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Favorite Answers11%
  • How do I get a mildewy smell out of a wash on gentle cycle hang to dry winter garments?

    I have washed it 4 times with soap, fabric softener, vinegar, and I still can't get the smell out. I am going to try drying them and airing them out see if that helps. It is a winter coat and ski pants, they are to give away to a basically homeless guy, I am just trying to help him out.

    3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • Looking for easy knitting patterns for small dog sweaters?

    I have found some but I would like some more options thanks, and I am a beginner knitter

    5 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • Which is better for Anti-Virus?

    I have bought Norton Internet Security2009, and Norton Anti-virus2009, and I want to know which one is better for my needs, I have a high-speed connection, and I don't do hardly any downloading and I stick to mainly Yahoo, Facebook, and a few gaming sites, I check bank balances online, but that's about it. i want to know which one is best for my needs so I can return the other, I had Norton 360 but I really hated it and so any help is appreciated.

    6 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • How much to charge for Custom Sewing? For Dance Costumes?

    They are for little kids about size 6x, and they are done very professionally, and we don't know what to charge for the labor? We have been told anywhere from $5 to $10. They have some machine embellishments and some sewn on embellishments.

    6 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • How much to charge? For custom sewing?

    This is for my mom, I can't sew a lick, but she wants to know what a fair price to charge for sewing dancing costumes? She has been told anywhere from $5 to $15 per hour. She wants to be fair but also be compensated fairly for her work. They are Ukrainian dancing costumes for kids about size 6x, and they have been pretty particular about how they are made and embellished, with machine stitched and sewn on trim. and each outfit consists of a little dress, a vest, and an apron. So any feedback would be great, and very much appreciated.

    2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • What is better LCD or Plasma televisons?

    We will soon be purchasing a new HDTV and i want to know which one is better and what are there drawbacks?

    3 AnswersTVs1 decade ago
  • What do I do my dog has developed allergies, How can I figure out what she is allergic to?

    My dog has suddenly developed allergies, shaking her head a lot, the vet has presrcibed her Prednisone, and it seemed to be helping at first, and now that he has dropped the dosage, she has started shaking her head more but he also put drops in her ears so that may explain the head shaking how can I determine what she is allergic to?? My vet has said not to change her diet, but I want to find out what she is allergic too, so we can eliminate it from her diet. I am assuming it is not enviromental. Any help is very much appreciated by me and my dog Kallie!!

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Okay Mother's Day is 2 days away and...?

    I don't know if I should but my boyfriends mother a Mother's Day gift. She is an awful mother, play's favorites woth her children and treat's my boyfriend (her second youngest son) and myself like garbage until she needs something, I am so over her crap, she didn't even call him on his birthday! SO he maybe 37 but he's still her son and you would think she would acknowledge the day that she gave birth to him! Even if he's not the favorite! I need some opinions buy her something or just forget it cause she really doesn't deserve any accolades for her mothering skills or lack thereof???

    5 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • What is wrong with my dogs ears?

    Okay at first she was scratching them and kind of yelping a bit she scratched hard enough to draw blood, so I took her to the vet and he gave me Panolog ointment to put in them, and this helped enough to stop the scratching but she was still shaking her head a lot, so back to the vet again, he gave me some antibiotic, and she took them for the five days but was still shaking her head and so back to the vet we go, the vet sys he can't see any infection, or mites or anything and he said that if she wasn't pulling her head away, like she was, he would say that there was nothing wrong with them!! So he gave her another antibiotic, and she has finished them and she is still shaking her head a lot, so it is back to the vet again four times in four weeks! So does anyone have any ideas as what it could be? I just want to give her some relief! Today the groomer noticed a bit of redness on her neck I don't know if it is related or it is just from the scratching. PLEASE ANY IDEAS, PLEASE HELP!!!!

    11 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How do you remove silicone from a painted surface?

    The paint will not cover it, it just kind of beads off the silicone has been there for a while from what I can see.

    3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Did you see Oprah's show today on Puppy Mills?

