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? asked in PetsOther - Pets · 1 decade ago

Bonding with bunny?

I received a baby bunny about 2 days ago. He's 4 weeks old. How do I get my bunny to bond with me?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi there, I have a bunny and he almost five now. I have had him since he was about 5 weeks. The best way to bond with him is to have him out a lot. Give him a lot of petting AND playing with. When you walk by him when he is in his cage just give him a quick little talk or pet... Good luck!

    Source(s): Owner of a bunny.
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Give it a few days to get used it its new home. you can pet i and love on it. Show the bunny that your not going to hurt it. Give it treats to make it come to you. DO NOT hit or hurt the bunny, If you do it feels like its being attacked and it might attack back and it will loose your trust. be nice and love on it alot. It will take time but at the end you will have a bunny that loves you. good luck hope this helps!!!!! :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Try to spend as much time as you can with it , but dont pick it up the put it down a lot that might scare it and it wont want to play with you. pick it up and hold it for a while first.dont let other people touch it or it could become scared of all people,let it gain trust in you before other people.

  • 1 decade ago

    You stop calling it a bunny and use the adult term it is a rabbit as for getting your rabbit to bond with you, you need to handle it daily

    Source(s): My experience I own and breed Tricolour-dutch, Harlequins, Dwarf Lop Rabbits, Continental Tricolour-dutch, I also have 12 Ferrets and Ferret cross European Polecat Hybrids. I have 28 rabbits, with a litter of eight rabbits born on the 1st of March and another litter of six born 21st March,. The Hobby of Breeding & Exhibiting Rabbits and Ferrets is called 'The Fancy'. I have been a BRC member since the 70's. ... ...
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  • 1 decade ago

    omg!!! you are soooooo lucky! i suggest petting it gently. dont hold it too much. bunnies dont like that. let it hop around and hand feed it.

  • 1 decade ago

    get it some hay and take it out to feed it some treats. Pet it..

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