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Jackie724 asked in PetsOther - Pets · 1 decade ago

What's the coolest/funniest thing your pet does?

I have a cat that sleeps in a crystal bowl, and a dog that dances around on his hind legs everytime I call him a "potty monster" What do your pets do that is cool or funny?


Pets are so fun! I love all the answers so far!

13 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    my dog got taken away from her mom when she was 2 weeks old, and my mom bottle fed her until now, but (and I'm not saying this to be sick or anything, just incase you think I am, I just found it humerous that she does this) but she sucks on my thumb. lol.

  • 1 decade ago

    The coolest thing that my pets do is love me! They each have their own personality traits one likes to rub against my legs, and bunts your head he also has this really LOUD purr! My dog lies to make you laugh by rolling in the snow and plunging her head into a snow bank and getting snow all over her face, she does it every time she goes out at least in the winter! My cat sleeps on the heat vent in the tiny bathroom in our house! My other cat once changed the outgoing message of our answering machine he even pawsed and then left a meow! Very funny and entertaining! Ya gotta love them!

  • 1 decade ago

    My 16 year old cat knows that if she gets on top of the alarm radio and shuffles her hind feet around she can turn on the radio and wake us up - usually when she wants food put out for her. If she doesn't know I'm awake, I can hear her feet start swiveling around and know it won't be long before the music starts!

  • 1 decade ago

    My cats, Panther and Possum sometimes team up to get what they want. they've figured out that if one distracts me, the other can make away with whatever they want from dog treats to the chicken i was going to eat for dinner the other night. Panther likes to scratch at the windows if he wants in, too. One day he had just gone out and wanted in, but i refused to open the window or the door to let him in. He ended coming in THROUGH the window, costing me about 500 dollars for a new one. I now answer him at the window. Possum, on the other hand, is terrifying. She likes to jump off of the furniture onto people, so you have to be ready to catch her when she jumps or risk being a scratching post. I came out of the bathroom one night, and all i see is this massive wad of siamese mix hurtling through the air at me. I ended up ducking out of instict and she landed right in the middle of the bath i was running for myself. She doen't jump from the toilet anymore.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Every morning when we get up my pup always lays on his belly with his hind legs behind him his front legs out front and pulls hisself with only his front legs all over the living room floor funniest thing I have ever seen. I guess it feels good to his belly.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My dog will make howling sounds at you when you come home. She also steals socks mostly everytime she can. Lol. She tried to steal my grandma's pants the other day. When she couldn't get those off, she went for my grandma's socks =)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    lol i have a pet bunny and he eats everything like from chips to perogies and he always stands on his back feet and hops around when he smells something he wants to eat lol

  • 1 decade ago

    My dog smiles when you come home. And when he wants food he smacks his bowl so it flips up into the air.

  • 1 decade ago

    When we arrive to the vet's he holds on to the back of the backseat like sweet life, God bless him!

  • 1 decade ago

    i have a baby parrot that gets angry with the bell i hung in its cage.. it literally pulls and squaks at it, its so funny!!

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