    How sad did it make you to see all those abused dogs? Will you adopt your next dog from a shelter? And adr all of your pet's spayed or neutered? All of my pets are and I have 3 cats and one dog. Do you think that Oprah's show on this subject will bring the attention needed to bring on a change in the laws pertaining to the breeding of animals? And to think that the highest number of puppy mills is in Lancaster County which is the heart of Amish country! What do you think should be done to educate these Amish breeders on how dogs and animals should be treated?

    15 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Why won't the paint stick to the wall?

    Okay I have cleaned the walls with T.S.P wall prep cleaner. I have bought good quality paint Beautytone, I tried painting one area without priming but I had to put two coats of paint! So I tried another area with a primer underneath, and I am still getting smudges, and areas that are only partly covered, some areas are needing three coats! I think that the previous paint was semi-gloss latex. What am I doing wrong?? Anybody got any tips? Thanks in advance!

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • What is the funniest thing that your pet has done?

    My Siamese Himalyan loves the answering machine he just can't figure out how the people get inside that little black box! well one day he decided to change the message on our machine unbeknownst to us! I was waiting for a call to pick up something that I had ordered I got tired of waiting and decided to go an see if the item had arrived at the store, and when I went in the owner said well it's about time you showed up I tried to leave a message on your machine but it sounded really weird! So I went home and checked our machine and sure enough, there was a cat meowing on the message greeting, I don't know how he managed to hit the right buttons to program it cause I had a heck of time to program it back to the original message! So funniest story gets the ten points!!

    13 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Okay I need a name for a newly adopted/rescued cat?

    He is a male cat, he has sleek, short grey fur, no other colors just solid grey, pretty green eyes. He is also very slim. He has a very LOUD purr! He likes to touch your face with his paws when he is cuddling with you (as he is trying his hardest to stretch out in my lap as I sit at the computer). He has had some bad luck in the past but he has now lucked out in the great kitty home lottery! lol He was abandoned twice in the past! I want him to have a somewhat unusual name! Just some thing a little out of the ordinary. My other pets names are Kallie (dog) Bailey and Jake (cats) and Dixie (rabbit) so the name has to go with the other pets names. Please help us out he really needs a name don't want him to think his name is "here kitty kitty". So any ideas kitty and I are interested in hearing them. And thanks from the whole family in advance for all your help!

    19 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Okay I need some help! I just adopted a cat from the vet clinic.?

    And the two that I have at home are really freaking out, they are both Siamese if that is making a difference. The new cat has been living at the vet clinic and was just neutered yesterday, he is pretty relaxed, but the resident cats are flipping out. I am supervising, but besides putting the new cat in a different room what is the best way to get them used to one another, they really have their noses out of joint! I don't want to punish the new cat for being new. My fairly relaxed female cat even tried to attack him and he isn't a fighter! Does anybody have some advise? When we introduced the youngest cat 4 years ago it got better after a few days. I don't know if it is because he came from the vet clinic and that is there least favorite place, or they are just really mad and not happy with the new addition to the family. Last week my older cat had to goto the vet and stay there for a few hours and the other cat hissed at her for two days! So what do you guys think? Any advise?

    13 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Please I need advise!! Should I adopt this cat??

    There is a cat availiable for adoption at my local vet clinic he is neutered and has all his vaccinations. He is about 2 years old and has been abandoned twice. He is grey with pretty green eyes and a very loving disposition. The problem is I have two cats already, and i don't want to upset them. Also in January I lost one of my cats she past away suddenly and unexpectedly, I had her for 14 years. And I am not sure what to do I would like to give him a home but I don't know if I am ready to get another cat, I know I will in the future, but i don't know if I am there yet. I would like to give him his forever home but don't want to upset the pets already in the household. The vet clinic has another place that he can go live, but it is an outdoor heated barn, but they think he would be a great housecat. And they said that I could take him and if things didn't work out I could bring him back. They say he doesn't bother the clinic cat. So any positive advise would be appreciated!! Thanks!!!

    6 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago