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Immunizations. Future fallout?

With news reporting more and more about parents refusing to get immunizations for their children, would it seem reasonable that in time we may face the same recurrence of past illnesses and diseases that we worked so hard to erradicate? With so many people coming to the U.S. from other countries that my not require these immunizations is it not feasible. And, yes, I know that when coming to the U.S. immunizations are required before entry. Required but maybe not followed up on in all instances of entry to U.S.

Furthermore, as with all medications of any type there is the possiblity of an adverse reaction. Which is worse, adverse reaction or contracting the disease the immunizations were meant to prevent? Both could mean irrepairable damage, severe illness or even death. For me it's a moot point because my children are grown and they continue to have their children vaccinated. I applaud them for this.

So, what does everyone that reads this think about it?


Gina, My intent was not to get anyone "going" with this topic. Just my curiosity and set way of thinking. I guess I'm a bit old school and believed and trusted my doctors. Recent developments have prompted me to rethink this at several levels. And, my grands are doing just fine.

What got me to thinking on this was the news story of the child that behind on her vaccinations and had to have several at once to catch her up. I had to wonder if the shots were an overload to her system that caused the damage and knew that somewhere in here someone would know more than me about this and willing to tell it. Thanks to all that have answered either way.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Personally, when I was a child, I was vaccinated on schedule because my parents believed in them; however, it did not stop me from getting mumps 3 times, measles twice, and chickenpox 3 times. Hmmm?

    Perhaps I should not offer my opinion on this, but I am! As a physician, it was my job to inform patients of the risk with immunizations and “supposed” childhood diseases. People believe that getting their children vaccinated will stop them from getting these diseases, but it doesn’t. These agents are simply offered to help build up the child’s immune defense against these viruses, but on average 75% of immunized kids still get all of these “childhood diseases” that they had been vaccinated for. If you think that a child who is not vaccinated is placing your child at risk, you are truly misguided, it happens to be the other way around. Remember these shots that YOU are giving your children are given to help fight the disease, which means protection in some of YOUR minds. The only difference is that your child may not be stricken with the virus as long as their child.

    Parents need to realize that there is no proof that autism is or is not created through immunizations. However, there is speculation that many of these kids carry a specific gene that may be turned on by an adverse agent after the injection of a shot. It’s like an unfortunate lottery that can’t be genetically tested for. There are many studies that are being done, but I can assure you that the government will never allow any invasive studies to be seen.

    As a wife, mom, and a doctor, I knew what I had been told and taught about immunizations; but as a wife, my husband and I spoke about this particular issue and we made our decision as concerned and well informed parents first. Each household/parent has to make the correct decision for their home.

    I can tell you that you will be shocked how many doctors do/don’t vaccinate their kids!

    Source(s): Pediatrician who opted to be a stay at home mom.
  • 1 decade ago

    Hi Mojo, you're trying to get us all going, right? Well, we also chose not to vaccinate, but unfortunately, only after our oldest daughter was immunologically damaged after multiple pediatric vaccinations were administered. This pushed our family into extensive research on the issue. We found that our children were much more likely to suffer damage from immunization than from any of the diseases they are supposed to prevent. The pediatrician (previous post) pointed out some very interesting things that I was unaware of, but our conclusions came as follows...

    An in depth study of the history of disease revealed that our "vaccine-preventable" illnesses were already much declined before vaccines became available (on average 90%, some as much as 95%). This decline was mostly attributed to better living conditions, better sanitation, and education. The pharmeceutical industry helps us to believe that vaccination practices single-handedly erradicated disease, but these large coorporations are for-profit and are publicly traded. The recent Vioxx dabacle helps to reveal the true priorities, in my opinion.

    Today, in America, nearly 20% of our school-aged children suffer with some type of learning, behavioral, or developmental disability. Asthma, eczema, allergies, ADHD, ADD, etc. are all much increased in vaccinated children, but only independent studies will show this. Studies brought by Pharma/CDC/FDA always support the product line. Poor diet, environmental toxins, contaminated or impure water may all be factors for these children, but vaccinations cannot be overlooked here. These antigens, stabilizers, preservatives, and toxins are increasingly administered to American children during their most formative years. Statistically, one would expect to see consequences appear. CDC lists these startling ingredients at their website.

    Researching outbreaks, we found that unvaccinated and vaccinated contract diseases. Sometimes outbreaks consist of only vaccinated individuals. This partial protection is addressed by giving multiple doses of the same antigen. I didn't even mention Autism, but while we are on the subject, we found that symptoms of Autism and mercury toxicity are 95% similar. Flu shots still contain this dangerous neurotoxin as a preservative, Thimerosal, recommended for all children over 6 months and pregnant women every year.

    Some form emotionally-based opinions on this issue that are unwaivering regardless of evidence presented and I'd like to point out that fear is often the motivation. Information replaces fear and uncertainty. Parents like us want safer vaccines, a safer vaccination schedule, tailored to the needs of each child. I intended to provide insight into the "other side" of the controversy. I hope your grandchildren remain well. God bless.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i do no longer think there's a hyperlink so confident i could proceed to vaccinate my infants. on account that 2001 while mercury (that's what many believed became the reason) became removed from vaccinations, info practice new circumstances of autism keeps to upward thrust. If there became a probability, autism expenditures could have dropped between 2004 and 2007. Autism actual greater. working example, 0.3 in step with one million,000 infants born in 1993 had autism at age 3 in comparison with one million.3 in step with one million,000 infants born in 2003. comparable tendencies have been cutting-edge in different age communities. to no longer point out the actual incontrovertible fact that infants who've under no circumstances been vaccinated have stepped forward autism. If the vaccine led to it then why could people who've under no circumstances been vaccinated have it? If no longer for vaccines, a great number of folk could nonetheless be dying from illnesses that are only approximately unparalleled immediately which contain Polio.

  • 1 decade ago

    I couldn't agree with you more.

    People are so caught up in the myth that immunization cause Autism, but this simply has not been proven. I would rather risk a small reaction the shot then to get some dreaded disease that could kill my child.

    People that don't get their children vaccinated are just flirting with disaster and being foolish. I think it should be mandatory and no one should be without. It is for the safety of everyone.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We don't vaccinate. In the 50's there was the polio vaccine. Polio is now nearly irradicated.

    If Polio came back, we would immediately vaccinate for it as needed. That's one thing people don't understand is that you can vaccinate on the spot to either cure it or prevent it if it becomes rampid.

    Today however, there are nearly 35 vaccinations for newborns. Many of them are from the medical industrial complex and companies who want to make a buck.

    I mean come on a Chicken pox vaccine.... Please. I'm not exposing my kids to the risk of Autism for Chicken Pox.

    It's a tough decision. Ours is to vaccinate if the diseases make a relapse.

    Source(s): Also for those saying you are putting your children at risk, read these pages. Vaccines are life threatening and dangerous too.
  • 1 decade ago

    It makes me very angry personally. When people blatantly refused to immunise their children against deadly diseases they are putting them at serious risk. If they get one of these illnesses they are very likely to die - these immunisations were developed because there were very little treatments that worked after you developed the disease.

    Some people may think this is just a 'money making scheme' by the major pharmasuetical companies, and its true that they do make massive profits from the medications (especially if they aren't on any benefits scheme or subsidised by the government to make them more affordable for everyone). But they were developed for a reason, and that reason was to make life better for future generations - so they don't have to suffer and die unnecessarily.

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