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Should I start Flash cards?

My son turned one. And i was think it's time to start using flash card to help him with his ABC's and 123's...but I wanted to teach him how to sign too. Should I teach him how ot odo both at the same time...or start with signing ....or start with ABC's? Help! New mom!


Thanks! All your answers has been very helpful. I am so new at this mothering process it's gets over whelming at times.

I just thought learning signs at a younger age is easier. When I was little my mother tried to teach me sign but dropped it. And when I got older and first started working in the hospital I notice how many patients we had that couldnt communicate with the staff because no one knew how to sign...then and there I thought I am going to learn sign and teach my children.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You can get flash cards, but also be aware that simply counting objects, singing ABC's ect will also work. It has always been my opinion that children learn better when they are interested in what they are doing. A 1 yr old is not going to sit for very long, a minute or two tops, so you would have to pull out those flash cards all day long. It is much easier to incorporate learning and sign into everyday living.

    For example:

    When you are playing and he has a toy(lets say blocks), you could place them infront of him and count them out, or stack them and count(use sign while counting).

    Same for ABC's while you are singing the song, sign it out.

    I think flash cards are a waste of time and money. It makes learning new things(which children love), a chore. There is plenty of time for sit down learning(when he gets to school), start teaching off on the right foot. Make it fun and apart of his everyday.


    Learning sign at a young age is much easier than when a child is older. There is no reason to not teach him sign, just use it naturally(use sign while you are speaking to him, etc). You don't need to use card, books, etc to teach him. I think it is a great idea to teach a young child sign, as they can use it much easier than language when they are very young.

  • 1 decade ago

    Start signing now and use it consistently all of the time.

    Teaching numbers verbally can be done at every opportunity--counting bricks or other objects or counting up and down stairs. Teaching verbal alphabet can also be done by singing the alphabet song at least once per day. I see no hurry for introducing written 123s and ABCs and words but use of flash cards for a short while each day would be fine.

    All of this should be fun of course. And try not to overload your child. Avoid pressure. I like the Monessauri approach to infant and child educations. Read up about this and send you child to a Montessauri nursery school once out of nappies.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I taught my older son his ABCs and 123s by using puzzles. Its hands on and feels less like learning. You can teach your son to sign his ABCs whenever you sing the ABC song. I also put up a poster of the Animal Alphabet on his wall and big bright colorful wooden numbers (1-9) on his closet door. I figured this way he would be surrounded by the visuals without me insisting.

  • lmsabm
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Flash cards require more attention span than a one-yr-old has. They're more for children who are 3 and up, because the younger the child, the shorter the attention span and the easier they are to distract.

    Instead of trying to force him to learn flash cards, pick up a book and read to him! Turn on Sesame Street--they make education fun for little ones and teach a lot of things through song (which sticks with young ones better). Don't try to FORCE him to learn--when he wants to learn, he will. Children progress rapidly on their own, with little encouragement. They don't need someone shoving things down their throats, but they do need interaction and guidance.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Flash cards are not developmentally appropriate for a one year old. It will only frustrate him and discourage him. Let him play and incorporate the alphabet and Numbers into his playtime. He will have plenty of time in a structured environment when he tarts pre-school and kinder. Let him learn at his own pace. The best way of extending your child's vocabulary and encouraging learning is by reading to him. Relax and be sure that your child will be great!!! :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    its possible to teach he both at the same time but it may take a bit longer, try and make the learning it fun and yeah try doing it by song but remember to keep changing the ways your trying to teach him because he may become bored of teaching him in the same way, also remember a child of one has very little concentration with thing

  • 1 decade ago

    It's never too early to teach your child. Get the flash cards and do the signing at the same time. Don't expect him to pick it up right away, but he will pick it up.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi all i can say is concentrate on the speech untill he can say his very first few words then maybe invest in Flashcards use them as a game as we did, children as the first poster said learn through play after all he is still a baby let him find his feet first

  • 1 decade ago

    Maybe 'flashcards' are a little early, but what you can do is label some of your furniture. Then when you are around the piece of furniture you talk about it. OR some how have a flashcard and show him it and then point to the piece of furniture or whatever. children are sponges, they may not be able to verbalize, but they learn.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you are trying to create an Uber-Baby, yes. Children learn best from experiences and playing. He should learn to count and such from regular daily interaction, in a relevant way, at a pace he sets. At this stage you feed his curiosity, not force feed his brain. You have nothing to prove, neither does he.

    Source(s): Mother of six Homeschooled Children
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