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VAgirl asked in Games & RecreationToys · 1 decade ago

Little Bear toys...?

This is a tv show base on the chapter books illustrated by Maurice Sendack. It was on from 95-99 and airs now on Noggin. My son who is 2 LOVES "li-ttle bear" and we TIVO and watch everyday after bath as we settle down for the night. My question is why don't they still make toys for this character? He is very popular and I know lots of friends whose kids love the show and they all ask the same thing-why not have more Little Bear? After all a cute teddy bear is always a big hit.

--And I did just purchase a set of Little Bear, Cat, and Duck from eBay-still other folks may not think of that but would still want to get him. Heck-my son uses Little Bear toothpaste and it is a new product! (I checked the use by date-lol)

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't daughter is in love with cat from that show..i can't find anything anywhere...when i looked on ebay there was nothing..i know that is the only toothpaste my daughter will use....that is how she tells the adult toothpaste from hers....i don't ever remember seeing him around in the stores...they always do that with the toys my kids

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    theres little bear stuffed animals i have 1 from when i was little

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