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Lv 4
? asked in Food & DrinkVegetarian & Vegan · 1 decade ago

Is it healthy for a 13 year old to go full vegan?

I've been researching vegan diets, and it seems WAY healthier than meat-eating diet. I wanna try to go full vegan, but that would require allot of narrowing down food, which would not be easy for my meat-loving parents.

Question is: should I go full vegan, or just stick to lacto-ovo vegetarianism?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Cool! I am a new vegetarian, but I really don't want to go vegan fully, yet.

    I would start off with going vegetarian, because, in my opinion, it is much, much more easier that way. If you are a vegan, you have to give up all of the good stuff like ice cream, chocolate, and a lot of sweets that I enjoy.

    And my parents are meat-lovers, so I know how you feel. It's really hard because my dad loves to grill, so I guess no more steak for me! As long as you eat a lot of different kinds of veggies and you aren't afraid to try something new, I am sure you'll be just fine.

    Vegetarians are known to be a lot more healthier, and it's a great diet for yourself and for the animals!

  • 1 decade ago

    According to the American Dietetic Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics, yes it's healthy.

    Any dietary choice has the potential to be healthy or unhealthy depending on what you do and don't eat within its confines. You can be an unhealthy junk food vegan, or you can do some research into your nutritional requirements and be a fabulously healthy vegan.

    As long as you're prepared to keep researching, you'll do fine. You'll probably also have to be prepared to cook your own meals if your meat-loving parents aren't open to a change themselves. I recommend reading "Raising Vegetarian Children" by Joanne Stepaniak and Vesanto Melina (there's information specifically dedicated to teen vegans) and/or "Becoming Vegan" by Brenda Davis and Vesanto Melina (ditto.) And find yourself a good vegan cookbook or two to help you with planning delicious, nutritious meals. I know a couple of 14 year olds who cook out of "Veganomicon" by Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero. Even if you're a beginner cook, they have chapters on basic bean, grain and vegetable cooking. You can always work your way up to the more complicated recipes.

  • Kate C
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It is really up to you. What your situation is and how much you are willing to commit. It's healthy as long as you make healthy choices. Good luck with whatever you decide.

    Add: You can still eat ice cream and chocolate, you just have to go to a store that has vegan varieties. I go to my local kroger and can get all sorts of stuff thats vegan. For some reason, the kroger has a high demand for things like raw agave nectar and raw almond butter, yet the publix down the road is not as vegan/raw friendly.

    pure decadent, soy delicious, rice dream, and tofutti are brands of Ice cream.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am not sure if you should or not its really up to you. I am a vegetarian and i have been one for some time now. You should try it out first to see how it works, and if you find that it isn't working out that well go back to being a vegetarian. You can become a vegan when you get older and you are living away from your parents. Then its up to you and you alone, it would be much, much easier.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes my sister is. she just turned 14. Just make sure that you get your protein from other things.

    Also, our parents are big meat lovers. It was hard on her in the beginning, (now she has been vegan for almost 2 years). but it was really hard on my mom. She would have to cook 2 different meals.

    It is also difficult when you go to resturaunts or to a friends house to eat. Just be very aware of what ingredients are in everything!! Best of luck!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Most definitely, just learn about vegan nutrition and veganism. Good luck!

  • Cat G
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It will be very difficult, but if you do it, you have to be sure to take the correct dietary supplements. Try discussing it with your doctor at your next physical. Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It can be done but you are still growing so screwing up your diet could have long term consequences. You should talk to a nutritionist to make sure you are up to speed and proper nutrition and menu planning.

  • 1 decade ago

    have you ever seen a healthy vegetarian? they look like crap all of the time and they are extremely thin and unhealthy. If you don't eat meat you have to find alternative ways of finding protein. also, diets don't work, only eating healthy and exercising does. humans are genetically made to be omnivores, not carnivores and definatly not herbivores. The choice is yours but I would recommend against it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, as long as you keep a balanced diet.

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