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My Fellow Christians, Are we driving people away from us by not following the words of Jesus?

I have seen posts from Christians in the R&S forum that make my hair stand on end! :O

In my opinion these are two VERY important commandments from Jesus we are asked to follow:

Luke 6:37:

"Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven."

John 13:34:

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another."

If we condemn members here, telling them they are going to hell....Is that Christian?? If we judge members on this forum...Is that Christian?? Would it not send a better message for Christianity if we show love, compassion and understanding?

44 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    In my understanding, a Christian is a follower of Jesus Son of Joseph.

    He taught love. He taught compassion. He brought a message of peace. He asked Christians to follow His example. He said 'I am the way, the truth and the light.'

    For me that means that we should overlook His words, and seek only His example. Follow Him through right action, rather than try to understand translated and re-translated words.

    I partially agree with a poster above who argued that there is a difference between Christianity and Judaism, and that the Biblical God is pretty much the same as the Jewish one.

    This, in my opinion, is what Jesus tried to convey. With His teachings and action, I personally believe He overruled the Old Testament, and that Christians should focus on the New Testament alone.

    I hope that I have not caused any grievances with my answer. As a non-Christian believer of Jesus (but not Christ), this is how I perceive Him to be.


  • WhoMe?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I couldn't have put it better myself!!! You are so completely right that it's sad. I have been puttering around here on R&S for quite a while now, and I think my hair is permantly fried. I actually haven't contributed much because of all the hateful language - and a whole lot of that has been from "Christians". I am so glad that there are others who agree with me. We, as believers, need to realize that if Jesus were here in the flesh (again), that the very people that we, as "Christians", are condemning by our hateful language would be the very people that he would choose to be with, and more importantly, to love. I wish more people could see that. Thank you for being one.

    On behalf of Christians out there who aren't that way, I want to apologize to the non-believers for the hate that has been sent your way. It does NOT come from all believers.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think you have hit the nail on the head here.

    You are so very, very, very right!!

    Christ calls us to love everyone like he loved everyone. Everyone means just that everyone. Our friends, our neighbors, the crazy man down the street, the people we don't get along with, the man upstairs who plays his radio to loud -- everyone. It is not easy. It is hard being a Christian. But that is what we are called to do.

    And the only person that can judge anyone is God. Noone can look into my heart and judge me, except for God.

    And for those people who are passing judgement on others, and not loving others... I think they are going to be treated the same way they are treating others. What comes around goes around.

    We just can't talk the talk. We have to live the words. We have to walk the walk. And if we can't love everyone like Christ did and if we can't judge others, why would anyone want to be Christian.

    Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that I am perfect. There are times where I find it very hard to love everyone like Christ does. I work in the public... and there are days where I get yelled at and screamed at.... and I just want to scream back! There are days where friends hurt my feelings. But I always try to find one good thing about that person, one good thing - no matter how small it is -- to love about that person. It may only be their smile, or their shoes, but something to remind me that we are all gods creatures. And I am called to love everyone.

    If someone is looking at me and they can't tell by my actions that I am a christian, then I am doing something wrong. St. Francis of Assisi said it best, preach the gospel and when necessary use words...

    (sorry for my rant.. your question just struck a nerve!!)

  • 1 decade ago

    YEs. right on. yes and amen.

    Unless we can take to them our testimony of how Jesus changed us, what do we even have to take to them.

    The power of our testimony tiesties to what can do if we allow Him to do it.

    To claim to be a Christian when not living the life of JEsus Christ, is hyprocrisy. Thats what being a Christian means, a follower PURSUER OF JEsus Christ.

    We arent to tell someone they are going to hell. Only God decieds that. nor are we to judge, condemn or hate the sinner.

    But we are called to speak the truths and live them, according to what God says, and it is more than ok to tell them what God says is sin and of His impending judgments for those that wont hear and receive them. WE plant the seeds, and then leave it to God.

    But, we are to do it all in love or not do it at all.

    God will have us warn, as HE warns us, because He wants none of us lost, and we that are Gods dont want that either. But all is done to restore ppl to Jesus, not to drive them further away.

    Thanks for the question

    God bless

    Sister shirley

    Source(s): God, The Holy Bible and the Holy Spirit REMEBER JESUS IS LORD>
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  • I rarely come here anymore Ky. When I first discovered Y/A and R&S I was delighted. Since then I've become disenchanted with the wars and smug disregard for the word of God and His teachings. The fruit of the spirit is self evident and there are real world issues and my own personal dilemma I must focus on. Nothing is ever going to change here because with anonymity you have no accountability. In a very true spiritual sense you have demons running amuck and clothing themselves in the half truth and disquised as children of God when they are the opposite and it is their job to keep the waters muddied -- Pretty much a reflection of our struggles in the world today. Take care dearheart.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree also. But has taking Me some time to not lash out a select 2, I just stay away from them for now, other than that I think I have been very tolerant. I don't consider Myself a Fundie ( No Offense ) But I don't believe exactly the same way.But you are defiantly right no one has a right to tell anyone they are going to hell. We don't know exactly what God has planned, for all, My opinion. But i do have Faith in our Lord and think we should show our love through our faith.Good for you to bring this up

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I can only agree that what you say is correct. I am sure many if not all of us are guilty of making a statement though maybe not intended to offend did offend someone. I am constantly reminded of my own sin and cringe sometimes as I stumble over my own past. We as Christians have the greatest message out there in my opinion which is love. As a believer or non believer, all of us want to know love in one way or another and each of us can learn from one another. Thank you so much for your question and the reminder that I too fall short. I can only apologize if i have offended anyone.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you. As Christians, when we talk about our belief, we shouldn't have to walk on eggshells for fear of reprisal from someone who happens to believe slightly differently.

    When that happens it merely confirms the opinion of the world, that we Christians don't practice what we preach.

    To rant at anyone who believes differently is against Christ's teaching.

    How can anyone hear a message if it is presented hatefully?

    Regarding the world-how can we Christians possibly condemn them for not listening if we cannot respond to them with love?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Bless you for this Q! [doesn't it also make your 'feathers' stand on end too? Then you must look like a KYpeacockchick lol)

    It goes to the heart of the matter as far as I'm concerned.

    Yes and yes and yes, in my opinion.

    Get busy and live it, don't batter people with it.

    I am a DEVOUT follower of Jesus and His teachings. (that's the red print in the New Testament - haven't found it in any other book so far)

    It's all about being the activity of GodLove in action as I become more and more a clear and clean and transparent vessel for HolySpirit (activity of God) to move through me.

    And I do that by intensive study and application of Jesus' teachings.

    There is also the component of having accepted Christ into my heart to dwell there, that moves me to activity.

    Jesus teaches about changing focus of thought - away from this material world form as the be all and end all, and toward the truth of our being, God, and loving God with all my heart mind soul and strength and then going out and loving myself and everyone else the same.

    This is too simple for some and too complicated for many to grasp that if we all really do this, it all changes in the 'twinkling of an eye' and the old passes away - once humanity gets it's thinking straight on that. And if I think or judge what another's business is with God (and it's really really easy to slip over into someone else's business and think I'm doing it correctly and yet I would be wayyyyyyyyy of the mark) then I've missed what my lesson is. Stand in God through Christ, put myself in motion and check myself at all times. If my every thought is captured in Christ, then all my actions follow from there and compassionate forgiveness and love is ALL I can do or be.

    Didn't say I do this perfectly. I just practice this all day every day and it gets better and better. And if it's true for me, and I do walk by faith and not by sight, then it's true for others as well.

    I so agree with this Q and it's point and I so celebrate that this awareness is being engendered here.

    What would Jesus do or say in a situation is what I use as my guide for how I behave.

    That's what the Bible is and Jesus' teachings are about, each individual. It's there for ME to use in MY life. It's not there for me to use ON others. Teaching (which is also what the word preach means) gospel (which also means GodsTruth as well as good news), edifying, reproving, etc. all can be done by simple example of how I live my life and interact, not by berating or judging or standing in a superior thought position to another.

    If God is no respector of persons (meaning all are equal) then who am I to treat or think about this one or that one as more or less in 'my' sight? I can be my brother's keeper by keeping myself standing in the Truth of Christ and not moving from it one iota. I never need to say a word to teach, edify, support, uplift, or affirm and especially not to love.

    I just be the love I'm made to be - others who've done this before me have inspired me, and it is, like the Q stated what is our sole (ha ha - also 'soul') job here.

    Whew - thanks for the Q :)

  • Agree!

    Also apply Matt. 18:16, 2 Cor. 13:1.

    When applied the scriptural old testament is the law of Moses, not Genesis -Malachi.

    (The Jews and Muslims world-wide also have currently the '2 or more witnesses' principle).

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