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Spiritually speaking, should I drink the bottle of Veuve champagne that I just bought now?

or should I save it on the off chance that I'll eventually hook up with the guy I like who works on the second floor?


I like your plan Old Scratch, but Sirius, you are adorable.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If we take the question in the spiritual sense provided by the conditions of the questioner then it can be answered in the following manner.During an independent study of the spiritual literature literature,we come across many contradictory statements,confusing expressions, and multiple paths for self realization.Such an inquiry implies a duality between "Individual Self" and " My Lord Universal Self". In spiritual insight,one pulls down the barrier of duality.For such spiritual insight one can get through the grace of a spiritual teacher. The role of teacher as guy as questioner likes who works on second floor is to show the way,but the function of the aspirant(questioner) is to complete the journey through her own efforts. Here,the champage is just like spiritual insight and teacher as guy who works not very far way that is second floor,to get the happiness of spiritual insight,the question is to complete the journey through her own efforts to enjoy the champagne with her teacher:guy. Thanks to the questioner for her important and interesting question.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why wait for an "off chance"...create the opportunity and celebrate together with intention. Hmmmmm...i wonder if this is really what the Law of Attraction is about, inasmuch as you are "attracted" to the second story man. You might invite him to celebrate a made-up "Holy/Wholly Day" with you, explaining that a certain "magic" is created when two (not more) are gathered in honor of the healing of Sham Pain. Let the bottle be uncorked, let the rafters ring with merriment. Let spirits (spiritually speaking) be lifted...All hail Sham Pain!

    i am more than Sirius

  • Kicks
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Spiritually speaking?? Well, it's not a sin to drink, only a sin to get drunk. But if your plan is to share the bottle with the guy that works on the second floor, just to hook up with him, there's nothing spiritual about that! :-) But I guess that depends on how you define "hook up".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Use the champagne to get the guy drunk, then hook up. If that fails, hit him with the empty bottle, then hook up.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    O one should always refrain from drinking the entire bottle until Freya's day- so you can sleep in the entire Saturn's day!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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