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Why is such a double standard when it comes to Football?

It is like people expect the players to raise there children for them ,the whole role model thing. Football player gets caught using drugs or drinking and driving it is not a big deal. but Football player kills dog. He should never play the game again. I am just saying drugs and alcohol ruin families. To me we should speak more against those types of things. I don't agree with killing dogs but that has never ruined a family. And people put so much energy into that but other things such as schools and learning you will never see such a roit.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    How we treat, how we allow to be treated, the creatures over whom we are able to exercise a measure of control, says a lot about us as a culture. If we allow people to torture animals, it diminishes us as a society. Mahatma Gandhi said, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”. We have the duty to protect those who cannot protect themselves.

    Using drugs and drinking and driving also threaten the society, when the user puts others at risk. Neither of these things are admirable behavior. People will be happier living healthy lifestyles.

  • 1 decade ago

    People who fight dog do harm families. it's well known that these people often steal family pets to use as training dumies for their prized fighting dogs. This harms families in a way unlike anything else.

    Also animal mutilation is a sign of serious psychological disorders. Jeffery Dahmer and the like all tortured animals. Should we not keep these types of people off the field and off the TV?

    No doubt the Drunk Driving, Wife beating and the like are all issues the NFL has to deal with. These actions should not be tolerated. I am guessing the the League will push it's player and personnel conduct code further to deal with these actions. The Steelers however may have jumped the gun with their WR. Supposedly he didn't whack his woman around as the police believe.

    Since the NFL is overwhelmingly African-American it will always appear that they are trying to hold these people back however they have more African-American coaches by % then college football does. What Vick did is unquestionably wrong to the majority of Americans and he'll pay for it. Drunk Driving and Domestic violence to the majority of Americans are offenses worthy of a second chance.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree... kind of. I think the NFL handles things the way they should. If your a normal person and your caught doing drugs, it's a slap on the wrist usually, maybe 2-3 days in jail at most, unless you have a record. Same thing in the NFL. 4 game suspension. Slap on the wrist. Dogfighting generally gets time (I think 2 years average) in prison. Same in the NFL. Mr. Vick goes to prison. If you think this is lopsided, you need to talk to your senator about changing the LAW, not what the NFL needs to change. Now I don't like the fact about famous people in general getting off easier than us normal folk, but that's a totally different subject.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What about the weed in the airport, and the Ron Mexico identity so no one would know Michael Vick has herpes.

    I agree with your points totally, but Mr. Vick was burning the

    candle at both ends and it caught up to him.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I agree..... with you the asker that is....

    Our kids will be more likely to take a round of drugs when their hero does it. However they will not be as likely to go out and make dogs fight when their hero does it because kids like dogs and something in them says it is inherently bad to hurt something they like.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Micheal Vik is not in jail for killing a dog!

    He's in jail for Illegal gambling, money racketeering, and money laundering, and cruelty to animal's!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    it just white people trying to hold down a brother.

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