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Jesus said, If you love Me keep my commandments. Was He the great I AM that spoke the law from Sinai?

I know that a lot of things God commanded in the Old Testament foreshadowed the reality of what began at the cross. (i. e. circumcision of the flesh foreshadowed circ. of the heart, the sacrificial animal foreshadowed the the sacrifice of Jesus, Israel according to the flesh foreshadowed the true Israel of faith - God's church, the earthly Jerusalem foreshadowed the heavenly New Jerusalem, and the yearly feast days foreshadowed the actual events that began with Christ our passover lamb, etc etc.) They weren't actually done away with. They were replaced by the real thing.

In the Old Testament, God wrote the Ten Comandments on stone. Does this foreshadow that He will write the Ten Commandments on our hearts?


Hey Paperback,

The 70 X 7 prophecy of Daniel predicts the very year of AD 27 as the coming of the Messiah. I'm sorry your ancestors rejected the One Who came, shed His sinless blood, and rose ascending back to the throne of God. But it's not too late for you to accept the King of Love into your heart and be saved. Jesus came as the Messiah for both Jews and gentiles. Taste and see that the Lord is good. If you say yes, He will do the rest.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    When Moses asked "whom shall i say sent me, the God of the old testament said,"say I AM as sent you.

    When JESUS was speaking to the Jews,he identified himself as the great I AM.

    Also im looking forward to the time when the laws of our Heavenly father, will be written in our hearts, and not having the need for the good book, any more.

    Source(s): Kings James Bible; Exodus 3; v 13-14. st John 8; v 57-58 heart
  • Hogie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No. The ten commandments are the core of the old covenant made between God and Israel. No Christian was a party to that covenant.

    Also, Jeremiah chapter 31 declares the new was not to be like the old covenant made with Israel. The "law" written on the heart is the Holy Spirit. The heart of flesh that replaces the heart of stone is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit guides the Christian, and not a written code. It is a "law" of faith, expressed through love.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sorry, but you are talking utter rubbish.

    Jesus is NOT the 'passover lamb'. I'm Jewish and for some 3500 years, Jews have commemorated Passover and it has NEVER had ANYTHING to do with Jesus. It celebrates the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. YOU don't get to REdefine and TWIST the Jewish Passover.

    And NOTHING in the Hebrew scriptures 'foreshadows' Jesus. You have to say that to give legitimacy to your religion - but your desperate attempts to back engineer Jesus into the JEWISH bible are, frankly, pitiful.

    How would you feel if I insisted that the NT 'foreshadows' Mohammed?

    The Hebrew Scriptures stand alone. They do not need the NT for anything, They CONTRADICT the NT and vice versa.

    Why don't you start being content with your OWN bible and leave ours alone?


    We didn't 'reject' Jesus any more than YOU 'reject' Buddha.

    And unlike you, happily I don't need to worship a dead man. I worship G-d and I pray and speak directly to G-d. If you prefer to have to go via a dead Jewish preacher that's your choice.

    I'm sorry that YOU don't understand the Tanakh properly. Maybe if you get hold of an accurate translation of the original Hebrew, you would have a better grasp of the material.

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh come on! - you can't back-write Jesus into a text that predates his arrival by over a thousand years. How Christ gets to be the passover lamb is really beyond me, not least because it's such a total, utter, distortion of the original meaning.

    I'm entirely happy for you to believe what you believe, but trying to twist much earlier writings to make them fit seems a bit like desperation to me. It's particularly galling when there are such rich and complex interpretations of those writings already, which you seem to be ignorant about.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes Jesu is God in the flesh having stripped himself of his glory to come and be a savior to mankind so if you accept him love his love you are saved and and Gods commandments you read shall be written on your heart to know.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I shake your hand, my friend.

    You've just reached the T junction of paths. Find the truth on your heart, and you will no longer need to read.

    It is more than commandments, my friend. It cannot be spoken or written, it can only be known. You need love to know it (hence Jesus' words 'I am the way, the truth, the light' - Jesus was love).


  • 1 decade ago

    It would seem that way. Yes, I think He was the great I AM that you ask about. I also think that if you are a Christian that you, in a sense, already have the Ten Commandments written on your heart. Don't you think ?

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes He was. He even admitted to it several times in Scripture.

    The 10 Commandments were a schoolmaster, teaching us that we cannot be perfect. But christians who live in the power of the Holy Spirit can live above those rules.

  • M
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes, from Christianiity perspective. This is perfectly "logical" because G-d was at Sinai, therefore Jesus (same substance as G-d) must have been there.

    No, from Judaism's perspecitve. G-d is not divisible, has no corporeal form and therefore no "Jesus" was at Sinai.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus said "Before Abraham was I Am". This was telling the people that He was indeed the great I Am! Isn't it so exciting? I just find this to be so fascinating and I never weary about learning more.

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