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Racism in the temp workplace?

I'm a white guy in my 40s, and I'm finding myself unemployed. In the last year, I tried temping. However, the agencies keep sending me to predominantly black offices where I find myself most unwelcome, despite my ability to do the work. I've been pushed out or called out of positions several times now. Why would a group so fascinated by their own history practice such terrible racism? I had nothing to do with slavery, why attack me? I only want to work!

21 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    learn how to fix major household appliances, and place an ad in the yellow pages. Work for yourself, that's what may son, and daughter do. They do just fine too!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That is bad. They are probably thinking that you are white and that you can get a job anywhere and is threated by you.I am speaking as a black person. Sometimes blacks will have a high paying position if only blacks work there and then a white guy will come in. learn the job from the black and then the black is pushed out. I have seen it happen. Not saying this is the case with you but maybe possible.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Okay...who said it had anything to do with slavery? Did these unwelcoming individuals tell you to leave because they were upset with slavery? Really...its a class don't fit the image of the "typical white male". Which by American standards is successful, rich, and living the American dream at age 40. And yes...there are Black racists just like there are white ones...every race has their share of idiots.

  • 1 decade ago

    Racism is everywhere and comes from people of all colors. It sucks and it's stupid but some people still act that way. Best thing to do is note that it's those specific people doing that and not the entire race otherwise you will run the risk of inadvertantly become racist yourself. My race is human and I wish other people felt the same way, but i get treated like the "color" i am. Look at the elections for example. What's Obama's take on homelessness? no one knows cause people are focused on what his preacher says. What's hiliary's take on foreign policy? no one knows because people focus on her having emotions cause she's a woman. It's sad and you have a choice to be mad, hold grudges or not be a part of the problem yourself.

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  • 1 decade ago

    maybe if you feel so uncomfortable you should tell your employer that you feel uncomfortable at the job site, i myself work at a temp agency as a csr and understand that some customers can be racist both ways, Mexicans, African Americans, Indians and white, and can be a real pain but you get racism everywhere no matter what race you are, so just talk to your supervisor and see if you can get sent to a different site that you'll be more comfortable.

  • mJc
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    What goes around comes around I guess. In any case, it's even more likely you're dealing with age discrimination. It starts just about the time you hit your 40's (gets worse at 50 and 60). Hang in there and keep trying - something will come along.

  • Nico
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    hey you asked this yesterday!

    why don't you just go to an area where you know you will not get pushed out of work? people in general are fascinated by their own history, it doesn't make anyone bad people.

    why don't you seriously tell them that you want to work permanently in a place where you will feel welcome?

    also, maybe you give off vibes to people at work and they have a problem with you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think you're exaggerating. Black people aren't like white people.....we don't sit around and discriminate against white people for no reason (especially at the work place where we're trying to make money) And if they are then maybe you'r giving off racist vibes.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is a real problem. I have seen it too.

    Why do they act like that? In my opinion the hatred has been passed down for generations. The people now don't even realize why they hate anymore, they just do.

    I am hoping Obama gets in the whitehouse and makes the neccessary changes to make us all equal.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am so sorry to hear this. It does sound like racism. And any person doing this to another person is racist, history doesn't matter. And from what I've heard you are not alone in this kind of racism.

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