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Mother of 3 boys. Gram of 9. Self employed home medical transcriptionist. Love animals, gardening and old fashioned cooking.

  • Why won't Yahoo mail let me sign out?

    When trying to sign out it "times out" or "Can't connect to the Internet". I don't like just closing the browser then going back to find I'm still signed in. What is wrong with Yahoo Mail? Anyone else having this problem. Can we not still contact Yahoo with these type of questions?

    5 AnswersNotices and Errors10 years ago
  • York central AC not working right.?

    Unit was installed last July. Repairmen don't seem to have a clue. First it lost it's charge but only took 3 # to fill. Next day same thing. Unit running but not cooling and coils under furnace frosted over. Original check said it lost the charge, hour later charge was fine without adding to it. Then compressor won't come on. Could this be caused by a faulty thermostat? I live in a mobile home and this is a 3 ton unit. Worked fine until 2 days ago. Any help appreciated.

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Why can't you take a picture of someone at Walmart?

    My niece came to visit on her Birthday. Pleasant surprise. The day was pretty much planned but Walmart was on that list. She was joking telling us that she drove 6 hours just to go to Walmart for her birthday. Her mom snapped a pic of her at the front standing next to the I.D. maker for her to have a "keepsake" of her birthday outing. No sooner had she done that than a clerk came tearing out from behind customer service counter and informed them in no uncertain terms that was NOT allowed. She proceeded to stand there and watched my sister delete that picture from her camera. I've never really thought about it and this was a spur of the moment thing but I've never seen anything that says you can't take a picture of a family member in any Walmart store. Has anyone here heard of anything happening like this?

    5 AnswersOther - US Local Businesses1 decade ago
  • Registering child killers?

    After reading about the 6-month-old little boy in Dallas that was abused so horribly by his own parents that he is on life support something needs to be done further to try to prevent this! I realize what I would propose would be after the fact in this little guy's case but it's better than nothing! For those of you that didn't read it, this baby has 42 broken or fractured bones that some were beginning to heal that indicated the abuse had been going on for at least a month. His hands and feet had been pulled, twisted and crushed. He has a severe head injury and is on life support. My proposal is that anyone doing this to ANY child should at the very least have to register wherever they live like the sex offenders do. Of course, if I had my way the parents involved would be sterilized so they couldn't have any more children to abuse too. Do you agree?

    I also know this is going to sound callous but should he survive his injuries the system will only return him to the parents that put him in that condition. And, should he survive he will be severely mentally and possibly physically impaired making it more difficult or even impossible for him to defend himself in time to come.

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • What do atheists want to do?

    What exactly is it in life that atheists feel they couldn't do if they were Christians?

    25 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Income inequality.......?

    Wouldn't you love to see everyone in the White House, Congress and the Senate have to live for 30 days on minimum wage? THEN maybe talk to the "rest of us" about rising cost of living and taxes? I think the majority of them are so busy moving money around like it's Monopoly money they don't really have a clue other than what's on paper in front of them. They need to experience first hand what's really going on in the "real world".

    1 AnswerEconomics1 decade ago
  • From analog to pay for cable?

    When they quit broadcasting analog TV and switch to digital, does that mean everyone that has to have a converter box will then have to pay for cable to watch TV? Seems like a forced enterprise if so.

    2 AnswersOther - News & Events1 decade ago
  • Kids first car..........?

    Are you planning or did you buy your kid's first car instead of making them work and pay for it themselves? Or, did you buy it and they have to pay you back?

    2 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • Immunizations. Future fallout?

    With news reporting more and more about parents refusing to get immunizations for their children, would it seem reasonable that in time we may face the same recurrence of past illnesses and diseases that we worked so hard to erradicate? With so many people coming to the U.S. from other countries that my not require these immunizations is it not feasible. And, yes, I know that when coming to the U.S. immunizations are required before entry. Required but maybe not followed up on in all instances of entry to U.S.

    Furthermore, as with all medications of any type there is the possiblity of an adverse reaction. Which is worse, adverse reaction or contracting the disease the immunizations were meant to prevent? Both could mean irrepairable damage, severe illness or even death. For me it's a moot point because my children are grown and they continue to have their children vaccinated. I applaud them for this.

    So, what does everyone that reads this think about it?

    6 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • What were you saying about waterboarding?

    BAGHDAD _U.S. authorities in Baghdad have received five severed fingers belonging to four Americans and an Austrian who were taken hostage more than a year ago in Iraq , U.S. officials said Wednesday.

    9 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Bond for the innocent?

    Why would someone that is sent to prison but later found innocent have to post a PR bond when released?

    1 AnswerOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Will the Microsoft/Yahoo! deal end up making Yahoo! a pay-to-use site?

    Yahoo! was the first email site many years ago and is still my primary. I've read now that Microsoft may have to have a loan to seal the deal with Yahoo! purchase. Do you think that Yahoo! may turn in to a pay-to-use site like AOL when the deal is done?

    3 AnswersOther - Yahoo Mail1 decade ago
  • How many new inventions can you name?

    How many new inventions can you name that have been introduced since you were born?

    1 AnswerHistory1 decade ago
  • Single mom or dad double standards?

    My question is this........why is it that when a single mother goes out on dates looking for a "significant" other that could be a father figure she's out "whoring around"? But, when a single father goes out looking for a prospective mother for his children he's "looking for a mom for his kids"? What's wrong with this picture?

    This is my opinion only but I HAVE heard people talking about single parents like this. I'm talking about normal dating. Not ones that bring home a new person every weekend.

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Birth control responsibility?

    I've always believed that women who have sex (whether married or not) have the responsibility to use birth control if she's doesn't want the possibility of getting pregnant. Now mind you, that doesn't negate the man's part in birth control. But, the end result is if a pregnancy does occur the woman is left with the decision whether to have the baby, abort it or give it up for adoption. She's the one that has to carry it for 9 months while the father is out there poking around elsewhere. So why is it that it seems that the woman is "blamed" in an unplanned pregnancy?

    4 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Can TV recover from water inside?

    I have developed a leak over an old TV on my inside front porch. I moved it out of harm's way and dried the outside. Also involved was the VCR but there are no vents on the top of it. I've set the TV in front of the heater out there hoping it will dry. Has anyone ever had a situation like this and did it still work after drying it out? I really don't think there's a lot of water in there but sometime it doesn't take much.

    3 AnswersTVs1 decade ago
  • "They" say money can't buy happiness but..........?

    just once wouldn't you like to test that notion?

    12 AnswersQuotations1 decade ago
  • Does wanting keep you going?

    If you had everything you wanted what would keep you going? What would there be to look forward to? (And don't say the fun of gloating over the have nots.) lol

    15 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Family versus friends......?

    Do you think the saying that your family can hurt you more than friends or strangers is true?

    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • Categories?

    Why isn't there a category for "opinion" or "other" if the question just doesn't fit anywhere?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago