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Lv 4

Would you recommend the Samsung Evergreen?

It has become obvious that it is time for me to retire my 2-year-old slightly water-damaged LG Envy. After researching phones, I came across the Samsung Evergreen- a messaging phone that's made from 70% recycled materials. To the owners/ ex-owners of this phone: did the phone meet your needs? Does it have a battery life that one can live with?

Your help is appreciated. :)

2 Answers

  • Ryan
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer,2817,2374610,

    It has a decent battery it says here but it only gets 5 hours and 15 minutes of talk time my windows phone is way better than that. It is free though and looks like it has a nice keyboard look up other reviews from,, and That's pretty cool how it is made up of all used products Good Luck.

    Source(s): Windows Phone
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Samsung I9000 Galaxy S

    After using this phone for a week, I've fallen in love with it.

    - Interface is very snappy.

    - The screen is incredible. Very bright and the colours are outstanding, and just the perfect size.

    - The AllShare app for playing content from a UPnP server is nice. At home, I can store my entire collection of music and videos and play whichever I want.


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