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CSI Miami: the boy kyle?

Okay I just started watching CSI Miami, and I was watching an espiode that showed a boy, Kyle. In the show Kyle is Hortio's son. Okay the question is: who is the mother and how will his storyline play out?

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    horatio was an undercover cop when he met kyle's mother,julia,but unbeknown to him julia was not what she appeared, a nurse, she was also a con artist using an assumed name and identity. she got pg, and was arrested and kyle went into foster care. when he was used to kidnap a woman he was arrested,when horatio saw his mother's name he had him dna tested and it proved HE WAS THE THE FATHER. he got him protection in jail while waiting trial his mother returned to find him standg trial and after killing her new wealthy husband she got her son off by killing the woman he kidnapped and gaining custody of kyle. they havent' found the body yet. i hoped that helped.

  • Kyle's mother is an ex of Horatio's (back when he was doing undercover work), played by Elizabeth Berkley. I don't know where you're at in the season, but in the episode this Monday (3/31), they'll be back. Well, at least Berkley's character. I don't remember her name off the bat, sorry.

    Kyle had been arrested and was on trial when his mother comes into the picture. I believe he was found not guilty, and he chose to go with his mother. And she'll be back in this upcoming episode.

  • 5 years ago

    Kyle is Horatio's son with Julia. They met while Horatio was working undercover wih the drug task force. Julia was probably only about 20 when she had Kyle. I find them both a bit irritating.

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