fan of him but still respect him as Batsman

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