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Do you support our 2nd Amendment Rights?...?

"The Right to keep and arm bears, shall not be infringed..."

I mean bears are pretty well-armed already, what with their sharp claws and fangs and all. Grizzlies are naturally better armed than black bears. But neither are a match for a well-placed 200-grain hollowpoint fired from a .300 Winchester Magnum. Don't you think we need to correct this injustice? Shouldn't every responsible citizen own a bear and keep it well armed with the weapon of its choice?

Serious responses only please...


Barry C--The "militia" IS the people. You have to consider the Founding Fathers' intent.

Update 2:

So should we arm bears or not, people?!

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That's funny you say "serious responses only" and yet I am not believing this is a serious question.

    Second Amendment of the United States Constitution –

    A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

    Just read it, you don't have to interpret it.

    Source(s): Gun Owner, NRA member
  • Tim
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The second amendment states:

    “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

    The current controversy is the question of whether the framers of the Constitution where talking about a collective right of the States to have a militia or an individual right of a citizen to own a weapon. I am of the opinion, and I think the US Supreme Court will come out in favor of this, that it is an individual right. The states may regulate it, but it is a citizen’s right to own a firearm.

    The impact of that is most cities with anti-handgun laws will probably have them struck down and citizens will be allowed to defend themselves.

    Now, why did the Framers give us this right? I think it is for 3 reasons. First, To defend ourselves. When it comes right down to it, the police are incapable of defending you as an individual. If you are calling 911 while someone is breaking into your house, the police will likely not get there in time to stop them. The police are pretty good at catching bad guys after the crime is committed, but not at stopping it in progress.

    The second is to defend our country. This is not of as great an importance as it once was, since we do not have hostile nations on our borders. But, citizens were expected to band together in order to defend their country if called upon. The militas consisted of every able bodied man who could carry a gun, and would defend the country if called upon.

    And finally, we have the right in order to defend ourselves FROM our country. An armed citizenry is the ultimate check on the power of the government. Remember, the Framers had just finished fighting a bitter war for independence. Without arms, they would have been subject to oppression indefinitely. They wanted to make sure that the people were able to rise up against tyranny as they had done.

  • J G
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I love how these two lines follow each other:

    1. Shouldn't every responsible citizen own a bear and keep it well armed with the weapon of its choice?

    2. Serious responses only please...

    But, seriously, yes, there should be limits on the types of weapons that people should have and the circumstances where they should be able to use them. Each gun owner should be made full aware of those rights.

    I'm outraged by the sentencing in the NJ John White case. A man was convicted of manslaughter with an illegal gun and got only 2-4 years!

  • 1 decade ago

    I support the 2nd amendment but I am well into my 40s and I have never met a person, with guns or without, who said they were part of a militia, even one that is not well regulated, as required under the 2nd amendment.

    I am not saying there are no such militias, only that they are not numerous enough to justify the number of guns in the country.

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  • 1 decade ago

    people forget why the 2ND amendment was put into place. when the time comes for the people to stand up against an oppressive government, that they will have the power to do it with. that means any and all forms of weapons, up to and including full auto, 50 cal., what ever the government has, then we should be allowed to own them as well. if you are not a convicted felon or crazy, then you should own whatever you want. we owe it to our fore fathers to own weapons and be proficient with them. remember people with guns are citizens, but without they are servants..... gun control works, just ask the Nazis, Chinese, and the soviets.... law abiding citizens don't commits gun crimes, criminals do and they don't obey gun laws anyway.....keep America the NRA and vote McCain 08

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know...

    Koalas seem pretty defenseless..

    And what about teddy bears ?


    Tell Barry that the 2nd was written after we had kicked England out...each city/state had a town militia.

  • Love!
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think any person should be allowed to purchase and own a firearm..

    so long as they take a training course

    are not insane or on drugs or an alcoholic or something to that effect

    or have been convicted of violent crimes/felonies.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    BEAR arms??? Oh man, I thought it said BARE arms, I'm all for bare arms,

  • Lurch
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I trust my firearm skills more than I would a bear's.

  • 1 decade ago

    Me thinks I smell a troll! And not a very smart one, at that!

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