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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentImmigration · 1 decade ago

How could the Chinese build a 4,000+mile wall out of stone, but America can't build a 2,000mile fence?

America the great with all the money, resources, and technology can't put up a freakin' fence.

I do understand the great wall was built over a few hundred years and cost millions of lives, but it was quite a feat at a much larger scale

I bet back in the good ole days like during the theodore roosevelt era, that wall woulda been done in a hurry.


Ron Paul wa right the value of the dollar aint worth a damn anymore, Whn I was akid I used to look for change under the couch, now a kid wont even go to check the mail for a dollar, milk is outragious,gas is outragious, whats next high water prices? And then Bush takes the electric car away.I think it's the opposite alot of people can't get jobs becaue the immigrants are getting them, so then we gotta all go to college just to a job an immigrant hasnt already taken, and it also seems that immigrants dont seem to believe in condoms either. But yeah the wall shoulda been done in the 80'a anyway

Update 2:

I think we need to take the troups out of Iraq, put em' in Mexico and clean that heap up so then the Mexicans will stay and quit coming over here.

-standrkm '2012

Update 3:

Yeah theres so many problems in this country right now that thats what should be focused on, not policing the world or rebuilding foreign countries. but there is genocide going on in Darfur, if the president is interested in saving lives.

Update 4:

thanks for the great indepth answers. I understand better now the situation. Some guy said we should use landminds, but thats a stretch, I wouldnt want to kill anyone over it, but sure as heck wouldnt give the amnesty like mccain wants. It wouls be good if they could use laser sensors or maybe what is used at area 51, instead of fencing off a country. It sucks to have to look out at a tall fence to view the river. Oh and we do have slave labor in America, it's called the military. trust me I was in the military, and if I was told to build the fence I would of gave it my all.

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There are three things that prevented the U.S.A. to did what China did on the great wall:

    - 'Democracy'

    - Underpopulation

    - 'Civil / human / etc rights'

    - 'Democracy' -

    An emperor's order is law and have to be followed, his reign is as long he lives or until he was overthrowed.

    A president's order is a suggestion and don't have to be followed, his reign is a short few years (or a decade short if he gets two sequential terms).

    - Underpopulation -

    China have a huge population and can relatively easily gather a huge population for a project.

    The U.S.A. is underpopulated that it needs to bring immigrants as extra workers.

    - 'Civil / human / etc rights' -

    See above regarding the emperor's orders.

    The U.S.A. have to obey 'civil / human / etc rights'.

    Here's a suggestion, eliminate 'democracy' and 'civil / human / etc rights', then encourage population growth.

    The people will be happier (a good emperor will last long, unless he's a puppet emperor, then he stays as long as his master want no matter on how bad he performed), things will get done, and things in general will be happier.

    And yes, things are easier in Roosevelt era, since he wasn't hindered by underpopulation (he will ask more immigrants to come) and 'civil / human / etc rights' (no 'I have a dream' revolution).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "The Great Wall of China is not a continuous wall but is a collection of short walls that often follow the crest of hills on the southern edge of the Mongolian plain. Overall, the wall extends about 1500 miles (2400 kilometers).

    A first set of walls, designed to keep Mongol nomads out of China, were built of earth and stones in wood frames during the Qin Dynasty (221-206 BCE).

    Some additions and modifications were made to these simple walls over the next millennium but the major construction of the "modern" walls began in the Ming Dynasty (1388-1644 CE)."

    We've built fence, in a shorter time, using less manpower. We're ahead of China in that respect.

    We have too many politicians getting in the way of construction. Also, it is not a simple fence. It's a bit more complicated.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We imported the London Bridge, why not the Great Wall of China next? We all know where to put it and we can put the extra on the northern borders and shut up everybody who thinks that we have as many illegals coming from Canada as we do Mexico!

  • 1 decade ago

    You see the Chinamen had the political will to defend their territory where as most here in the States have drank the equality kool-aid and as a result do not.

    Fact is that we do not need a fence; we need forward patrols INSIDE of Mexico securing the border with the Army. We need to declare unilaterally that 30 miles into Mexico is a demilitarized zone; occupy it; and build a series of watch towers and firebases.

    We need the will to kill invaders of our land; and that is what the Chinamen had that we lack: the understanding that violence solves most everything.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well the wall CAN be build but as with your example, they don't work... as simple as that it is thanks to the Chinese that we know how not to make the same mistakes... Go build the levies in New Orleans that's what needs to be done!

    I know im mixing 2 different things here... but a wall will not fix the immigration problem...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    we got laws over here, all sorts of red tape and such. Then theres land owners who could sue since the government wants to stick up a fence on their property and they don't want one.

    then there's the cost, liability, insurance, all these laws designed to protect the workforce.

    china: if you don't work, we'll whip you till you do. if your home was in the way, we'll kick you out, flatten your house, and enslave you till you die. And you want to be paid, forget it.

    see the difference?

    in the US the government needs to pay people (making it costly), obtain land legally (making it complicated and more $$$) and do everything legally.

    The great wall was built by slave labor. they worked people to death, and people worked for food, if they didn't work they starved.

    Source(s): and a tall fence won't work. the great wall didn't really stop invaders, and a tall fence won't stop illegals from climbing it or drug runners from punching though it with a vehicle. What we need is a real barrier, one with massive concrete fortifications to stop vehicles, even tanks. Then a tall imposing fence made of steel so it lasts a long time) and tops with razor wire and perhaps a anti-personnel mine field to deter the undeterred, and finally a simple chain link fence so unsuspecting Americans won't enter the mine field by mistake. Its better since people get he message really quick when they enter a field with lots of craters and the couple in front suddenly gets blown up. And this method requires 0 patrol people. we just need land mines that self-destructs after a couple years so we can go out and replace them safely.
  • dumdum
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The politicians do not want a wall- the immigrants benefit both political parties - the Republicans get the cheap labor, and the democrats get the votes- we, the people get the shaft!

  • Well, that wall took generations and the death of hundreds of thousands of slaves. Now, if you agree to the US using Illegals like the Chinese used their slaves to build a wall, I am down with it.

  • 5 years ago

    You are probably tired of looking through stacks and stacks of projects on woodworking in magazines and books of all kinds for some instructions on how to do a certain project. Here is a site which offers 16000 plans

    How would you like to have woodworking plans (actually thousands of them) available to you anytime you wanted them. It would be so easy when you do not have to paw through all kinds of old magazines but have it right there at your fingertips.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Probably for the same reason we can't afford to build prisons for our criminals. And everybody else (including Bangaladesh) can.

    It's an excuse. We have lost track of, or don't care, what the politicians are doing.

    We'll be sorry, trust me.

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