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Hello! I'm princessofvalentines, but feel free to call me Paula! I LOVE poetry, so if you have any you'd like to share, stop by!

  • Would you recommend the Samsung Evergreen?

    It has become obvious that it is time for me to retire my 2-year-old slightly water-damaged LG Envy. After researching phones, I came across the Samsung Evergreen- a messaging phone that's made from 70% recycled materials. To the owners/ ex-owners of this phone: did the phone meet your needs? Does it have a battery life that one can live with?

    Your help is appreciated. :)

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • If I have a bottle of grape juice from 2004 that is sealed in a glass bottle, can I still drink it?

    This bottle of grape juice has never been opened. It has been stored in a kitchen pantry for most of it's time. All of the stickers, caps, and foil wrappings are still attached. Do you think it is safe to drink?

    If it is safe to drink, do you think it'll be of drinkable quality?

    4 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks1 decade ago
  • Baby Rabbits: Remove them form burrow/nest?

    I have known that our female rabbit was pregnant for a while. We though she miscarried, because we never found any baby rabbits...until today. (Our rabbits are kept outside) I was watching the female dig something. and I saw her uncover the nest and reveal the three baby rabbits. They have fur, but I couldn't tell if their eyes are open or not. Right now they are in the dirt nest that their mother built outside, covered up nicely. Should we remove the lil bunnies immediately and put them in a nesting box or wait until they are old enough to go out on their own?

    3 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Is It Wrong For A Christian To Listen to Unchristian Bands?

    In the bible, somewhere in Proverbs, it says that we should hate evil and perverse words. But I don't think that all Unchristian bands are evil, and it's truth that we can't ever hide from evil. I'm listening to MCR (My Chemical Romance) right now, and yet part of me feels guilty and ashamed for it, but part of me loves it.

    So what is your opinion? Do you think it's okay for a Christian to listen to MCR, Linkin Park, Panic at the disco, and stuff like theta, or should Christians refrain from it?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is it healthy for a 13 year old to go full vegan?

    I've been researching vegan diets, and it seems WAY healthier than meat-eating diet. I wanna try to go full vegan, but that would require allot of narrowing down food, which would not be easy for my meat-loving parents.

    Question is: should I go full vegan, or just stick to lacto-ovo vegetarianism?

    14 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Bonding with bunny?

    I received a baby bunny about 2 days ago. He's 4 weeks old. How do I get my bunny to bond with me?

    6 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • How do you like this poem I wrote?

    The lycan howls, the lycan howls,

    But no one ever listens.

    Inside this wound, it is true

    that the silver bullet glistens.

    For the lycan was just out,

    Under a spell, under a spell

    The people, they all shout,

    (They can't tolerate differance well)

    They Cry "Monster, Monster!

    He's lurking in our streets!

    The wolf-man must be beat!

    The scary, horrid beast!"

    But the lycan wasn't out to hunt,

    he wasn't out to play,

    He just wanted to get through tonight

    And make it to the next day.

    The lycan said ,"Don't be afraid,

    I'm a very gentle soul,

    Just under a werewolf curse,

    I can't help it, you know!"

    But the people, they don't listen,

    Nor do they really care.

    All they noticed were the claws

    And the thick layers of hair.

    One of the men pulls out his gun,

    Angry, Fearful, Sacred,

    He was about to Come undone,

    For justice wasn't there.

    In the moring, the gunman was dead,

    With four claw marks in his head,

    The werewolf carved something so true:

    Hate equals blue

    2 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • What do you think of this poem? I wrote it myself?

    I only hope for a love that is true,

    That some romance will want to fly my way.

    I just can't believe I'm getting so blue,

    Over something dumb like Valentine's Day.

    Hearts will be floating in the school day air,

    And our students will go on couple mode,

    Will this day lead us to someone who cares,

    Or leas us down the dark, heart-broken road?

    Cupid broke my ol' heart so many times,

    That I'm not sure it will ever be healed.

    But I'll contuine to write these sad rhymes,

    To express that I care a great deal.

    I hate that I just keep falling in love,

    Valentine's Day is not sent from above.

    4 AnswersPoetry1 decade ago
  • Survey!! (Christmas Survey)?

    Just a random survey I put toghter to get you in the Christmas mood!!

    1. Egg Nogg or Beer?

    2.Santa or Saint Nick?

    3 .Frosty or Rudolph?

    4 .Give or Recieve?

    5 .Star or Angel? (on top of tree)

    6.How many gifts are you giving?

    7. First thing on wishlist?

    8.Naught oy Nice?

    9.Presents or Money?

    10.Christmas or X-mas

    11.What's you favortie christmas song?

    12.Gifts or Jesus?

    13.What's your meaning of Christmas?

    14.Do you still have a toy train circling your tree?

    15.Do you believe in Santa?


    If you had to go 1 year without gifts so that your younger sibling could have gifts, would you do it or demand gifts?

    15 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What's the difference between Vegan and Vegetarian?

    Just wondering, cause isi t the same thing, or do Vegans eat only meat?

    7 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • What is the diagnosis for insanity?

    I think I'm mildly insane. I'm almost 13 and still have imagenary friends.. I tried to stop but felt werid not imanging them... If I read about werewolfs, I'll start to think I am one. If I read about mermaids, I'll think I'm a mermaid.

    5 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • At what age do werewolf symptoms occur?

    Ok I know this sounds really crazy. I'm 12 and I've been reading up on werewolves. Would a 12- year old be able to tell if they're a werewolf? Honest answers, please.

    19 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Is there any type of music that hamsters like?

    I have a female (I guess) hamster and I wanted to know if hamsters like music. I know they have good hearing.

    2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Are people realy born gay?

    I hear that people are born gay/lez/trans/bi. It doesn't make sence to me. Wouldn't this be a life decision?

  • How do I get people to stop calling me a lesbian? I am not one!?

    I only hang out with girls because the boys at my school are insane. Now everyone calls me a lesbian because I hang out with girls. How do I get the people to consider me as straight? (which I am)